Over the weekend, Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Congressman Don Young criticized the national Republican Party for a resolution that defended “legitimate political discourse” that occurred on Jan. 6, 2021 in the nation’s capital. The resolution was censuring Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for their role in the inquisition and investigation of hundreds of Americans, most of whom did not storm the U.S. Capitol on that day.
“What happened on January 6, 2021 was an effort to overturn a lawful election resulting in violence and destruction at the Capitol. We must not legitimize those actions which resulted in loss of life and we must learn from that horrible event so history does not repeat itself,” Murkowski wrote on Twitter on Saturday.
Congressman Young concurred on Twitter: “I will reiterate what I said last year: I was appalled at the violence and destruction at the Capitol on January 6th. What transpired was criminal, un-American, and cannot be considered legitimate protest.”
Neither said whether they think Cheney and Kinzinger should be censured for their participation in the congressional investigation of the Jan. 6 protest that turned riotous, but instead they distanced themselves from the Republican Party and painted all Jan. 6 participants as criminals, when the vast majority were lawful. Young’s office clarified on Thursday that the Congressman’s condemnation was specifically for the violence and destruction in the Capitol, and was not a condemnation of any peaceful protestors.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in response to criticism that of course the RNC is not defending unlawful activity. She said the way the resolution was characterized was propaganda, and called out the New York Times for its headlines.

Meanwhile, while Young and Murkowski were distancing themselves from Republicans, Sen. Dan Sullivan was in Alaska, where he attended the truckers’ Freedom Convoy 2022 in Eagle River, speaking to the workers of Alaska on the importance of constitutional freedoms and praising them for their peaceful protest in support of Canadian truckers.
“No American or Alaskan should ever have to choose between putting food on the table for their family, or getting a shot in the arm. I am honored to join with Alaska truckers and other essential workers—who kept us safe and our economy afloat throughout the pandemic—in standing up and speaking out against President Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates,” Sullivan said, to a roar of applause. Sullivan kept his remarks brief, explaining he had to return to Washington, D.C. shortly, but thanked the truckers for working through the pandemic and providing for Alaskans.
Also this weekend, Murkowski was on CNN accepting an endorsement from Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin, and promising him one in return during his next campaign in 2024, should he choose to run again.
Murkowski was censured by the Alaska Republican Party and over the weekend this was an indication she is moving away from the Republican Party and toward a “non-party” stance. She has until June 1 to decide if she is running as a Republican, which the Alaska Republican Party has asked her not to do. She has represented Alaska in the U.S. Senate since being appointed by Gov. Frank Murkowski in 2002.
I continue to be ten times more put out with the TSA at airports than I am with Dr. Zink and crew over any Covid decisions. There is a Second Amendment, and the TSA completely disregards it; even banning pen knives. People like Dr. Zink are hard-working professionals; the TSA not so much. Sept. 11 of over 20 years ago killed 3,000 Americans, this foreign disease has killed 900,000 Americans so far; yet people worry more about masks and medicine then about what the TSA does to them every time they board an airliner. I understand the science behind vaccinations and masks, but telling me I cannot have a pocket knife in my pocket is pure communism – no science. Finally, had President Trump did something real to push back against China for the Chinese flu all Americans would be more united over this Chinese disease. We cannot prevent a war with China by being weak. Xing is purging what he calls “sissy-men” from Red Chinese society as this is being written.
It’s always Trump with you fools. If you had paid any attention you would know that Trump did in fact push hard against the China virus and got nothing but push back from your leftist friends. None of us like the TSA crap by the way but it is not Trump getting in your way.
Dump Princess Lisa!
That crown will not sit on your head for long, Lisa, you dishonest and disreputable, self-serving and arrogant public serpent.
This article makes the false claim that Sen. Murkowski and Congressman Young “ painted all Jan. 6 participants as criminals, when the vast majority were lawful.”. Neither has ever done such a thing. They have criticized those who stormed the Capitol on January 6. And for the record, so has Sen. Sullivan.
