Sullivan to Biden: Kerry must be investigated over leaks to Iran


A letter signed by U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan and 17 other senators asks President Joe Biden to investigate whether John Kerry, Biden’s special climate envoy, leaked classified information to Iran during the Trump Administration.

Kerry serves on Biden’s National Security Council and has a history of transacting with U.S. adversaries to the detriment of our nation, the letter states. In addition to Sullivan, it is signed by Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), and James Lankford (R-Okla.).

The letter, in its entirety:

Dear Mr. President,

We write to convey our grave concerns over U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry’s position as a member of your administration’s National Security Council and his record – both past and present – of potentially working with America’s adversaries against our national security interests and those of our allies. We ask you to investigate recent allegations that Secretary Kerry revealed sensitive information to the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, and if true, call for his removal from your national security team.

Secretary Kerry has a long history of employing transactional diplomacy against the best interests of the United States or our allies – often trading long-term national security for a flawed short-term political agenda – which has ultimately endangered our allies and emboldened our adversaries. The most recent egregious allegation, is the purported claim in a leaked recording by Foreign Minister Zarif, that Secretary Kerry relayed covert Israeli actions against Iranian interests in Syria. Revealing sensitive information, whether deliberately or not, about one of our most important and enduring allies in the region, the state of Israel, to an avowed enemy – the largest state sponsor of terrorism, responsible for the killing, wounding and maiming of thousands of American service men and women – is reason alone to remove Secretary Kerry from your administration. If proven false, this narrative is yet further proof that Iranian officials are dishonest brokers and we ask that your administration be mindful of this as you continue discussions on the future of U.S. posture towards Iran.

Given the gravity of these allegations, in addition to investigating these claims, we call on you to suspend Secretary Kerry’s access to sensitive information until this investigation is faithfully resolved.


  1. We should start a lottery when (if) this happens, with half of the proceeds going to Michael Flynn. I’m sure it will happen, right after our two reprobates in Juneau are expelled involuntarily from the legislature and punished…ha ha ha! That’s a funny! Laws only apply to the peasants.

  2. Maybe they should bring up Kerry’s Swift Boat conspiracies with the Viet Cong and institute an investigation by the Senators who signed the letter and give them a special location in Fantasyland to pursue their allegations.
    Wait a minute. That was fake news, too.

  3. Ha. Biden is more likely to give Kerry the Medal of Honor and another half dozen Purple Hearts before investigating him for crimes of treason. Maybe Lisa Murkowski will recommend Kerry for the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

  4. Forget it, Dan. Biden won’t understand your point. Use an approach his feeble mind can grasp. At high noon next Friday, there is going to be a Heinz ketchup wrestling match between Netanyahu and Khomeanie. Joe’s attendance is requested. Hamburgers served, with lots of relish. All bets taken 30-minutes prior to event. Payouts in cash.

  5. Absolutely agree that Kerry is a traitor and that he should be removed from government, permanently. He should also be indicted under the Logan Act and tried for treason.
    Espionage charges seem appropriate.
    You know…the kind of stuff the Democrats and MSM and brainless men and women who got rich playing pointless games or playacting on TV and in the movies were constantly accusing Trump of.
    But Sullivan is a different kind of traitor.
    He’s the kind who’ll sit back and watch the Democrats blatantly and openly steal an election then play the outrage game from his cushy office in Washington DC to collect campaign donations, support and future votes.
    Sullivan plays pretend just like the leftist actors and actresses who infest Hollywood but his pretenses cause us real harm as a nation.
    So every time you read a story on how our warrior senator is battling the forces of evil on our behalf remember that when the idiot Biden and the Democrats stole the 2020 election Sullivan did nothing and he’s still doing nothing.
    He’s a total fraud and he, Murkowski and Young all need the same treatment as Kerry.

  6. This should happen but this won’t happen. Kerry knows where the bodies are buried and Joe is not going to throw him under the bus. This will be one of those episodes where CNN and none of the other media covers it and Dan and Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton will simply be ignored. They have learned well after the Clinton hide the cigar saga, of what not to do and what not to admit to and when there is no coverage there is no evidence.

  7. A poor sober man he has more wealth than any of those men and women attended that world economic summit. A poor man he can take his wealth with him after death while Kerry’s crowd has attorneys dividing up their wealth among the living. Who do we pity more. I feel sorry for Kerry he has nothing that a poor sober man doesn’t have, he doesn’t even possess good character that can be attributed to him.

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