Sullivan explains vote on Ukraine aid package: Due to Biden Administration, we live in dangerous times of dictators and despots


U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska explained why he voted in favor of the nearly $100 billion aid package to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, reminding his fellow Alaskans of the despots who are causing wars to pop up around the glob:

“The United States is in one of the most dangerous periods since World War II,” Sullivan said. “Authoritarian dictators—Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and the Ayatollahs in Iran—are on the march and working together across the globe to weaken and challenge America’s national security and that of our allies. Our ability to defend our nation has dramatically atrophied due to the Biden administration’s lack of seriousness on national security issues and America’s declining capacity to produce weapons.

Sullivan noted that the primary focus of the aid package is to enhance America’s industrial capacity to build weapons systems and produce ammunition.

“This has to be our number one priority during these dangerous times. Tens of billions of dollars will go to our country’s capacity to rapidly produce an entire array of weapons—everything from nuclear submarines to 155-millimeter artillery rounds,” he said.

“That’s why I believe this bill should be called the ‘Revitalizing America’s Defense Industrial Base’ supplemental. Helping our allies defeat unprovoked authoritarian aggression by providing them much-needed weapons and intelligence is also critical. The citizens of Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine all face true existential threats posed by dictators that want to crush them,” Sullivan said.

“I was heartened to see 70 U.S. senators come together to support this important legislation that will bolster our defense industrial base, create thousands of good-paying jobs, and help America and our allies deter authoritarian aggression and, if necessary, fight and win wars,” Sullivan said.

Whether the measure will pass the U.S. House of Representatives is another matter. Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana has rejected the Senate proposal.

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski urged the House to vote in favor of the bill.

“Today the Senate delivered an important message to our allies around the world – you can count on the United States. With the Senate’s support of this comprehensive national security bill crafted through months of bipartisan negotiation, our allies in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan will be one step closer to receiving much needed and overdue support. It is also an investment in U.S. military readiness in an increasingly chaotic world. There is a military saying that ‘The only thing more expensive than deterrence is actually fighting a war.’ I urge the House to carefully consider this package as a strong deterrence to our enemies in Russia, Iran, and China. If we are to preserve freedom both home and abroad, the time to act is now,” she said.


  1. Is Sullivan (D-AK) really trying to get us to believe that this will help out our country in any way? Maybe he could reveal how much of the money laundered $$$ will head his way.
    If we live in dangerous times it is because you and your ilk refuse to do what is best for America first. Zelensky is a tyrant, hell-bent on killing his population in a conflict he cannot win, all while he lives the good life.
    My fervent wish is that you be primaried back to the stone age.

    • He is a fake and a lier.
      So it is clear he doesn’t care about Americans their broke country and loss of financial security.
      He is in it for the politicians who want to continue to lie and cheat the taxpayer while crying about a war we are not needed in. If the free world wants to help go for it. France and Britain both have nukes.

      • > He is a fake and a lair.

        He is. He burned a lot bridges. I hope he at least got paid.

        > Is Sullivan (D-AK)


      • Dan Sullivan is an American patriot, veteran, and a great senator for the great state of Alaska. Mark, your thoughts are so flawed: Senator Sullivan has honestly served (have you?); getting bullied is difficult to avoid when you cry about not needing to fight (are you weak?); and suggesting nuclear warfare by France or Britain, as you suggested, would likely draw China-India, Pakistan-India, Israel-Iran, Russia-USA, North Korea-everyone else into a mutually destructive war with unimaginable loss of life. Mark, please think.

        • The issue is not about the danger, its about accountability. Where does all this money go? Do we have certified accountants keeping track? No, and I’m confident a high percentage is being funneled off and lining the pockets of the political and industrial elite.

        • Well jack if you want to pay for his votes then stand up and start paying.
          You have no feelings for Americans as you show support to another politician that spends us into bankruptcy.
          And yes I and a son have served so there.
          I don’t want to fund the worlds problems.

