Tariffs on Canada and Mexico coming up


Promises made, promises kept: President Donald Trump announced Thursday the United States will a 25% tariff on goods imported from Mexico and Canada starting as early as Saturday, and tariffs on certain goods from China.

He said he would decide Thursday evening whether tariffs on Mexico and Canada would extend to oil imports.

Tariffs on goods from the two countries is something he promised to do in November, saying the tariffs would be in place immediately at the start of his administration until the tide of illegal immigration is stopped.

More than 15 million illegal aliens – most of them military-age males – have come through the open border since Joe Biden became president and relaxed border policies in 2021. The number of illegal immigrant men of fighting age now inside U.S. borders outnumbers the enlisted men in the U.S. military.

The fentanyl crisis, according to one congressional study, cost the United States a record of nearly $1.5 trillion in 2020, up 37% from 2017. It has only gotten worse under the Biden open-border policy. Much of the fentanyl is coming through Mexico from China.

“Mexico and Canada have never been good to us on trade. They’ve treated us very unfairly on trade, and we will be able to make that up very quickly because we don’t need the products that they have,” he said.

However, the U.S. imports over 5 million barrels a day of oil from Mexico and Canada combined (4.6 million Canada, 563,000 Mexico). U.S. domestic oil production is about 13.5 million barrels per day.

The U.S. also imports agricultural products, such as wheat and other grains. Some 2.4 million metric tons of wheat were imported from Canada during the decade from 2014 to 2023, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Additionally, Trump stated that China would face tariffs on chemicals used to produce fentanyl. He said the tariffs would be in addition to existing import taxes on Chinese goods, including an already announced 10% tariff.

The federal government spent over $66 billion on illegal immigrants in 2023 alone, not including what states, counties, and cities spent that year, or the pass-through funds given to nonprofit organizations like Catholic Charities that are working with illegal immigrants.

Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, spoke before a congressional committee one year ago and said:

“The current surge of illegal immigration is unprecedented. Some 2.7 million inadmissible aliens have been released into the country by the administration since January 2021. There have also been 1.5 million ‘got-aways’ — individuals observed entering illegally but not stopped. Visa overstays also seem to have hit a record in FY 2022.

“We preliminarily estimate that the illegal immigrant population grew to 12.8 million by October of 2023, up 2.6 million since January 2021, when the president [Biden]took office. This is the net increase in the illegal population based on monthly Census Bureau data, not the number of new arrivals.”


    • I’ve already stocked 50 gallons of maple syrup and several cases of puffed-wheat treats (Carré de blé soufflé), so I’m good: bring on the tariffs.

    • Well yes, you are actually correct. AMERICA Is a vast smorgasbord of natural resources and no we honestly don’t need the rest of the world, their poor or their problems. Looks like you figured it out once and for all.

  1. Also, Canada oil sucks. Not sweet light oil like Texas and Oklahoma. Why are we importing Canadian wheat. Answer….because we are good neighbors. Now, Trump tells Canada to suck it!

    • Is it neighborly to pass trespassers through into your yard? Any idea how many boarder state hospitals have closed do to emergency room visits from illegal aliens? There (Mexico and Canada) behavior isn’t benign. It’s malicious and costly both monetarily and socially.

  2. The oil numbers in your article cannot be correct: ????”However, the U.S. imports over 567 million barrels a day of oil from Mexico and Canada combined. U.S. domestic oil production is about 13.5 million barrels per day.” ????

  3. That’s too bad, because I’m in need of illegal female alien of military age.

    Seriously, doesn’t anyone see the potential of these young people? Somebody else had to pay for the diapers and were getting the finished product.

    And as many state, college is overrated.

  4. Wait….2.6 million immigrants since Biden was inaugurated!? Most media has portrayed this number at 12+ million (including MRAK) during Biden’s term.

  5. He’s going to huff and puff and screw Americans! Prices going on up to the sky! It’s all Biden’s fault according to Felon47. Have the price of eggs dropped yet? Gas? It’s everybody else fault! Felon47 ran his businesses as cash flow business, when things went bad he has his businesses declare bankruptcy take the money and stick the debt with his investors. I think he believes he can run the government the same way.

    • Trump has been in office for just a few weeks. Do you think he can clean up 4 years of Biden vandalism in such a short time. Biden was very incompetent, but he was good at screwing things up. Obama warned fellow Democrats of this.

