She has risen: Troopers, neighbors rescue moose from ice in Fairbanks


Troopers in Fairbanks were notified that a moose had fallen through the ice on the Chena River and couldn’t get out on Easter Sunday.

Troopers Jordan Chroniger, Jon Lindblom, and Derick Norris responded with Wildlife Trooper McDowell.

With the assistance of local neighbors, Troopers were successful in hauling the moose out of the water and relocating it to the riverbank.

Although tired and cold, the moose was able to stand on its own and appeared to be thankful for the assistance.

“Troopers wished the moose a Happy Easter and warned her of the dangers of thawing river ice,” the Troopers reported on social media.


  1. Our law enforcement, attorney general office and family court: their jobs are to care for us making life easier like our troopers reducing this moose struggle. Some ocs youth are needed to be returned to their rightful guardians, which are more than 5 kids from our matsu. We free our creatures from frigid waters, we have some families
    needing to be freed from the frigid waters of bureacracy

  2. Well Done Troopers. We needed a Happy Ending this year. That water was deep and cold, and by the look of all the snow and slush they had to move, and a scared hypo-thermic moose; It wasn’t easy

  3. Unfortunately, although a great effort and heartwarming, the moose is assuredly already dead. Exposure like that sends these animals into a catatonic state (hence the posed picture) that they’ll not recover from and myopathy death sets in generally within 24 hours. Far better to humanly kill it and donate the meat to charity. But a valiant effort. Nature is cruel but it’s reality.

  4. My question:
    Where did they place the lasso on the moose?
    That would be a clever rodeo trick, especially around open water.

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