So far, more than one of every 100 Anchorage ballots rejected, mainly due to signature issues

The confusion ballot

The “ballot curing” process is under way, as 601 ballots have been rejected so far in the Anchorage Municipal Election that ended Tuesday, most of them due to failing the signature test at the Anchorage Municipal Election Office.

The rejected ballots are from every part of the municipality, including several from Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson. They do not seem to come from one specific area.

One of those rejected ballots was cast by Hunter Sulte, the son of Assembly District 6 candidate Randy Sulte who, at this point, is winning in his challenge to Assemblyman John Weddleton. Hunter Sulte is a goalie for the Portland Timber soccer team and is on tour in the midst of the team’s season. He’s unable to get back in time Anchorage to fix his ballot to the Clerk’s satisfaction. At at this point, count him among those who were disenfranchised of his vote.

Under the old absentee ballot process, Hunter could have requested an absentee ballot, and would have voted and mailed it in; that process would have ensured the ballot came from the proper voter.

As for the other 600 who were disenfranchised, they are supposed to get letters from the Clerk, who runs the Election Office, but if they are not home, they won’t know their ballot didn’t count. Those with shifts on the North Slope or who are traveling out of state might not even know their ballot was rejected.

Anchorage moved to an all-mail election system in 2017 and since then does not conduct regular polls, where people can show their driver’s license, sign a roster, and get a ballot from a human being. Now, ballots are mailed, and the voters must return them by mail or drop them in drop boxes around Anchorage. The process is cumbersome and the election stretches out for many weeks as a result.

During the election for Anchorage mayor last year, more than 400 ballots didn’t pass the signature test and the Bronson campaign team went about tracking down those voters to make sure they knew how to fix their ballots and resubmit them. Even then, some people’s ballots were rejected a second time.

Must Read Alaska wrote about problems with signature “curing” and voter disenfranchisement in this story last year:

The campaigns for several of the Assembly challengers are working through the list to make sure their voters are getting the message that they have to fix their ballot, and how to do so most efficiently.

It may seem like a small number, but with 46,000 votes in so far, it’s more than one out of every 100 voters who are not getting their ballots counted because their signatures don’t match with the one the election office has on file. More ballots are expected to arrive in coming days, and the number of rejected signatures will probably rise.

If you are wondering if your name is on the list of rejected ballots, Must Read Alaska has compiled a Google document — embedded below — with the first name and last initial, along with the zip code, for many of the ones we found were rejected. If you think you might be on that list, you can contact the author at [email protected] and I will check the full-name list.


  1. So that’s where those missing ballots went… harvested by the Marxist Nine and signatures forged.

  2. So where do they get, or who is the hand writing expert who decides if a signature matches? Mine is different every time.

  3. What we have found in Anchorage now is voting is a privilege not a right. You improve your opportunity for such privilege if you live a uniform lifestyle approved of by the permanent assembly and as reported by the USPS. Ond, if you are unsure of your gender, and be a democrat. Good luck dear.

  4. The rejection rate in the Texas primary was 13%, most southern states do not aggressively cure ballots. It takes both the voter and witness to screw up a simple procedure, unfortunately it happens.

  5. When the system is corrupt, it is never who(m) gets the most votes that wins, as who counts the votes determines the winner. Muni Clerk got the Assembly to approve how votes are monitored. We must explore what happened to the rest of the ballots? How come so many conservatives didn’t receive their ballots? How much taxpayer money has been wasted by this fraudulent process? If it looks and smells like a rat, it is probably a rat.

  6. But yet somehow, when presented to a liberal loon, requiring a person to show up at a polling place with an ID in hand is voter suppression.

  7. Has anyone read the clerk’s contract? Who wrote it? Who were signatories? What has changed in the none of your business city corporation in the last three years. All the public’s business.

  8. I can’t imagine why they wanted to bail on the fool proof in person voting. Citizens would go to their assigned polling station, show their id, sign the ledger next to their name, and proceed to vote. There was a absentee system in place, ballots were never withheld, and signatures were never questioned when proper identification was presented. How is it more cost effective to pay for less than a dozen, fully vetted MOA clerks office employees to drag their heels, processing ballots, versus dozens of election station Volunteers that could complete the task in a timely manner? I still do not recall the mail in system being presented on a ballot to the voters for approval. This is what happens when the citizens are asleep at the wheel.

  9. I voted in person and was REQUIRED to show id…the system is broken and, sad to.say, I no longer trust any of it. Why was I required to show id but mail in voters do not?

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