Shocking: Anchorage dump has trove of personal data for the taking


Forget Equifax and its massive breach of America’s personal information.

In Anchorage, one only needs to drive to the dump to access the names, driver’s license numbers, home addresses and phone numbers of those who came before you to check out the free paint stash. You can also view the signatures associated with this information.

Anchorage Assembly member Amy Demboski was shocked to see a document sent to her that was a photo of visitor logs at the municipal landfill near Eagle River. Must Read Alaska has pixellated the critical information in the photo:

“The Muni is not protecting private information,” Demboski said. “I was sent a picture by a resident who has seen private info multiple times and was able to take a picture because Muni staff left him alone with the info.”

Demboski said she advised the Solid Waste Services director and City Manager Mike Abbott about the breach, but was unsatisfied with the response, so after several days she sent the information along to Must Read Alaska.

“Public officials have a duty to protect the public and that means your personal info too. If the administration chooses not to take that duty seriously, it is my job as an elected official to try to remedy the situation. Warning the public is a necessary step,” – Amy Demboski

The Muni may be in violation of state law:

Sec. 45.48.010 – .090 – Breach of Security Involving Personal Information.

This section of state law contains provisions that require the notification to consumers when their information is breached. That information is listed as an individual’s name and one or more of several other pieces of information, including a social security number, driver’s license number, account number, password, or other access codes.

Violators, including agencies, are subject to a $500 penalty for each consumer who has not been provided notice of the breach of their information. In addition, people can recover actual economic harm, according to the law.

A summary of Alaska laws protecting consumers’ identity is at the Consumer Protection Unit of the Department of Law website.

Other sites that may be helpful to those who are concerned their identities may have been compromised:



  1. There’s no expectation of privacy when you’re visiting a dump. The amount of personal information here is negligible. It is not covered under HIPAA, the HITECH act, COPPA or any other such laws. All your personal identifiable information such as address and name are listed in the state’s MyProperty system. Your political information such as address, name, party affiliation and in some cases SSN are also public. Oh, and your name along with your criminal history and DoB, also public.

    Privacy is dead. This is a political stunt.

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