Support the work of Must Read Alaska


Six years ago, an Alaska domestic violence nonprofit posted an item on social that categorized the slogan “Make America Great Again” as a hate message, such as you might hear from the KKK or other white supremacy groups.

Must Read Alaska called out that characterization on these pages. It’s what we do here. Every day we defend sensible policy and conservative viewpoints from the attacks by the Left. It’s a lot of work, and the hits from the far left just keep coming.

Many Alaskans — at least 20,000 a day — come by here for news, commentary, and the vibrant forum in the comment section — the best in Alaska. It’s a respite from the woke liberal media that dominates the state, and it has grown more important than ever over the years because of your support and because of the current state of our nation.

Must Read Alaska has exceeded 30 million views as of last month, and I have approved over 220,000 comments on stories. The site has endured and fought off brute force attacks — hundreds of thousands of them — by bad actors from the Left.

Our fantastic mobile app is used by hundreds of Alaskans — you can download it for free from your phone’s App Store. Just search for Must Read Alaska.

Your help is greatly appreciated in keeping Must Read Alaska alive and well, even as the Left tries to take MRAK down in every way possible. Thank you for supporting this project, dedicated to keeping the media balanced in Alaska.

Here is the link to support Must Read Alaska, if you are so moved to help out.

Thanks to everyone who already has. I am sincerely grateful. – Suzanne Downing


  1. Suzanne, can I send a money order? I won’t use any pay apps after being robbed online and I have no checks. If I can send a MO to whom should I make it out?
    Thank you.

    • Thank you! The address is Must Read Alaska, 200 West 34th Avenue, #220, Anchorage, AK 99503.

    • Amen, Loren ! MRA is my only source of Alaska news. The ADN is good for nothing but rapping fish, Channel 2 is nothing but liberals and I won’t give a dollar to those public radio commies.

      Suzanne Downing has been a breath of fresh air in Alaska, we need 10 more Suzanne Downings !!!!!!!

  2. Suzanne, a mea culpa here, I have not paid a subscription in 8 months. I have been remiss, and hope you can forgive my sloth, this has now been corrected. Thanks again for all of the good work you and your team do.

  3. Susan
    My check is in the mail heading your way.
    And thank you for your investigation work and articles keeping us informed in the Mat-Su.

  4. Thank you for the reminder. Suzanne is the only big on-line publisher in Alaska who allows most First Amendment comment content. I’ve been censored and deserved it. Suzanne is our bright spotlight of truth for the 49th state ………and beyond.

  5. Suzanne, I love your work. I can’t contribute now, but check your site daily and keep my donation to you in mind. Thanks.

  6. Thanks for all the articles about energy, especially about Alaskan energy issues and policy. I really appreciate that about MRAK.

  7. I don’t speak so much as snarl. I shall send funds as soon as my ship comes in (an item which I cannot control). And thank you for the courageous, provocative and timely subjects. You perform such a loyal service for Alaskans that makes Alaskan residency almost bearable. Larger news organizations can not compare with your skill and intellect. Thank you again for serving the republic with distinction.

  8. I cancelled Netflix and put Suzi on a monthly for a fraction of the cost. I don’t forget that way. If we all did it maybe we wouldn’t have to see faces like Rahm Emanual’s on the ads.

  9. I’d donate but you don’t post my comments when they challenge your limited and challenged political nonsense. Censorship is wrong. No money for you!

    • You’ve come to the wrong place to get your leftist slanted talking points, begone with you heathen Democrat!!

      • Unfortunately you appear to be stuck in your own little bubble-paradise where the slightest contrary opinion receives a tsunami of derogatory insults and name-calling.
        Begone with YOU, too!

    • I am positive ADN WILL post all your comments.
      Oh and by the way I heard they were getting desperate for funding(going woke broke).
      They desperately need your money!
      We’ve got Suzanne covered quite nicely and we will absolutely take care of her important work.

      • Coffee Black:
        It’s doubtful that you could comprehend the arguments, logic, and fun we MRAK readers enjoy. Your better bet is to spend your money on strong black coffee grounds so you can watch your coffee machine percolate while you count the drips. IQ material for Democrats like yourself.

