This is the week when the sun will dip below the horizon in America’s northernmost community, Barrow, also called Utqiagvik. There are only three more days of the “midnight sun” in 2024 for the city of 4,300 Alaskans in the North Slope Borough, where the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas meet.
Here’s the sun schedule: On Thursday, Aug. 1, the sun will set at 2:16 a.m. and rise during the same hour — at 2:51 a.m. It will set again at 1:50 a.m. on Aug. 2, for about 22:58:43 hours of daylight. The sun will rise at 3:17 a.m. on Aug. 2.
And so begins the daily reduction of actual daylight until Sept. 22, the autumnal equinox.
On Sunday, it’s 35F degrees in Barrow, 71°17’N / 156°47’W, with light winds from the east.
Solar noon in Barrow will be at 2:33 p.m. on Aug. 1.
“Utqiagvik.”….is that somewhere near Barrow?
Why not just call it “Barrow” and quit bowing to phony people that have to change names just so they can feel good?
They voted to change the name. It’s their town’s decision. -sd
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