        • This is a ridiculous argument. Dan is a shill for the military industrial complex. The USA is the aggressor, not Russia as you allude to. We are the nation state that through NGO’s and most likely the CIA overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine way back in 2014. We propped up a horrific bunch of people, you would call them white nationalists in the states. I call them Nazis, just like the Russians do. We fed the country money and arms, training and angry dog to fight. The country was engaged in a bloody civil war drawn across ethnic lines. That’s what Dan is supporting, nazi fascists. Just like the USA, and Dan supported Isis then put them against Syria. We are the baddies and Dan is part of the problem. Learn some history, get educated. Tell me, who’s the bully?

        • Wake up. It’s not 2004. Americans do not want empire. It has bankrupted them financially and bankrupted the elites morally.

          As far as your fear mongering fantasy of global war, haven’t the security state done everything they can to induce more wars? And people like Sullivan, a lackey for the empire, have only one response and that is to gun the accelerator for more war and more bloodshed.

          Sullivan is more concerned with the borders of the empire then the borders of our country. He needs to be voted out of office.

        • Denigrating others doesn’t help your specious arguments. Sullivan doesn’t even try to hide the deception anymore. This bill and its largess are predestined to further enrich our Military Industrial complex while we run our national reserves and munitions stores to the ground. Period. He’s obviously beholding to military special interest corporations. Increasing our national DEBT does not make us stronger. It only serves to weaken us to our debtors. And yes, I’ve served this country and the people of this state. We’re being played.

        • Jack, Sullivan is not a patriot in the traditional sense. He is however a loyal soldier in service of the Industrial Military Complex that Ike warned us about.

          Sending more $ to the Kleptocracy called Ukraine is like giving teenage boys whiskey and your car keys at the same time.

        • Boy you are guilable…can’t see a warmongering carpet bagger when he sits right in front of you.

          Sullivan is a dirty warmonger with blood and the this country’s suffering squarely on his head.

          You must be a paid volunteer of his team trying to do damage control.

          Just look at his votes if you have enough intellectual integrity and humility.

    • RINO Sullivan.
      Well over $100 billion to THE most corrupt nation in the West – while we have homeless veterans, veterans struggling to get adequate health care – not to mention that we have a full scale invasion of millions and millions of military age men from third world countries across our southern AND northern border.
      Disgusting and despicable.
      Neocons, UniParty, warmonger, open borders, free trader – aka Sullivan.

      • “…….we have homeless veterans, veterans struggling to get adequate health care……..”
        I thought Obama solved the “health benefits” whine forever? If you can’t get health care now, it’s because you don’t want it……..such as vaccinations. And veterans have qualified for VA home loans for the past 78 years. What, is society supposed to buy the home for them?

    • If there is any legislation heeded, it should be patterned after the Immigration Act of 1924. Only those with marketable skills need apply. We don’t need any more tattoo customers. Deportations should be pursued with zeal.

  2. Ohio has three senators and we get stuck with the worst one, great. Sullivan went mask off scumbag when he endorsed Lisa, he has always been rotten.

  3. I have a couple of questions. Per Murkowski “… our allies in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan will be one step closer to receiving much needed and overdue support.”

    Since when is Ukraine our ally ? I must have missed that report.
    Israel needs overdue support? I must have missed the report that said we’ve lessened our usual aid to them.

    And, Dan Sullivan voted against this same bill when it included some aid to our southern border crisis ~ but then voted FOR it when the border aid was removed?

    And this state is considered a “Red” state?

