Shape-shifting: Peltola denies her support for Biden, waffles on Kamala, dodges questions

Peltola walks away from reporter, wont' answer question about Trump verdict.

It’s anything for a vote at this point. Mary Peltola on Tuesday abandoned her endorsement of President Joe Biden during a private press conference with selected members of the mainstream media. She said she never endorsed him. And she dissed the Democratic Party by not publicly committing to its nominee for president, now that Biden is out.

But facts are harder to abandon. To the Anchorage Daily News in April of 2023, Peltola said, “We don’t always see eye to eye, but President Biden has impressed me with his support for Willow and his commitment to civil, constructive discussions. I’ll support him as long as he continues to include Alaskans in those discussions.”

In December, she is on record saying that Biden was one of the sharpest people she had met in Washington, D.C.

By July, she was singing a slightly different tune. She said Trump would win Alaska by a landslide. This, even while the chairman of the Democratic National Committee said that ranked-choice voting could deliver Biden a win in Alaska.

“Alaska is not in play in the presidential race and that last I heard, Biden was 33 points behind Trump in Alaska,” Peltola told the Fairbanks News Miner. “The last presidential election cycle, it was 10 points above for Trump.”

She said in early July, “I don’t think there is any benefits to Alaskans weighing in on this issue,” Peltola said. “My opinion is irrelevant.”

But today she decided she was relevant once again and weighed in on campaign issues with reporters — but on a Zoom call.

Having endorsed Sen. Lisa Murkowski in 2022, and Biden in 2023, Peltola now has left the door open to vote for Trump, she said – depending on who Kamala Harris picks as her vice presidential candidate.

Although she won’t endorse Harris for now, she must vote for her in August. Peltola is the top-elected Democrat from Alaska who will be a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, where the formal nomination takes place. The delegation has endorsed Harris.

Also as Alaska’s top-elected Democrat and darling of the party since she beat Sarah Palin in 2022, she would normally be given the honor of announcing the delegation’s vote on the floor of the convention. But now, she has insulted her fellow Democrats by not committing to supporting the Democrat chosen to replace Biden.

She told reporters today, ““Looking at this presidential race, my position is whoever the president is, that is the person that I am interested in working with to help Alaska move forward,” Peltola said. “Whether that president is Donald Trump, or if that president happens to be Kamala Harris … there will be a lot of common ground. There will be a lot of things that we collectively agree on,” according to Alaska Public Media, while refusing to say who she will vote for.

What will also matter next January is who Peltola will vote for for House Speaker. Her record shows she voted for Hakeem Jeffries, the radical Democrat from New York, 18 times in 2023. Jeffries lost to Kevin McCarthy, the Republican.

Peltola’s campaign and political action committees are spending millions of dollars on ads supporting her campaign, but the National Republican Congressional Committee political action committee has just ramped up spending against Peltola.


  1. Mary would vote for a dead bear if told to.

    Speaking of dead bears, hope one day SD will tell us what went on in the Democrats conversation with “Bear Doctor” Al Gross to make him go away forever.

  2. She is a typical useless politician, with no convictions other than to be enabled to be a parasite on the backs of the voters. Her voters are the people most likely to suffer so she can live an extravagant life style but they continue to back her while she removes the state’s ability to the gain revenue that feeds them.

  3. Leftists, like the children they actually are, refuse to acknowledge what they said previously can be used against them. What they say now is reality, and always has been reality. Saying otherwise is not allowed.

  4. Lots of TV ads with brainwashed dunces supporting Peltola. All Peltola is really looking for is a new, rich husband (#6). A white Republican would do.

  5. Peltola is like Bill Walker and almost all other politicians – she will do and say anything to get re-elected, proving herself to be a big phony,


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