The RNC and the radical right seem quite willing to condone the illegal actions of the persons who stormed the Capitol building, attacked and injured police officers, and destroyed public property. Those actions were illegal and are not the same as peaceful political protests.
The hypocrisy on display is glaring. Conservatives have rightfully criticized and called for the prosecution of BLM protesters and members of Antifa when they break laws during protests, but seem to have no issue with conservative protesters doing the same thing. In addition to turning a blind eye to the criminal actions of the persons who stormed the Capitol on January 6, some are also cheering the actions of truckers in Toronto who are using their trucks to unlawfully block intersections and cause tremendous congestion and disruption there.
You can’t have it both ways folks. Both sides have the right to stage protests to let the politicos know they disagree with their policies. But when protesters start breaking the law, they should be arrested and prosecuted, whether they are liberals or conservatives,
Ummm, yeah. Let’s take a look at the 11,000 hours of cctv from the capital on j6, and see who was who in storming the peoples house. Are you denying the antifa fella from Utah who was paid 40 plus K to film it, as well as he was present when Ashley Babbit was murdered by the keystone cop, who notoriously kept losing his side arm in the bathroom?
As far as the truckers go, I think you are too scared to stand up for your liberties and freedoms. Keep your head in the sand and support the local spineless RINOs.
For the record, here is what Sen. Sullivan said about the Jan 6 insurrectionists: “The violence that transpired today in the U.S. Capitol building was a disgrace and will go down as one of the sadder and more dispiriting days in our country’s history. But those who chose violence in order to disrupt our constitutional duties will not have the last word. We need to go back to the Senate chamber tonight to finish the important work of the Congress in counting the Electoral College vote. This will ensure that an orderly transition of power—one of the most sacred hallmarks of our great constitutional republic — takes place on January 20,”
Please EVERY CONSERVATIVE has criticized the violence on Jan 6th and agree they should be punished, but the same as the BLM rioters. Who were all released with a tap on the ass and a good job from the Democrats. Not left to rot in jail without due process.
Jan 6th occurred because Crazy Nancy refused to allow National Guard, because she wanted 200 idiots to stop what was going to be 24 hours of how the swing states did not run lawful elections. Democrats are still fighting against the Truth that they Stole the Election. She put up the fence for two months after.
This weekend is just another example the MurCommie and Dead Young need to be replaced Immediately- Two sellout Professional Political POS.
This comment is Exhibit A to demonstrate that radical Lefties and Democrats don’t have a normal thinking process. In fact, they truly are deranged and cognitively handicapped. It’s scary that we have to share our great country with THEM.
I sense crocodile tears here. Concern about the incursion into the Capitol and not a peep about the number of agents provocateur working for the feds. Not a word about 14,000 hours of video not yet released. Not a word about inhumane treatment of those arrested – months in solitary, for instance. Not a word about dual standards of treatment between the 2020 AntiFa / BLM riots that actually killed people and burned buildings.
Apparently some protests are more equal than others. Cheers –
“The RNC and the radical right seem quite willing to condone the illegal actions of the persons who stormed the Capitol building, attacked and injured police officers, and destroyed public property.”
No. Not even close.
The RNC and the radical right (whomever that is), want anyone who broke the law to be arrested, charged, tried, and punished in accordance with the appropriate laws in place. What the right does not want to see is people sentenced with four years in jail for trespass.
What is curious is that the people being charged are not the ones who destroyed property (for the most part), nor are they the ones who attacked the police officers. Even more curious, so far, not a single person detained for the events has been charged with insurrection.
“The hypocrisy on display is glaring. Conservatives have rightfully criticized and called for the prosecution of BLM protesters and members of Antifa when they break laws during protests, but seem to have no issue with conservative protesters doing the same thing.”
What hypocrisy?
If the left were to pursue the criminals that attacked police, damaged property, etc.. during the BLM riots, instead of funding their bail, the right would stop bringing it up.