    • Blackie- this is site that holds another view than you and those groups you prefer. You’re in the minority here. You be wiser to hold your tongue or in this case your fingers not speak or write. It’s like me when I enter a room where I am the minority and everyone is a leftist, agnostic, and atheist or lgbt. I hold my tongue and stay quiet until I’m led to speak which in a room full of opposites any conversation made would be one and one which usually their mind is already made-up, I am just there among opposites or enemies to observe.

    • Now I’m curious what you try to post because this site allows a lot of inflammatory stuff from either side.

  10. Dear MRA/Suzanne Downing
    I was rather reluctant to send money to a web site that nixed some of my posts in the past and reading the immature and vulgar posts that others have written.
    I have decided to send a check anyway in hopes that MRA realizes that to get rid of Congresswomen Peltola, we need a wide spectrum of conservatives and ones that are fiscal but maybe not so much social conservative and to not scare them and other independents away from voting her out.
    Congratulations to Sol Atkinson and his friends and family for his being named for a Navy Ship.
    Also I would like you to write a story about the 6.4 million lawsuit that foreign owned pebble lost by cheating investors, and their 19 year journey to reap Alaska’s resources fraudulently leaving nothing for Alaskans and destroying hundreds of square miles of Red Salmon spawning grounds.
    Thank You
    The check is in the mail 😉

  11. Suzanne, do proceeds from the sale of items in your shop contribute to or serve as a donation for your work? Thanks for a reply.

  12. Thank you, Suzanne. I live in Juneau and often find myself alone when on social media defending this state, nation, and its ideals. I love the commentaries on news sites as you really do learn a lot and I enjoy diverse views. I’ve noticed there have been several news sites, like, who have reopened their commentary. I imagine this was due to lagging readership when they closed them. Thank you and I’ll donate today!

  13. Suzanne Downing and MRAK ARE the defenders of the First Amendment in Alaska. Eat your heart out, little Democrat robot Dermot Cole.

    • Lmao. That’s why she routinely censors anyone who dsres point out the falsehoods and questionable content she puts forth as “facts” doesn’t allow for reasonable discourse if it doesn’t align with her for right puppet masters views and let’s so much vulgar dredge and bigotry fill her comment section… first ammendment supporter my arse

  14. Wow Suzanne, congratulations. I just saw your byline on a story posted on the Bongino Report. You are making quite a name for yourself in the national conservative press. You deserve the recognition. Congrats!

  15. Everyone that sees a value in MRAK should be providing value back. Everyone. Even it is just $10 every other month, it is enough to get rid of that freeloader feeling. Doesn’t cost that much. Do it. Yelling at the tv doesn’t do anything. Actually do something that helps keep the light on in this dark world that is shrinking down upon us.

    You know the quote: “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.”

    And prove once again that conservatives are the most generous and charitable Americans per income.

  16. *Go gentle on when it comes to others giving. Learning Generosity isn’t easy when a people hadn’t grown up learning the Word of God. We all been there before. We start Really giving when we realize our Father in Heaven’s love for us and all we possess came from him. As well as being in God’s word trains and develops his faithful follower being a better steward over finances, which is why to the non Christian it appears a faithful follower has lots of money when they living a different lifestyle and they look at finances and investments differently than the non believer especially when that believer started out young as a youth following and closely daily walking with our God, so that old man or old woman had more years making better choices that increased their wealth. Giving. it all starts with giving regularly to our local church body through tithes and service offerings to build up our discipline, so mission work such as MRAK or KATB radio can increase or those brothers and sisters as the Maui churches and its members facing its fire catastrophe receive help through the corporate body. Giving (generosity) all starts with one’s discipline of learning how to tithe to God through a local church. This isn’t about making a church rich, it’s about following God and obedience to his Word that can be found in Exodus, Dueteronmy, Malachi about giving to the Lord through our tithes and offerings so His house may be full. What hasn’t been disciplined in us its not going to come forward without being shamed, guilt, and coerced.

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