Senate organizes with Micciche as Senate president


Democrats in the Alaska Senate were first to announce that they are in the minority, with the 13 Republicans in the Alaska Senate organizing a majority.

The organization makes Peter Micciche of Kenai the Senate President. Micciche has been working with Republicans since August to try to keep the diverse group of senators, representing wildly different constituencies, together to form an organization.

At 10:45 am, the Senate was preparing to gavel into session with Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer presiding, and then the process of taking a vote for a Senate leader will take place.

Update: The vote for Peter Micciche as Senate President was taken and there was no objection.

10:50 am: The swearing in ceremony has begun in the Senate, and senators are doing their oath of office in groups.

This story will be updated as more positions in the Senate organization are assigned.

“We had many conversations with members of the Senate, but unfortunately, some of those members will not put party politics aside in favor of working with Democrats in a bipartisan fashion for an Alaska agenda that seeks to help all of us recover from the difficulties of this past year,” said Senate Democrat Leader Tom Begich of Anchorage. “Our state faces great challenges and we must put political difference aside.”

He added that getting 11 votes on a budget would not be an easy task for the Republican Majority.

The Senate Democrats have re-elected Tom Begich as the Senate Democrat leader.

Must Read Alaska


    • “Put political differences aside,” says Begich. Right. Something the Democrats do all the time, correct?
      Well, not really. Only when they are out of power. Otherwise, they think not a scintilla of screwing over the Republicans. Stick it to em good, Senate Republicans.

  1. Glad to see the Senate figure this out, now for the House to follow suit.
    Seems like Senate Democrat Leader Tom Begich is wholly unable to put his politics aside. It would be nice to see him work “in a bipartisan fashion for an Alaska agenda” for a change.

  2. Peter Micciche has advocated for protecting the Permanent Fund and ensuring that a PFD will be paid to eligible Alaskans. Good luck with protecting both the PFD and the PF. With luck and hard work, Senator Micciche and the Senate will come up with a resolution to protect the PF and PFD that voters can review and vote on at the next election that will address this critical issue.

    • Give these Republicans an opportunity to address these questions. Joe, I don’t believe that you are a Conservative, and you probably fall deeper into the progressive-Left camp.

      • Naomi: I don’t know about you, but I have been working with R’s and D’s for years to protect the Permanent Fund and the PFD.
        Get a grip and start working in a realistic manner to solve our problems and stop with the mindless labels disconnected from facts.

    • Exactly. Takes his orders from Von Imhoff and one of the original Senators who took the PFD AWAY from Alaskans. Him saying now he’s is for Alaskans getting it is a total lie. He was thrilled, literally GIDDY when the Senate withheld it.

  3. I don’t know how this new leadership will pan out, but isn’t it a refreshing breath of fragrant air, to not have Cathy Giessel anywhere in the vicinity ?

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