How about equal treatment under the law, instead of pretending one riot is an insurrection, and the other is nothing worth paying attention to? The hypocrites here are the ones pretending BLM is practicing free speech.
I’ ll try to make this simple for you. The RNC censured Representatives Cheney and Kitzinger for participating in the investigation into the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol. It claimed that the investigation was focused on Americans exercising their right to “legitimate political discourse.” But the committee’s investigation is focused on the causes of the violent and criminal attack on the Capitol. So by simple and direct logic, the RNC is equating the attack on the Capitol with legitimate political discourse. After the RNC issued its censure, numerous Republican leaders (not just Murkowski and Young) felt compelled to issue statements criticizing the RNC’s statement. Late yesterday, Señor Sullivan also issued a statement in which he once again condemned the criminals who attacked the Capitol. After receiving this criticism the RNC backtracked by issuing a clarification saying that it condemns the attack on the Capitol. But this clarification completely undermines the censure of Cheney and Kitzinger since the RNC now says it condemns the illegal conduct they were investigating. Confusing? That’s because the RNC has taken polar opposite positions on the issue in the span of 8 hours.
The committee investigating the Jan 6 attack has done nothing to undermine the rights of people to attend rallys or protests. Claiming otherwise is just wrong.
Also wrong are the claims by other commentators that Antifa or BLM were somehow responsible for instigating the Jan 6 attacks. That misinformation has often been floated by right wing pundits who have no regard for the truth. If you have a hard time believing this, rewatch the hours and hours of video showing the folks who attacked the Capitol. Or read the plea agreements signed by those who have pleaded guilty so far. They admit they got caught up in the lies and disinformation being spouted by Trump and his henchmen that the 2020 election was stolen.
Most of those arrested for storming the Capitol have been freed after posting bail. And most that have pled guilty so far have received probation or very light sentences. The feds are trying to resolve the charges against those who got swept up in the moment but did nothing other than enter the Capitol first. The defendants facing the most serious charges will be tried last.
So how do you feel about all the videos and sworn statements from actual witnesses that Capital Police were opening the locked doors from the INSIDE and pushing aside barricades in order to allow the protesters inside the capital building? They waved them in. Also, some of the bad actors you take such umbrage with were undercover LE posing as protesters. Not tinfoil hat conspiracy. Fact. By the way, had 1/6 really been a life threatening armed insurrection, we’d have all known it. A guy dressed in a furry costume and carrying a spear shouldn’t scare you so much.
Would you please define radical right for me?
Dan said something! All three of our representatives are peas in a pod!
I have nothing but distaste for all three.
Bronson has it going on though!!!!!
Swampy Dan must have bad polling
Precisely why I am not voting for Lisa or Don this fall. I always have in the past. In fact, this time I will be working AGAINST both Lisa and Don.
You cannot compare the riots and destruction of BLM and Antifa, to what happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6. How many murders were committed by BLM / Antifa, how many businesses burned to the ground, how many people were injured – compared to a couple of broken windows at the Capitol and ONE person being murdered by the Capitol security. Complete apples and oranges! To top it off, NONE of the BLM/Antifa scum have been prosecuted, compared to how many people sitting in solitary confinement for a YEAR in a federal prison?
You have to compare the reaction, and the arrests/punishments. Which means a comparison is required of the riots.
Here is how it works out:
BLM/ANTIFA riot — Murders, millions to billions in damages, months on end.
Jan 6th — Overwhelming majority of the people stayed within the velvet ropes, damage to building was relatively minor, only death was a protester, and worst part about it was it happened at all.
BLM/ANTIFA riots — Very few arrests, almost zero effort to identify culprits, and prominent national Democrats supported bail efforts.
Jan 6th — Universally condemned by everyone, tons of arrests, massive effort underway to identify anyone even remotely associated with the events.
And, the left calls anyone who questions the disparity a hypocrite.