      • Ally to whom? …. with the fall of the Soviet Union, the Evil Empire was gone. Russia was in no position to do anything. After WWII, we embraced our enemies… after the end of the USSR, the US and EU rubbed Russia’s nose in their defeat. The old adage of keeping our enemies closer was forgotten. Ukraine was and still is a cesspool of corruption. Tossing money at them only means more corruption. All of this didn’t have to happen… all of this was about political families in the US cashing in on the corruption. Russia is contracting … in 25 years of so.. not an important factor. Follow the money…. Biden, Pelosi, Romney, McCain…

        • All irrelevant whining with the fantasy of somehow growing political hay with Biden corruption involving Ukrainian gas and Russian pipelines, while simultaneously stewing in Alaskan/U.S. oil and gas corruption. Okay. Sacrifice Ukraine to Russian hegemony. You pay later. Works for me.

    • Ukraine gives a lot of money to politicians and is an important mechanism for money laundering. They are a perfect ally for Biden and Sullivan!

    • Ukraine is an ally and trade partner though weapons and not money should be given them because if we don’t, when will the Russian front move further west?
      Good for Senator Sullivan and Senator Murkowski, but will the house concure?

      • How about you sign up and then sign up your family to die in the wars for the empire and oligarchy. Are you always this gullible and lame?

      • GW Bush called and said you are the #1 John Bolton Warmonger Fan Club member of the month fornparroting nonesencial rhetoirc to justify the bankruotcy and fall of America.

        Only given to the most self-ignoarnt and blind GOPers.

        Thankfully you and your Sullivan/Murkowski ilk are losing power and position.

    • Sully voted no on the “border bill” because it only included more money to process illegals and turn them loose in the US – it included ZERO dollars for enforcing our law. That no vote was a good move.

  4. Sen. Sullivan you must think we are idiots
    Seems to me we need to concern ourselves with senile old despot in the Whitehouse.
    Why don’t you start doing what is right for our country?

  5. What good is national security on the international venue if you no longer have a nation at home?
    We have a huge human trafficking problem, a huge fentanyl problem, a potentially huge unkown-terrorist problem and you want to fund those other countries’ security first? How utterly absurd! I believe these politicians are either morally compromised or on the take. Whatever the reason, they are not keeping their oaths.

    • “What good is national security on the international venue if you no longer have a nation at home?……”
      The use of aid to foreign allies being used as a lever to force the Demonrats to drop their “comprehensive immigration reform” game is not going to work. Period. They are quite thrilled to simply continue flooding the nation with illegal immigrants knowing that eventually, they’re going to leverage yet another mass amnesty with this old, recurring game. The only way to defeat them in the border issue is to elect a POTUS who will race to deport as many of them as possible in his/her 4 year term, and discourage others from coming.
      Of course, a brutal civil war in the U.S. or world war would likely change refugee patterns, so letting Asia, Europe, and the U.S. go to the dogs will go a long way toward changing things.

  6. I am old enough to remember when $6B to secure the US-Mexico border was going to “bankrupt the nation.”
    And, now we can spend 15 times that amount for other countries?

  7. Yet he forgot to respond to the “Kill Switch” against President Trump IF elected. How can they legislate against the next president? They were caught and he is doing damage control. It is too late Dan – we see what you supported!

    • AK- Can you assist by leading me (all of us) to some form of confirmation regarding the “Kill Switch”
      I know it exist but after reading your post, I spent the next hour seeking any publication regarding the ability to stop a sitting President from affecting the aid package.
      None of the MSM press or outlets reference this provision and rightly so understanding their bias.
      Thanks ahead

  8. Sullivan is 100% wrong. These regional wars were started on purpose to support the military weapons industrial community. The main war for Americans is at the southern border. I believe that he has joined Murkowski and is beholden to the Washington DC establishment. I will not be voting for either.

  9. Aren’t we the only country in the world that steals money from their citizens and sends it all over the world only to have most of it embezzled? It’s been proven true in Ukraine and nothing is being done so sending more just seems to be an exercise in paying off Biden’s cronies

  10. What are the “details – specifics – stipulations” of the Bill that could be considered “The Revitalization of the American Defense Industry” … (???)
    Is there any oversight, accountability, and/or claw-back provisions?
    What concrete // definable // measurable dividends – benefits will Americans and Alaskans receive?
    I trust this $95B is paid back, with anppropriate interest, CORRECT? What is being used as ‘collateral’ for this loan? And, when does it get paid back?
    Why are Senators so concerned about invading terrorist ‘abroad’ in other countries when, our own border continues to be over-run with similar terrorists from abroad? Are there any other countries providing ‘us’ with Foriegn Aid, to tackle this invasion of our border?

