Sunday set an air travel record


Sunday set a record for airline travel in America. The Transportation Security Administration reports that it screened the most people in a single day — 2,907,378 travelers went through security stations at airports.

“It was also an incredibly smooth day of travel with fewer than one-half of one percent of 51,332 scheduled flights canceled,” according to, a real-time flight tracking website.

In spite of a major snowstorm that moved across the nation’s heartland, only three flights through Chicago O’Hare International Airport were canceled, although more than 900 were delayed. Some 230,000 passengers passed through O’Hare on Sunday.

Seven of the top 10 busiest days in TSA history have been recorded in 2023. Before Sunday, June 30, 2023 was the busiest day for passenger screening, with 2.884 million passengers, the TSA said.


  1. That does explain why today we were busy sitting at 81% occupancy. Hopefully everyone for the rest of season stay home and save money. Because my workplace is short again Anchorage has fewer people who don’t mind working and who don’t see providing a service to others a drag however to provide customer service to another human being is a privilege. Today I was sick I would had like it if half of the customers didn’t travel and stayed home saving money.

    • I literally have no idea what you’re saying. I’m guessing you work in a hospital? If so I would think 81% occupancy is a good thing – it means you’re making money! A passenger airliner these days is barely profitable with 81% occupancy; I don’t know where people got the idea that hospitals can afford to sit around empty.
      I, for one, will continue to exercise my right to travel and spend holidays with my loved ones.

  2. Wow we were in SEATAC Sunday and it was not busy or hectic at all. Nashville was busy but super smooth. Congrats to FAA, Commercial Airlines, TSA and all the supporting businesses for doing an excellent job. Despite all the doom and gloom and negative narratives, Americans still show thier goodness. God Bless America!

  3. I traveled by air on both Wednesday and Saturday and was pleasantly surprised by how smoothly everything went. Airports were certainly busy but not overcrowded, lines moved steadily, people were courteous and flights were on time. It was truly holiday travel at its finest.

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