Setting the narrative: San Francisco news group labels Save Anchorage ‘right-wing’



“At the same time that Anchorage’s fringe right-wing groups have been organizing, the city’s Democratic Party has been falling apart,” wrote The Appeal, an online newspaper in San Francisco, which has taken a sudden interest in the mayor’s race in Anchorage. It’s so worried that the Democratic Party is falling apart, that the Bay Area news organization has jumped in to save candidate Forrest Dunbar.

This is how the narrative is shaped: Leftwing candidates reach out to leftwing writers to give them an assist with the voting public, getting them to damage their opponents. In this case, it appears that “Save Anchorage” is mayoral candidate Forrest Dunbar’s opponent. He is trying to tie candidate Dave Bronson to the group, which has someone funneling information out to Dunbar.

It’s possible that his deeps association with the Anchorage Press and Blue Alaskan are not helping Assemblyman Dunbar enough. Now he’s had to get San Francisco, the home of former Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, to lend a hand.

It would not be the first time that Dunbar sought to damage the 8,000 members of the Save Anchorage group, which is comprised of a lot of normal moms and a few wild-eyed people who are mad at city government. Dunbar recently mentioned Save Anchorage and Must Read Alaska as his enemies in a fundraising letter to all Anchorage super-voters.

A reporter for The Appeal in San Francisco interviewed Dunbar, and characterized him as worried about “Save Anchorage,” which organized last year after a series of radical decisions to shut down the city’s businesses, purchase hotels for vagrants, and ban a practice called “conversion therapy.” Save Anchorage was a constant presence at protests during the summer, fall, and winter at Assembly meetings, as members tried to save the city’s economy.

The Appeal is funded in part by the wife of Mark Zuckerberg, who is the CEO of Facebook.

Dance protest in front of the locked Anchorage Assembly meeting last fall.

The Appeal has been reaching out to readers in Anchorage through a public relations wire service to try to get them to read the story, in which they characterize Save Anchorage as the real radicals. The story, appearing as the lead item in the current edition of The Appeal, refers to Anchorage Daily News, the Anchorage Press, and Alaska Public Media stories as its sources its summary of the political environment in Anchorage. It is a textbook case of parachute journalism.

“On March 21, 2020, the city began using its sports arena and other large venues as temporary shelters. Over the summer, the city proposed using $22.5 million in federal CARES Act funds to buy four properties to house homeless people. Public health advocates and progressives applauded the decisions, but for a set of right-wing Anchorage residents, the decisions amounted to a rallying cry,” the news organization wrote. It then went on to say the group threatened violence and that a Facebook user named James Mileur “stormed the U.S. Capitol” on Jan. 6.

The Appeal then revealed the existence of a mole in Save Anchorage: “At least 8,000 people have joined the group, which has since been made private. But one person has ensured that its message stays in the public discourse.”

In addition to Zuckerberg money, The Appeal is funded by several radical left-wing nonprofit organizations. With a staff of dozens, it is essentially an unregistered field organizing team that appears to be putting the target on Save Anchorage as the Anchorage mayoral race heats up.

The story also swiped at mayoral candidates Dave Bronson and Mike Robbins. The author paints Bronson as being anti-homeless, while painting Robbins as someone associated with a dating website called Romanian American Matrimonial Introduction Services, and also a supporter of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016.

Suzanne Downing is the publisher of Must Read Alaska. She is a former business owner, longtime journalist, and political adviser who worked for Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida and Gov. Sean Parnell of Alaska.  Raised in Juneau, Alaska and based somewhere in Alaska, she was the editor of the Juneau Empire and now writes on current events and politics.


  1. The very last news group Alaskans want to hear from is from San Francisco. We have nothing in common with that city.

  2. The city that needs a poop map wants to give city management advice to others?

    We already have samples of their finest on the Anchorage Assembly and soon we’ll be cutting back.

  3. Bronson is anti-homeless? So he wants to actually solve the homeless problem rather than buying hotels for the homeless? Freudian slip much?

    • ? I caught that too and thought same thing. Freudian for sure. Of course Dunbar and his ilk embrace homelessness, hence ‘pro-homeless’, and the ‘fruits’ of keeping those struggling with said condition under government dependence, but make sure they vote… it’s big business to nurture the fields of homelessness watering and fertilizing them with Marxist lies.

  4. The homosexual, transexual, transvestite, lesbian, transgender, and gender reassignment crowd are up from San Francisco to help Forrest Dunbar win the Anchorage mayoral race. What does that tell us about Forrest Dunbar? What does that tell us about Anchorage?

  5. I’m getting about sick and tired of out of staters sticking their noses into our states business. They need to go worry about their own miserable states.

    The assembly was trying to save something….that’s funny. Behind closed doors, in secrecy, and total disregard and disrespect towards the people, for whom they are suppose to work for. Then cry when someone calls them by their name.
    Now go tell your mommy Felix about that one.

  6. Funny, in their effort to us into San Fransisco 2.0 they’re resorting to advertising Save Anchorage and Must Read Alaska!

  7. Let’s send all our homeless to San Fran and give them 1,000 dollars spending money. Then they can run for mayor, poop in the streets, and vote for free stuff. We can use some PFD money to help make a change for San Fran, just like they want to help us.

  8. Why doesn’t Dunbar join Berkyboy, Felix and AQD in ‘Frisco’ for their own Facebook fantasia? Alaska has too much to offer to waste one breathe on their presence.

  9. Mark Zuckerburg can just simply use his tool to disband the Save Anchorage group. They could be gone within minutes. Poof!
    Don’t be dependent on Social Media tools for rallies, those thousands in the Save Anchorage group, they need to attend their Community Council meetings. I am sure several hundred members are ready to be council members in Anchorage Districts. Before their hard work growing that group evaporates the
    Moderators need a way of contact of members making a landbased group so if the online group is kicked off Facebook they can still meet in-person.

  10. And no Alaskan leader including Forrest Dunbar be wise accepting any support from any California Democrat right now while We can smell the stench coming all the way up here from California because of Democrats.
    I hope the California residents STILL sticking it out will have success Recalling Governor Newseum. Naah Naah Naah Naah, Naah naah Naah naah Goodbye, forever!

  11. I don’t know about anyone else but, I can’t wait to vote the nightmare that is the Assembly and Mayor out the door (with the exception of Ms. Allard). Tell your friends, family and anyone with an ear to hear to do the same. It’s either that or Drag Queen Story Time in perpetuity at the LooseSack Library – where you can check out books and slightly tainted non-binary clothing on the cheap.

  12. The Democrat party is falling apart? We can only hope they implode. California is recalling Gov Newsome because of total incompetence. NY Gov Cuomo is being recalled due to killing people in nursing homes and molesting women. It goes right down the line. Same for Anchorage’s previous mayor. They’re lucky they have mainstream media to protect them or it would be worse.

  13. Dunbar is Anti -Alaskan and pro San Francisco. Get lost loser. Go violate your oath of office elsewhere hypocrite.

  14. Does anyone know what bush community Forrest Dunbar claims he grew up in? A friend of mine says he was picking up Mr. Dunbar at his home in Anchorage to take him on youthful outings. It seems that Mr. Dunbar may be fibbing on the “bush” childhood thing. Needs to be checked.

    • That’s what I was thinking. I think he claimed Eagle was one of them. Pretty easy to check with a few locals on that.

    • Dave – There is a donation button right there at the top of the page. And we sell ads. – sd

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