    Both statements from Dan and Lisa seem to be short on honesty and integrity!!!

  11. Senator Sullivan bestowing more candy on the trick-or-treating neocon warmongers.

    Remind me again, Dan, how a warmongering, military-industrial-complex-led foreign policy of aggression and offense is in any way enhancing our national security.

  12. Sullivan is completely clueless about what the people who got him elected feel about Ukraine, Israel, and foreign war funding. He couldn’t care less about what goes on in Alaska because he has too many friends in Washington. This man needs to go ASAP! Only Marginally better than Murkowski (who he endorsed oc) is not acceptable.

  13. Sullivan: “We’re going to enhance our national security by buying weapons for other countries!” Here’s a better idea…let’s buy weapons for our own military…made in America, by Americans FOR Americans. And, with just a fraction of the latest foreign aid giveaway we could secure our borders and deport the illegals already here. THAT would do more toward ensuring our national security than helping a Ukrainian despot continue the pointless slaughter of his own population. Sullivan needs to be replaced with someone who puts American interests first. If he ends up as the republican candidate for senate we should demand a “None of the above” choice on the ballot.

  14. Easy to see whose pockets Sullivan is in, Military Industrial Complex is paying Him big $$$. He flipped us the Bird & pocketed the Cash. America First Traitor Dan!!

  15. Thank God it hasn’t passed through the House and it won’t. Americans are being held hostage and murdered underground in Gaza which is in Palestinian control. No more aid to Palestine….Gaza or West Bank.

    • Don’t be so sure. There are enough warmongering Republicans in the House to approve a discharge petition, meaning it comes to a floor vote despite the Speaker’s objection.

  16. Looks like Victoria Nuland is now writing Senator Murkowski’s speeches. A proxy war in Ukraine against Russia is the wrong war, for the wrong reasons and in the wrong place. How many more Ukrainians have to die so that the Senator can feel righteous? The Senator has lost her way even further than I thought.

  17. Lessee, more $$$ for the Kleptocrats in Ukraine than for Israel or Taiwan. This is a problem. And there is the Kill Switch, that forces the next president to spend the $$$, otherwise the next impeachment. If this is truly important, no kill switch and more $$$ for Taiwan. Cheers –

  18. No, Mr Sullivan, you are the warmonger.

    Going along with Biden because Biden is causing the problems is like paying for more fuel for the arson as he is burning Rome.

    The real threat is a despot who is breaking federal law at the border.

    You are the warmonger, you are facilitating our own country’s demise and bankruptcy.

    You are getting rich of the blood of your counrtymen.

    Shame on you and Murkowski.

  19. Unbelievable. Putin was right to start a war in Ukraine, given their many crimes against Russia and Russian people, and also pursing NATO membership. Putin is a rational, reasonable, and effective leader. He doesn’t want war with the west, but he wants safety and security for his country. The alleged war crimes committed by his military are all fake news, or one off incidents that rarely actually occurred.

    When, *WHEN*, President Trump returns to the oval office, he will put that war to bed in less than a day. Further, he will succeed in ending any threat of military action by North Korea and China, and will enable the peaceful reunification of Taiwan with China. He will reach a reasonable negotiated territorial settlement with China and other nations in the South China Sea. He will end our provocative “freedom of navigation” operations near China and other countries. And he’ll handle the situation in the middle east by just making America energy independent, something Biden has failed to do, so we won’t need the middle east oil.

    There will be prosperity for all and it will be a peaceful world.


  20. It’s a sad day in America, when our representatives no longer look out for the American people first! Too bad Sullivan had to cave in to the Democrats and tyrants!