  6. Canada and Mexico will come to the bargaining table very soon. Why did little Justin Trudeau Castro fly to Mar a Lago so quickly? Uninvited even. Now he’s stepping down. Hmm, the plot thickens.

    • From today’s WSJ—that’s wall street journal for those that don’t know. “Retaliation worked in 2018, when Mexico responded to U.S. tariffs on steel with tariffs of its own that included steel, pork, cheese, apples and bourbon. The U.S. eventually backed down.”


      afraid to publish the truth mrak? come on, show some cojones. this little post will just inspire more comments among the group. they are fun to read you know. probably the best part of mrak site.

  7. So….the USMCA isn’t even up for review till next year. Not a good look for Trump’s admin. if they fail to honor the deal he himself signed in 2020. Just saying.

  8. When I owned a manufacturing business, every cost the we had was built into the product. Everything. If a tariff was imposed then that would be passed along to the consumer. A 25% tariff is often more then the gross profit- so it must be passed along to the consumer. This is why tariffs are inflationary, and a big tax on the American people. We suffered a 20% devaluation of the American dollar under Biden. That means if you had $50,000 in the bank when Biden was elected, your money is now only worth $40,000.00. The last thing we need right now is more inflation.

    Trump has a point to make about the illegal aliens, and the complicity Mexico has in all this migration, but he could badly damage our economy if these tariffs are not just a temporary tactic to leverage Mexico into compliance with our immigration objectives.

    Trump spent most of his life as a Democrat, so I can’t trust that he’s competent.

  9. Now, the dummy trump says don’t worry about canada, shutting off your electricity to people in the northeast united states.Jesus didn’t have electricity either and he did just fine.You can’t make this stuff up.I’m serious.

  10. All one need do in order to avoid paying tariffs is not purchase products from the country the tariff is levied upon. Seems like supporting American businesses and your neighbors isn’t a bad thing to me.

  11. Even Larry Kudlow/Fox says prices are going up. So he’ll be on Trump’s s*it list.

    What about the cost of living improvements Trump promised us all? Guess we won’t be seeing them anytime soon. But of course his supporters won’t complain, even though they’re secretly dissatisfied. They’ll pay any price for the White Christian Nationalism they want, and that he offers.

  12. It is a known economic phenomenon that tariffs, in fact, make the dollar stronger. Trump is just grabbing some low hanging fruit, if he even goes through with his threats. Remember, he bragged about ending the Ukraine war on day one. Unfortunately, Putin has no intention of folding a winning hand and has given Trump the middle finger.

  13. Since moving down to Florida, I don’t do you match shapen at Walmart? I prefer not to mingle with the minion’s like I used to. I do most of my shopping at Aldi’s and online at Amazon, but it’s going to really suck when Trump hits my Harbor freight store with tariffs.
    We won’t even be able to buy an american flag without a twenty five percent tax on it because they’re not made here. There’s a well-known ruskie on here who I won’t name…cough cb cough..
    And he seems to think that low wages and higher prices is good for America. I suppose he would think that. The Times are about to get a lot darker. Around here, folks, especially for alaskans who import most everything.I hope you have the stomach for it.

  14. Don’t whine when the price of everything goes up. IF these tariffs actually come into play, you are stupid if you think that those items that are not hit by a tariff are going to stay the same or even be less. Business people are in the game for profit. So, the example of coffee from Colombia is used to illustrate what will be more expensive. Again, you are stupid to think that the coffee producers in Hawaii are going to keep their prices static or even mark down the price of their coffee. That USA made coffee will become more expensive. Those Hawaiian producers will raise those prices because they can. In Alaska, you can bet prices just about every thing will increase, substantially.

    • Sal; guess what? When the cost of imported goods on the shelves are higher than domestic goods, People generally buy the cheaper option. That’s capitalism.

      It also has the side effect of Americans buying more American produced goods.

      Take all the time in the world for your tiny brain to process that information.

  15. If the tariffs to come into play, almost everything purchased will be more expensive. Including those items “made in the usa”. You are stupid to think prices won’t increase. Colombian coffee is an example of one of those items that will be affected by tariffs. However, Hawaii produces coffee. Hawaiian coffee producers will raise the price of their coffee because they can and because they are in business to make a profit. You are stupid to think Hawaiian producers wouldn’t raise their prices. Just as other manufacturers of “made in the usa” products will do.

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