Supreme Court rejects oil companies’ attempt to move climate change lawsuits out of local courts


Municipal lawsuits against oil companies filed in state courts will now remain in those courts, as the US Supreme Court rejected attempts by Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP, and other companies to move the lawsuits to federal courts.

This decision means that cities seeking to hold energy companies accountable for the harms caused by burning hydrocarbons will continue their legal battles in state courts, which are generally seen as more aligned with such claims.

There are numerous climate change lawsuits pending in state courts across the country, and the Biden Administration supports keeping them at the state level, as state courts are typically considered more liberal than federal courts on climate-related issues, and President Biden wants to see more pain inflicted on oil companies, but not pain associated with the White House.

For several years, oil companies have been facing over two dozen climate change lawsuits at various levels of the US court system, seeking damages related to climate change impacts. Many of these lawsuits allege that the oil companies were aware of the dangers of fossil fuels and engaged in fraud and created a public nuisance. Resolving these claims in federal courts has been challenging, according to observers.

In the recent Supreme Court decision, Justice Brett Kavanaugh was the only justice who favored moving a lawsuit filed in Boulder, Colo., to a federal court. Other cases are pending in states such as Maryland, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and California.

The court’s ruling did not indicate how the Supremes would decide the merits of the cases.


  1. Perhaps those companies should stop selling their products within a 50 mile radius of those cities. Reassess post law suits.

  2. So the lawyer will make even more money as the cases work their way up to the inevitable US Supreme Court level. perhaps Bden is stalling hoping SCOTUS will change makeup.

  3. The Biden Administration is intent on ruining our once great country. How far will this climate utter nonsense go?

  4. Just boycott these cities. If they hate oil, let them live 50,000 people per square mile on wind and solar.
    No plastics either.

  5. We have seen oil used as a weapon several times in our history. I wonder if the oil companies would weaponize the oil against the 5 blue States with lawsuits filed against them if they lose? As corporations really never pay taxes because they just add that expense onto the product, so it may go that the oil companies will just Jack up the price of petroleum products to those various States to cover the cost of any damages from a lawsuit.

  6. Maybe the oil companies can prove in court that CO2 does NOT cause climate change. It’s only 0.04% of our atmosphere, and if cut in half (0.02%) plants die. Many greenhouses add CO2 to boost plant growth. Plants produce oxygen for us to breath, which has been decreasing.

    Climate ‘science’ may be as reliable as Fauci’s Covid ‘science.’

    They lie to push their NWO agenda.

    America must be brought to its knees to bring about the one-world government in which no one can buy or sell unless they take the mark — worldwide communism — no rights!

    We’re fighting evil here.

  7. Lawfare, the demise of Civilization.

    But hey, ever since Ralph Nadir it’s cool to be an environmental activist Lawyer, right? And since Universities begin building Law Schools and pumping out Lawyers these last 50 years or so don’t we have a glut of aspiring young Lawyers? ( all who have a horrendous student loan debt)…
    Full employment for the worthless attorney class made possible.

    Tell me how this suing of the Oil Companies is any different than Lenin killing off the Kulacks, that worked so well, what 60 million starved to death?
    Theoretical men with zero real life experience and even less curiosity as to how the world really works will end in disaster.
    Meanwhile your enemy the Chi- Com is gobbling up oil reserves, everywhere…

      • coffee black, I like a world that hasn’t totally succumbed to mass psychosis. Aside from that I like equality under the law, but little chance of that in a world gone stark raving mad.

        BTW, are you an attorney?

  8. Impacts from client vary from State to State, SCOTUS has correctly ruled that these disputes should stay local because impacts vary based on locality.

  9. The oil company’s need to quit selling their products there and let the lawsuits go on. When the jury says they need to pay just raise gas prices say up to 10 dollars a gallon then the American citizen will wake up and wonder what happened.

  10. Looks like he oil companies are trying to avoid losing, avoid RESPONSIBILITY. I’ve worked for oil companies, many of you have worked for oil companies, and we all know these corporations are rotten to the core. Hero worshiping oil companies… what a strange concept.

  11. Impacts from client vary from state to state. Outside state money being poured in from environmental groups from around the globe used to influence court rulings should be omitted and cancelled as well because these disputes should stay local as the impacts vary based on locality. Californians should have NO say in Alaska!

  12. Oh wait I just remembered The grifting Peltola and Princess Lisa wouldnt have any campaign funds. What a bummer!

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