  21. We’re not buying this, Dan-O. Billions for Ukraine. Billions for Israel. Billions for Taiwan. Not a dime to enforce our Southern border. And now we’re finding out our Northern border is like a sieve. We expect this from Lisa(D). You were supposed to be the one with a spine. China and the rest will wait until we run our money. This is on you.

  22. I am very disappointed to see Sen. Sullivan vote with Democrats before making sure our border is secure and protected from the illegal invasion by millions of mostly military age men. Bad day for America.

  23. Senator Sullivan, would you kindly explain what happened with the U.S.S. Liberty? Maybe you could elaborate on why World Trade Center Tower 7 fell, even though it was never hit by a plane. Could those things be attributed to unprovoked authoritarian aggression? At what point do things like that rise to the level of a provocation?

    Who does Dan Sullivan represent? Who does he serve? Why is it that he is not prioritizing a pile of money going to vets, and to other Americans that are in desperate need? What is this mental sickness that leads him to believe that it is appropriate to squander our blood and treasure? Treasure that WE DON”T HAVE.

  24. This is his third forgive me letter.
    How many repubs will forgive him next election cycle?
    We are $34t in the hole….

  25. Does this bill let Biden keep all the illegals here, and still let more into our country?

    Because (sadly) that’s what I expect out of Dan at this point.

  26. What bull. We are BROKE. Our borders are being invaded. Ukraine is one of the top corrupt countries in the world where money laundering has been proven yet Dan wants to keep handing it over for a regional conflict that NATO has created and “Biden” won’t allow a peace treaty. Yes, the US is a dangerous place now because of disgusting politicians like YOU. We need to send you to Ukraine – they paid for you, they need to keep you.

    • Please explain how this is “best” for the country. Please be as specific as you can. Use your own words; please avoid repeating someone else’s talking points.

      • Please explain how this is not “best” for the country. Please be as specific as you can. Use your own words; please avoid repeating Trump, Fox, or someone else’s talking points.

        • Cute. There is much that could be said but will offer a couple of sentences: As much as I lament the human costs of the Ukraine war, and as much as I support the view that the United States can and should be an advocate for democracy and freedom, there are limits to the exercise of that power. The US does not have the ability to run the world. We should be wise about when, where and how we involve ourselves in conflicts. When we overreach, we fail, hurt ourselves and compromise our influence. Fighting a proxy war against Putin on Russia’s doorstep is such a case. Best course of action now is to stop the killing. (I would add that the notion that the United States needs to somehow depose Vladimir Putin is delusional and childish.). Now it is your turn to write something.

  27. Dan did his job — give money to the military.

    There are no Democrats or Republicans. There are those who serve the system and those who oppose it.

  28. He aligned himself with Daddy’s Little Princess!! What a shame. He is obviously beholding to the big dollars of military industrial contractors and thinks he can skate by on this one. It’s a whole different ball game dearest Dan as the American people are figuring out how useless, corrupt and downright dangerous congress people really are. Those were not ‘your’ dollars to waste on Ukraine but the taxpayers money.
    I will be happy to vote you out next time around!!

  29. It’s irrelevant, ranked choice voting, mail in ballots, Alaska’s most inaccurate voter rolls in the US (yes worse than California and Washington), apathy and ignorance of Alaska voters, insures Sullivan is in office until the Globalists decide to be rid of that incompetent moron. Ukraine is imploding, millions moved to Russia or voted to secede, millions more fled to Europe, and 600,000+ dead in the trenches. This includes pregnant women, 14 year old boys, and mentally challenged, any body the Ukrainian version of the NKVD, now called the SBU can stuff in a van and haul to the meat grinding front. There is a poison pill in the bill, if Trump survives until January 2025 and takes office he cannot end the printing of money for the money laundromat we call Ukraine when it no longer exists. The panic button issue for funding is to avoid an Afghan disaster remake in Eastern Europe before the November elections. Sullivan is a member of the Kleptocrat Party, TM, designated with a “K”, there is no distinction between R and D, it’s the K party. So much for a marine officer who is concerned for his troops. At a minimum 600 US personnel have died in Ukraine, the US/NATO commands and directs their conscript Slavic proxy army into defeat, for an unnecessary war to expand NATO, Ltd. The kick backs are enomorous from this spending bill, not one penny helps average Americans. Sullivan doesn’t even pretend anymore to prioritize America and Alaskans. He knows there is no and never will be an accounting for his actions as a senator.

