Tangeman is new Revenue Commish; Anderson at Commerce

Bruce Tangeman

Bruce Tangeman is the incoming commissioner for the Alaska Department of Revenue. His appointment was announced by press release at noon.

Tangeman most recently was policy director for the Alaska Senate Majority, but before that he was the vice president and chief financial officer at the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation, leaving that post midway through the Walker Administration. During the Parnell Administration he was deputy commissioner of Revenue for four years under Commissioner Angela Rodell.

Julie Anderson

Julie Anderson, who was recently chair of the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, is the new commissioner of the Department of Commerce. She is the owner of Denali Management Solutions.

Prior to that, she was a stakeholder manager at Alaska Energy Authority, and worked for many years at Alyeska Pipeline, including as a technical business strategy manager. 

” Bruce and Julie are well known in Alaska for years of service in both the public and private sectors,” said Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy. “Their talents and experience will provide crucial expertise to my administration as we move Alaska forward.”