Not to mention the fact that many people were let in or even led in by officials. And that the instigator of much of the “violence” Ray Epps is still running free.
Nothing Dan Sullivan does now can save him from what he chose to do by voting to certify a stolen and fraudulent Presidential election and turning his back on President Trump, our Commander in Chief. He turned his back on the American people by refusing to tell us the truth surrounding the false-flag at the Capitol on the 6th. Dan also chose to support Biden’s picks for top positions when he didn’t have to. He has refused to use the position we gave him to take positive actions to keep the border open for all Alaskans that need to travel to and from the State.
What is he actively accomplishing even now to stop the restrictions for truckers crossing the border other than giving campaign speeches at events like this? Even though the border was closed, how much money did America continue to give to Canada over the last couple years to maintain the Alcan Highway Dan?
Dan Sullivan is a deep state swamp creature and a traitor to our country. Resign Dan. You are not fooling anyone who is paying attention to your actions.
“seem quite willing to condone the illegal actions of the persons who stormed the , attacked and injured police officers, and destroyed public property”. “who are using their trucks to unlawfully block intersections and cause tremendous congestion and disruption there”. Great lecture on hypocrisy.
“seem quite willing to condone the illegal actions of the persons who stormed (set ablaze) the(Starbucks, REI, Portland Federal bldg) , attacked and injured police officers, and destroyed public (private) property”. “who are using their trucks (bodies, overturned, burning, police cars) to unlawfully block intersections and cause tremendous congestion and disruption there”. Great lecture on hypocrisy.
Hey , Hey, Ho, Ho, Don and Lisa Have To Go. Lisa is a Dem and Don is too old.
What’s that mean ….your comment is waiting moderation?
It means that your comment is waiting to be moderated.
Is English not your first language, Reed?
Yet no one comments on those that were strategically planted to infiltrated into the protest for photo opps and to herd and motivate some to do more than planned.
Does anyone here think that Lisa or Don ever heard of Ray Epps?
Seen the footage of antifa redressing from black close to red white and blue?
Or even question the spike in the flip-flop of the vote count in the a.m. after counting stopped for 3+ hours.
I think a change is coming for the delagation. Those that are out of touch with Alaskans are going.
There are key indicators of one six that should tell us all something. What are they hiding? Fourteen thousand hours of video in our nation’s capital that the American people should see so we can judge. Why are they hiding it? Video that could prove or disprove theorys of what occured. Why is the constitution continued to be violated when it comes to the rights of the accused? Where does this delagation stand on those constitutional rights?
No one I know has said that storming the capital was a good idea but not a single person was killed by a rioter only one unarmed girl was murdered by a security guard. Unlike all the BLM riots where many lost their lives when you said nothing. If you think January 6 was an insurrection and not a protest that got out of hand you are wrong. Those who did wrong should pay the consequences just like any other protester that broke the law but treating them like political prisoners is just plain wrong.
No one I know has said that storming the capital was a good idea but not a single person was killed by a rioter only one unarmed girl was murdered by a security guard. Unlike all the BLM riots where many lost their lives when you said nothing. If you think January 6 was an insurrection and not a protest that got out of hand you are wrong. Those who did wrong should pay the consequences just like any other protester that broke the law but treating them like political prisoners is just plain wrong. This is not a duplicate comment
As the truckers said they don’t spread covid that much anyway, vaxed or unvaxed, spending long hours on the road in their trucks and limited socializing so what’s the reason for “mandates”. Glad the Senator and Mayor came.
MRAK has not commented on the lack of an endorsement from Sen Sullivan for Trump’s Barbie doll running against Sen Murkowski
What happened January 6th was a DIRECT result of Pelosi and the House Sergeant at Arms REFUSAL of Trumps offer for National Guard troops at the Capital on January 6th. This was a orchestrated event by the liberal bureaucrats in Washington DC. Anyone that is unaware of these facts has not been paying attention. Senator Sullivan is 100% American and believes in our Constitutional Republic.