  30. I listened to the And We Know video for 2/13/24. LT reported that a whistle blower was saying that the package has a clause in it that if the next president (Trump of course) tries to remove the funding that was just approved, that is grounds for impeachment. Sullivan and Murcowski voted yes to this funding; another thing to add to the list of treasonous acts for these two sell-out scumbags!

  31. After reading this, Dan thinks we are really stupid! Insulting!

    By providing more money to Ukraine, we are prolonging the inevitable and the bloodshed of both Ukrainians and Russians. The US has dirty hands here…Yes, US State Department, CIA, Resident Biden and especially Ms. Victoria Nuland. What is the US national security interest here?

    What about the US southern border invasion? What is Dan doing about that?

    Dan needs to go…

    • I’ve known him to be a liar for a long time! After all, he and the Princess helped put much of Biden’s cabinet in power, and that was a direct betrayal of all that he promised when he ran as a “conservative”. It appears that the only thing he wishes to conserve is the status quo with himself in it… deep.

      Ya’ll… please don’t forget to send Sully and the Princess an email and tell them what you think. True, you’ll get back a rather empty response, but at least you’ll have let them know that you have noticed their dereliction of duty.

  32. Sullivan appears to be bought and paid for by the Military Industrial Complex. He is not helping the common American but stuffing his own coffers and helping his buddies that make/sell weapons that kill innocent women and children. No more $ for Ukraine and Israel. Secure our own borders. The US should stop being the bully that tries to compel other nations to do its will.

  33. Dan // Lisa –
    How many Billions of Tax Payers $$$’s have you already committed to Ukraine? … What have those Tax Payer $$$’s achieved so far? … What specifically will more Billions of Tax Payer $$$’s achieve? … Is there a ‘limit’ to what you’re willing to invest in this endeavor? … What is the ‘plan’ for speedy success? … Do either of you ever consider what we could’ve achieved with Tax Payer $$$’s wasted on this endeavor … Ever wonder how we could’ve allocated those Tax Payer $$$’s towards infrastructure projects in Alaska? … Instead, a continued un-accounted stream of Tax Payer $$$’s committed to a lost cause, have either of you considered a “Negotiated Peace Deal” that would end this conflict? … Why exactly is there a ‘stipulation’ within the Bill that prevents a future President to end this madness and wasteful endeavor? … As this war continues to drag on, obviously the Ukrainians war fighting forces will continue to diminish so, are you will to send your son’s and daughter’s to fight for Ukraine?
    Can either of you answer these questions truthfully, with … humility, honesty and integrity? I fear “not” and, seriously question your leadership!!! Both of you seem to be drunk on power – prestige – pompousness, only “quick-on-the-trigger” to grand-stand at the expense of others, absent any measure of logic – reason – common sense.

  34. No one is talking about the ~$5 billion for Gaza that was hidden deep in this bill. While Hamas still holds as many as 100 hostages? How much of this will go to rebuilding tunnels and missile launchers?

  35. Law enforcement flying DJI Chinese drones along pipelines


  36. Sullivan sometimes surprises me with a conservative vote on the floor. Then I realize his subterfuge once again pulled the wool over my eyes. He fits in well within the cesspool of lies and deceit called DC. Facts matter:
    Jan 11, 2023 Israel posted a budget surplus of NIS 9.8 billion ($2.85 billion) in 2022, or 0.6% of gross domestic product,
    There is apparently zero accountability for our money being sent to the Ukrainian. None. Why are we paying for their government pension plans among other niceties while crippling the US with an unmanageable debt? The oligarchs in DC laugh at us and say “Let them eat cake”. It’s going to get sporty.

