Stephanie Taylor fundraiser attended by dozens


Fifty people attended the fundraiser for Stephanie Taylor for Assembly on Tuesday evening at a private home in Anchorage. Taylor is running for the seat currently held by Forrest Dunbar, who unsuccessfully ran for mayor, losing to Mayor Dave Bronson in the May runoff.

Taylor told her supporters that she has been a lifelong volunteer but that the direction the city of Anchorage has gone recently encouraged her to step up. Taylor was a volunteer on the Dave Bronson campaign and is a lifelong conservative.

“I’m not looking for a political career, I just feel that this is a way to serve and a way to effect change,” she told the group. “I’m stepping out.”

Her website is

Dunbar represents East Anchorage.


  1. Running against Dunbar? I don’t care if you’re a dripping wet, blue skinned blob of protoplasm from planet Zorg, you have my vote!!!

  2. Stephanie Taylor does not need to fundraise. Forrest Dunbar will reject his white privilege and step down in favor of a woman of color.
    OK, tried to keep a straight face, but couldn’t. I do not live in her district, but I am donating to her campaign. And, I will donate to the campaign of anyone who is running against the “progressives” on our Assembly. (That includes my own representative that embodies the faux conservative approach.)

  3. Stand STRONG Stephanie!! That scumbag Dunbar needs to go. He can join ‘george soros $$$’ and his
    Open Society of Socialism which is truly Marxist Fascism.

  4. I don’t live in her district, but I sure gave to her campaign. Assembly seats matter to ALL Anchorage residents! My district is unblessed with Chris Constant and I sure hope that when he is up for reelection that the entire city comes out against him. How much more slapping are we going to take, Anchorage?

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