South Carolina governor calls for investigation of porn in school libraries — same porn found in Anchorage schools


South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster requested this week that S.C. Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman immediately begin a comprehensive investigation into the presence of obscene and pornographic materials in public schools.

McMaster sent the request in a letter to Superintendent Spearman after he received examples of what many see as pornographic materials found in schools from concerned parents in Fort Mill. 

The material he is concerned about is the same porn that was removed from Anchorage School shelves by Superintendent of Schools Superintendent Deena Bishop, who found the book “Gender Queer: A Memoir” to be inappropriate for school libraries.

“By way of example, it is my understanding that concerned parents were recently required to petition the Fort Mill School District to remove a book from a school’s physical or digital library, titled Gender Queer: A Memoir, by Maia Kobabe,” Governor McMaster wrote. “If school personnel had performed even a cursory review in this particular instance, it would have revealed that the book contains sexually explicit and pornographic depictions, which easily meet or exceed the statutory definition of obscenity.  Thus, I am concerned that further examination may identify additional instances in which inappropriate materials have been introduced into our State’s public schools.”

McMaster also said, “For sexually explicit materials of this nature to have ever been introduced or allowed in South Carolina’s schools, it is obvious that there is or was either a lack of, or a complete breakdown in, any existing oversight processes or the absence of appropriate screening standards.  Therefore, I respectfully request that the Department of Education promptly investigate this matter, on a statewide basis, and identify whether any systemic policy or procedural deficiencies exist at the state or local levels, or both.”

He called on the Department of Education or the State Board of Education to promulgate statewide standards and directives to prevent pornography from entering the state’s public schools and to identify any materials that may already be in school libraries.

Noting that the dissemination of the obscene materials likely violates state law, the governor referred the matter to Chief of the State Law Enforcement Division, Mark Keel, writing: “I trust you agree that pornography and obscenity have no place in our State’s public schools, much less in their libraries. Aside from being deeply disturbing and manifestly inappropriate, it is likely illegal under South Carolina law. Accordingly, by copy of this letter, I am simultaneously notifying the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division of this matter for further evaluation.”

In Anchorage, the superintendent said the book was sent to the district in a bulk order of books, without the district specifically requesting it. Around the nation, other school districts have also found the book among their stacks, leading parents to lobby to have the book removed.

To date, there has not been a robust defense of it by LGBTQ activists, but a superintendent in Illinois has ruled the book should remain, saying “the book ‘Gender Queer’ meets the critieria for inclusion in our library.”

Caution: The following story from Nov. 13 Must Read Alaska has graphic depictions from the book, not appropriate for everyone:


  1. Yup, it is time for our governor to do the same thing statewide. Otherwise parents, grandparents, grea grandparent & any other interested individuals need to form groups to do this.

    • Where is Dunleavy?
      Standing tall somewhere doing nothing – again.
      But he wants to preserve the rights of businesses to mandate vaccines.
      He lost my vote a long time ago…

  2. A good number of the Anchorage Assembly love gay sex and practice it like a religion. We know who they are.

    • Judie,
      It could be stated that the Assembly is over-represented by homosexuals. Do the math. The general population is about 6-8 percent homosexual. But the Assembly has a much higher percentage. And that’s why we have so many problems with the Assembly.

  3. If nothing else can be seen as a blessing, a mercy, a grace, during the beginning of this plandemic, public schools “going virtual” has assisted in waking up parents across the nation.

    Pass the coffee and STAY AWAKE, my friends! We have more work to do!

  4. How times have changed, one of the basic tenants of the Sicilian Mafia was, “we don’t do kids.” There’s zero honor amongst this new “Gay Mafia” crowd, and they’re the ones trusted with their care:

  5. If this is child pornography , everyone involved, author, publisher, purchaser should be prosecuted. If you are concerned and not too lazy, or too involved in pro sports, you should contact the state atty. general. I sure am going to.

  6. They can’t have a Bible, but this stuff is “progressive”. Good is called evil and evil is called good. That is where we are now officially.

  7. Miss Bishop
    You have embodied the worst of what human beings can do! I don’t think I need to educate or inform you of all that I have in mind, but certainly you can’t miss the most obvious issues that you purposely bypassed. Children are the consequences here, how can you excuse the blatant when it crossed your hands, and pass it on to someone else. Shame on you!!!
    Sent from my iPhone

  8. I have no idea what you are talking about.

    Deena M. Bishop, Ed.D.
    Superintendent, Anchorage School District
    5530 E. Northern Lights Boulevard
    Anchorage, Alaska 99504
    Office Phone (907) 742-4312

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Dave Maxwell
    Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 1:39 PM
    To: Bishop_Deena
    Subject: Embarrassing

    CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

  9. I’m sorry for two things, one not being specific enough for you to immediately see my point. Second, for even having to address this disgusting subject at all.
    Now the specific subject I am referring to is the book gender queer!
    What disturbs me to my core is that our leaders consciences seem to have been seared to the point that the obvious unacceptable behavior and or material has to go before a “team or a committee “ before it can be deemed disgusting and thrown out. For you miss Bishop, was there really a need to review this for more than 10 seconds? Why was this pushed forward where it goes into a process before a “team” to be
    Reviewed ??? What kind of grotesque operations are the tax payers expected to pay for???!
    How about an answer as to who put this trash on the shelf? How long has it been circulating in the schools ?

    Come on, Deena Bishop — you know like I do that when our morals are only acceptable when scrutinized by a committee and then activated we’re in a hell of a lot of trouble. Each of us has the personal responsibility to act on behalf of those we are responsible for! This book in my opinion never should have been “reviewed “by anyone , and when seen should have been immediately discarded. Then the follow up as to how it got there in the first place. And lastly who gets fired for this?

    This is very close to criminal, maybe the authorities /FBI should have been brought in.

    What am I talking about? The same thing that has gotten the attention of Dan Fagan, Must Read Alaska, The Watchman, and Mike Porcaro and many others including the mayor of Anchorage.


  10. There is a process for everything. Government has processes to ensure equal voice and freedoms. We are designed for checks and balances to ensure our rights. You know that.


    Get Outlook for iOS

  11. Leftists in charge, porn and racism in schools…and that’s just what we’re aware of….Time for some investigation and reckoning.

  12. Why do homosexuals want to beat it into everyone’s brains that they are homosexual? Why do they think anyone cares? Why can’t they keep it to themselves? I don’t walk around preaching my sexual preference to everyone..

    • It is likely because of insecurity and intolerance on their part, Andrew. They are fundamentally insecure, because they recognize, if only subconsciously, that they are at odds with biology and with the rest of society.

    • You know that teachers/school district are not making everyone read this book, right? It is only there for those who seek it out, most likely a non-binary student.

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