  37. I’ll ask again Dan, Have you grown a pair yet?
    You and Lisa need to go away already, you do not represent “We the People”.

  38. The vote is simply stealing the taxpayer dollars for personal gain. There is no good reason for the taxpayer dollars in this bill. It does nothing to enhance the life of the American citizens. If Sullivan wanted to fund the military, then he should put out a bill that does so, not use it as an excuse to vote for this abomination! Untold numbers of people killed, property destruction, and we have already sent over a 100 billion and now billions more is going out to Ukraine, the big black hole that has no accountability! There could have been a peace negotiated, but the US (Biden) and UK hosed that with PM Johnson being the messenger to Zelensky to keep fighting and we are still paying. Exactly what is the kickback to all these people that voted for this and for the Bidens?

  39. Recall him to active duty and send him overseas. Enough. Secure the boarder and stop waiting my tax dollars. We cannot afford it.

  40. Good thing he is no longer identifying as a marine in any way shape or form, a Marine knows how to listen and take orders! Sullivan has lost his way and is no longer representing We The People who elected him and “ordered” him to support America First, smaller government and fiscal responsibility. We need to be free of both of our Senators and elect people who will indeed represent our values!

    • As I believe you recognize, but others may not, the Covid spending orgy broke the weak linkage between appropriations and revenues. It wasn’t just Democrats that sat around a table in 2020 and agreed with this — the Republican leadership and particularly Republican appropriators (Senator Murkowski is one) were in on the deal. Donald Trump also agreed. Thus, a conscious decision was made to simply print “money” and hand it out for things that some folks wanted. Biden’s appropriations and Green New Deal used this approach. The effect is to devalue the currency in the long run and that means inflation. For many now, mostly on the Left, our government, just like post-war Hungary, post-communist Yugoslavia and famously Argentina, should hand out “money” to whomever it decides for all kinds of nonsense. No services are ever intentionally reduced, nor new taxes imposed. Benefits flow to recipients and favored industries; burdens go to savers and those that actually pay taxes. I doubt if the linkage between spending and revenues will ever be reestablished. Oh, and by the way, Donald Trump isn’t going to address or solve the problem.

  41. How about securing our borders Senator Sullivan. We’ve dumped enough money into Ukraine! Where are your priorities??…. Lining your pockets? How much are you getting out of the deal Danny boy? You’re not fighting for Alaska or even our nation for that matter. You’ve become a swamp creature like the rest of them.
    Have you even listened to yourself with copout excuse for supporting that bill. You must really think we’re stupid! You might as well join the team with Biden & Murkowski!

  42. What could this be but another payment on the continuing reward (dare we suggest hush money?) to Ukrainian officials for their help in the U.S. government’s political hit on then-candidate Donald Trump, orchestrated to distract Americans from Hillary Clinton’s growing e-mail scandal?
    Four years ago, even the left-wing Politico reports: “Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.”
    “Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire” (‘
    Seems reasonable to ask, Senator, how can Zelenskyy -not- know all the sordid details about the blackmail/bribery operation against President Trump?
    No American senator asks Zelenskyy face-to-face about Ukraine’s role in the plot to discredit President Trump …and predicates future aid payments on the answer.
    Yet 70 American senators vote to give him even more money.
    The desperate urgency to give more money to Ukraine… hush money to keep schtum about what Ukraine did for the Obama-Clinton-Biden mob to destroy a Trump presidency, or down payment for what Ukraine may do for the OBC mob to prevent a Trump presidency?
    Which one is it, Senator? God help us if it’s both, no?