Murky and Young, traitors to the Country and Constitution.
It’s past time for them to go.
They don’t call him Ohio Dan for nothing. The truckers strike is not supported by the truckers except for a few misguided Americans.
Oldman – you must be REALLY old! You probably still get your “news” from the corrupt, corporate/Dem controlled legacy media & Dem mouthpiece NPR. If you knew how to use modern technology, you wouldn’t display your ignorance publicly by stating that only a few misguided Americans support the Canadian Freedom Convoy. Quite the contrary. They have widespread grassroots support across Canada. Even farmers have joined in and they are winning. Several Provinces have already announced plans to lift all Covid mandates, but you won’t hear that on mainstream media. The official Covid narrative isn’t crumbling – it has been demolished!
In the USA, we have something called due process and a policy of equal justice before the law. American’s civil rights are being violated by both the courts and the congress. If our representatives want to speak out about something it is the violation of the 8th amendment. People are entitled to be provided evidence which they are not being afforded (people familiar Ted Stevens should remember that the FBI and DOJ are more or less criminal enterprises). The use of pre trial detention of suspects, particularly suspects with no criminal history, in this case is unprecedented. By all means, let them stand trial but a Kangaroo buy Pelosi and Cheney is not due process and if congress wants to investigate lets also investigate this: ‘https://taylerhansen.substack.com/p/capitol-offense-the-ugly-truth-behind’
Murkowski is a fraud.
“Young concurred on Twitter: “I will reiterate what I said last year: I was appalled at the violence and destruction at the Capitol on January 6th. ”
I have had naps that were more violent than that so-called insurrection.
And I’ve had naps that were far more productive than any recent year in office for Don Young.
Just when I was going to throw in the towel on Sullivan, he does something good. Now if he would just be more outspoken against the invasion on our Southern Border and actually show up at the D.C. gulag to check on innocent Americans being held political prisoners and denied their constitutional rights. How about it Sullivan? If you want to talk about Constitutional Freedoms you can’t ignore the subjects already mentioned and also ignore Election Integrity. An election was stolen from the American people’s candidate, Trump, through the criminal act of fraud. This is not conjecture or a conspiracy theory, the evidence is clear and mounts every day. Foreign entities were involved in this election steal, which is an attack on the United States. What are you personally doing to investigate this election steal and get Americans out of the D.C. jail and out of Afghanistan? At this point, any Senator or Congressman that denies the crime on Nov. 3rd 2020 is intentionally ignoring it and supports election fraud to place establishment politicians in office. This is unacceptable and the American people have had enough!
Don Young is a used-up deep state corrupt politician, we deserve better. Vote out all the incumbants.
Ashli Babbitt. Ray Epps. Patriot Act. Habeas Corpus. Nancy Pelosi. Right to a Speedy Trial. First Amendment. Congress Corruption. Inept Capitol Police. Sergeants-At-Arms.
Whatever happened to the GOP? Whatever happened to the Republican Party that bit the Watergate bullet 50 years ago and yet trudged on to emerge stronger?
Rebirth does come from the ashes, but the ashes must come first — just like Nietzsche says.
Amazing to read the delusional comments, here. Folks: Trump lied, people died. Watch videos to see how violent the January 6 insurrection, which sought to stop American democracy in its tracks, truly was.
Don’t let this disgraced billionaire-son-of-billionaire drag you down into loony land and crazy conspiracy theories. Rise up, wise up, and be better.
You are delusional, Thompst. Utterly, completely delusional.
When freedom-loving Americans (which you are almost certainly not) decide to state a REAL insurrection — and the time is coming, pushed and egged-on by authoritarian fanatics like you — EVERYONE will know it, unequivocally. The protest and very minor riot in the Capitol last January 6th was definitely not it.
Drink that Koolaid thompst.
[…] MustReadAlaska: Study in Contrasts: While Murkowski, Young criticize GOP, Sen. Sullivan connects wit… […]
All three are RINOs and all three must go.
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