Across the city of Sitka, U.S. flags were upside down on flag poles on Wednesday. Flags were flown in the “distress” position in front of Sitka City Hall, the Forest Service and Park Service offices, as well as at the airport.
It didn’t appear to be an officially sanctioned government activity, but was likely the work of a person or persons objecting to the government jobs being reduced by President Donald Trump through a series of executive orders.
Flying the flag upside down is recognized as a signal of distress when used in maritime situations. Choosing to fly the flag upside down as a form of political protest was something done by Democrats during the first Trump Administration and also by conservatives during the Biden Administration and in response to Trump being indicted in August, 2023.
So far, it appears eight federal jobs were cut in Sitka for things like trail work, tribal relations, and subsistence fish observation. It is being reported widely that across the Tongass National Forest, which covers most of Southeast Alaska, 90 positions were cut, and 120 Forest Service jobs may be eliminated statewide.
Since the 2001 Roadless Rule was enacted, no measurable timber harvesting has taken place in the Tongass, which has been turned into what is essentially a national park.
Great News(!!!) … With the elimination of these wasteful and non-meaningful Guv’ment positions, essentially saving Taxpayers money and bringing about common sense, hopefully these socialists move elsewhere (ie: Seattle, Portland, SF, and LA) and open up new real estate listings.
OH the Drama
Obviously not capable of finding work anywhere else. Government drones in full distress! Fire them all.
I have the same level of empathy for the loss of these government jobs that those in Sitka demonstrated for the loss of private jobs when the Feds closed down their jobs years ago. What goes around, comes around…
TTRA was the original DOGE and all the pretend fiscal conservatives are still whining about it.
I agree 100% toasted. They were happy the timber jobs were vanishing and could care less about the family’s affected. I’m happy I lived long enough to see these
Clowns fall on their own swords. Time for a federal re boot. Fire them all and they can reapply.
City of Sitka, I called and was told it wasn’t a official act and that it had been addressed.
Of course the lazy person who curates this blog never bothered to do this one simple thing, instead she would rather insinuate that it was an official act.
Nobody thought that and it wasn’t the implication.
Time for another Covid booster shot.
Think about the Seniors…
The 2nd sentence of this piece says it wasn’t an official act; you idiot.
They should have been flying them like that during the entire 4 years of Biden’s BS.
It’s hard to keep up with all of these emergency orders by the President but can anyone confirm when we get to stop paying taxes on tips and social security? He was quite adamant about these when he was campaigning.
As far as I can see the tax on tips ends March 1st
Arrest those responsible for treason; I’m sure there are cameras on building. If they can’t put aside their personal beliefs in a new administration, for the good of our Nation and state, they need to be fired.
It’s not treason.
No but it is likely a violation of policy. Someone should get a few days off without pay.
You sound like the people who prosecuted the J/6 rioters.
Dear Toasted: WELL SAID! SE Alaska needs to shake off the Green chokehold regarding timber & mining, and rejoin the effort of Make Alaska Great Again.
If the cutting of old growth forest was making Alaska great again, why did the federal government subsidize it to the tune of $50 million so the timber could be shipped to Japan? You need a DOGE audit.
IT should have been upside down for the 4 years the vegetable was in charge!
A few decades ago, we should of opened another boarding school on the YK Delta. We could easily fill a school the size of Mt. Edgcombe with high school students from just the YK Delta….
Talk about lowering costs… Bring on Alaska D. O. G. E…
Unfortunately Mt. Edgecumbe has gone woke and is no longer a relevant school where quality education is concerned.
If we could just get rid of the Park Service !!
At the very least the Denali superintendent who had the American Flag removed from a construction company! Find and fire her no pay or pension!
They must not have got their 1.3 million for king crab and trip to Peru.
If it’s good enough for Mrs. Alito, it’s good enough for Sitka.
Mrs. Alito is a private citizen.
Well then it was her husband who is a public person.
Big assumption to think Justice Alito was involved in the decision in any way.
Valid point, but not exactly applicable here.
Mrs. Alito is a private citizen, and she hung the flag in the distress position in front of her private home.
This was government workers, hanging the flag upside down in front of Federal property. And, likely on the clock as well.
Many of us live like this everyday and have been especially since 2020… We don’t know if where we work is going to shut down… Anyone who has heard it said, don’t bother punching in, knows what I mean… ^^^
Imagine the outrage, fury if someone did something like that to they alphabet gay flag. Jees!!
With these recent firings and scrutiny, the shameful waste of taking care of our veterans at the VA will finally end. The vets can fend for themselves. There’s free homeless shelters for them if they need it.
And there’s more of the same all the way down the line. Social Security is a fraud – let’s get rid of it, and all the people who work there. And Medicare / Medicaid? Don’t get me started on these govt handouts. We are drowning in the shameful free support to those losers who take advantage of it. They are old, they are going to die – why dump our taxes into that dead-end??
DOGE, charge on! Hit the entitlements hard! That’s where the real graft lies
America should have had them in that position gor the past 4 years then….
I’m sure there are a few trees that need a hug.
I wonder if the thousands of federal employees so unceremoniously dumped voted in November?
I bet they’ll vote in 2026.
The Trump administration had better grow lots of hay fast. I’m thinking the sunshine might get clouded over in a couple years……………
Can them all. It’s time to re group.
Whoever flipped it should be fired immediately. It was not his/her personal flag and it was done while being paid as a government employee.
Ok to me your not right as Lisa. What is wrong with a President caring out promises? That the majority of Americans asked for. Bring our Government back to the people. Not give all our tax payer dollars to bull crap. There is so much fraud and you all know it. We keep getting threaten about our social security running out. guess what they found fraud. People 159 yrs old still receiving it huh. You all need to wake up and I could go on. But our rep is supporting all this fraud must be removed.
A victory for the taxpayers in reducing the bloated, inefficient government leviathan. The flag move should cost someone their job.
Sitka has 33 Historical sites.
Huge % of Fed employees for such a small town.
If there is no distress then someone pretty stupid put the flags upside down. You can legally enter any building that shows a sign of distress. Must have been a dumb Democrat.
We just endured 4 years of Hell under the corrupt Biden regime and now it appears we are going to have to endure 4 more years of juvenile stunts like this!
The Mayor of Sitka City and Borough should be recalled and the department heads at the Park Service and Forest Service offices should be terminated immediately for allowing the US Flag to be flown incorrectly. I fully support the right of protest for any individual but will never support desecration of the US Flag by any public entity or on a public facility.
Russia already said they wanted Alaska and California. Mr Trump told Mr. Zelinski to just give up part of his country to Russia rather than fight for it. Where do you think you stand with him? Ah we don’t need em. Ever heard that one before? Might not get feeling too comfy.
Colin-Did the little voice in your head also tell you that Putin wanted to invade Europe? Or where Jimmy Hoffa is buried? LMAO!!
Tongass National Forest. So yes, protected land.
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