  43. Modified to accommodate recent nominees:

    The Fletcher Memorial Home (Waters)

    Take all your overgrown infants away somewhere
    And build them a home, a little place of their own.
    The Fletcher Memorial
    Home for Incurable Tyrants and Kings.

    And they can appear to themselves every day
    On closed circuit T.V.
    To make sure they’re still real.
    It’s the only connection they feel.
    “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, OBAMA and BIDEN,
    Mr. SULLIVAN and friend, Mrs. MURKOWSKI, and Paisly,
    “Hello Maggie!”
    Mr. Brezhnev and party.
    “Scusi dov’è il bar?”
    The ghost of McCarthy,
    The memories of Nixon.
    “Who’s the bald chap?”
    And now, adding colour, a group of anonymous latin-
    American meat packing glitterati.

    Did they expect us to treat them with any respect?
    They can polish their medals and sharpen their
    Smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for awhile.
    Boom boom, bang bang, lie down you’re dead.

    Safe in the permanent gaze of a cold glass eye
    With their favorite toys
    They’ll be good girls and boys
    In the Fletcher Memorial Home for colonial
    Wasters of life and limb.

    Is everyone in?
    Are you having a nice time?
    Now the final solution can be applied.

  44. We can fund our military and invest in ammunitions and American jobs without blindly sending money we don’t have to others. Furthermore, we have yet to see any accounting of the funds and assets previously sent to the corrupt country.

  45. The same Senators who voted down an Amendment by Senator Rand Paul, to at least provide some oversight and accountability in the last aid package to Ukraine, by appointing a dedicated federal accountant’s office to protect the money from being squandered by Ukrainian corruption. These people are truly criminal.

  46. I think the title of the article does a disservice to the elected officials by inviting and targeting them as the cause of the current gridlock in Washington. Seems to me there’s been a lot of nonsensical aimless and senseless froufrou being carried out by the republican majority. There is a degree of relevancy in the news of the death of Mr Navalny and lack of urgency and seriousness in the current crop of the republican majority of the legislative branch of the lower House of the US government of in Congress, I think.

  47. Everyone should print off a copy of this article with all of the comments and mail it to Sullivan’s office. Oh, this article along with the other recent article where he is across seas and saying we need to support more war.

  48. This has to be one of the dumbest things Senator Sullivan has done – fighting to justify payments to a corrupt government that has no chance for victory. This is almost as bad as Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal in terms of flushing US taxpayer resources down the terlet. Get in touch with your constituents Senator!

  49. In the not-too-distant future, the CCP will control California and its 54 electoral votes. The CCP and some Californians will rejoice over CCP liberation of California from the United States. Like the recent actions of U.S. centric NATO, a China centric United Nations will support and defend the CCP’s grasp on California through the supply of global funds and weapons and an attempted deployment of U.N. peacekeeping forces to California. When the United States goes to reclaim California and U.S. citizens from the throes of Communism, will Republicans view the United States as an aggressor? Ukraine is corrupt. Do not fund Ukraine. How much U.S. currency will be funneled back into leftist campaigns within in the United States and elsewhere? Ukraine may print its own money and create its own runaway debt to fight a war of independence. The United States should not support the spread of European style socialism. Funding Ukraine is putting the United States last.

  50. California was the trial state for communist takeover! The illegals have infiltrated everything for decades there and now control everything. Even giving them homes and wineries in Napa! Right next to Rothschild owned wineries! And Pelosi’s home in Napa! Free college free everything!
    Eventually burning Napa to ground! Except the underground bunkers and secret tunnels;
    That probably connected to Bohemian Grove complex in Sonoma.
    Our future? No way fight it! Wake up everyone!
    Didn’t come to Alaska to go through all the crazy stuff again!!

  51. Palestinian stolen land is currently being sold at Jewish synagogues in Canada and US. Complete against international and US laws! 85% of world is rh positive blood type but the ashkenazi Jews, Royal families and are rh negative. And this is also the Nephilim blood line! Yes; Fallen Angels blood line! And US is supporting them.

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