Sen. Shelley Hughes is majority leader of Senate


The Alaska Senate Republicans have announced their leadership organization with the following senators:

  • Shelley Hughes, Majority Leader
  • Mia Costello, Whip
  • Gary Stevens, Rules
  • Finance co-chairs: Bert Stedman and Click Bishop
  • President, Peter Micciche

The caucus is based on the principle of a “Caucus of Equals” philosophy, “recognizing the diverse nature of the group and the districts throughout the state represented by the members.”

Committee assignments, including committee chairs and membership, will be forthcoming, the Senate Majority wrote.


  1. Excellent!! A superb choice!! Shelley Hughes will function with skill, integrity and commitment in this most important role!!

    • Karma is rewarding Hughes for holding her tongue and going above and beyond in patience when Cathy Giessel threw her under multiple buses and stabbed Hughes in the back out of revenge when Hughes refused to vote for a bloated state budget. Giessel demoted Hughes, reduced pay from her staff and other “punishments” for Hughes voting the way her constituents asked her to the last few years. It’s refreshing to see (hopefully) a new group move forward and past binding caucus crap that stalled funding and trashed what should be a much smoother process in the legislature. It was satisfying to see Giessel lose an election, but this news makes it even sweeter to see those who used power to abuse their colleagues to be dealt with. Thank you universe.

  2. Disappointed to see RINOs in leadership positions with Gary Stevens, Rules and Finance co-chairs: Bert Stedman and Click Bishop.

  3. I agree with Mike Ryan and I hope Shelley will stay true to the state and her voters. With what happened in the national election we are going to need a strong voice in Juneau.

  4. Shelley is awesome- but the president is one of the PFD thieves and establishment types that literally hates Alaskans- so go figure. Another Von Imhoff establishment pawn at the top of the senate. ..and like his predecessor before him, he also hates the Gov (probably because Alaskans, and not the establishment, elected him..), so should be interesting to see how this goes. Spring and summer in Alaska will look like fall and winter in DC as the establishment of both parties and the people that control them, work to overthrow the executive elected by the people. Maybe they’ll turn Juneau into a green zone as well? Start vetting troopers social media and establish a guard of loyalists to protect whatever regime they install?

    Good times.

  5. Okay – – let’s get to work.
    Put the rubber to the road, the pedal to the metal and show the people that you are listening and can balance your governing decisions on what is best for the State as a whole. Make us proud. You have the tools (majority), don’t disappoint. And please, don’t let the Democrats Kumbaya you into a corner – disregard their use of social niceties to disguise liberal agenda. ‘You are in the midst of wolves, Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves’.

    Anchorage is in need of a cleaning up.
    This may or may not happen in the upcoming local election as mail in ballots have proven to be a pathway to corruption. Not to mention the plethora of Republican Mayoral candidates vs. the runner man.
    Fix it now. No IFs, Ands or BUTs – there is too much at stake. People with logical workable ideas are needed. Let’s get behind a clean-up and do it NOW> there are many who will join. Build it and they will come.

    I would personally like a strong review of the strangely passed ‘rank choice voting’ and the, pushed into the last election, – by illegal allowance – ‘lack of signature verification needed’ on the (hopefully dumped sooner than later) mail-in ballot vote. Not to mention the ever ignored, voted on multiple times, issue of moving the State Capitol sessions to a more accessible venue. People of the State are constitutionally allowed access to their legislators, but made impossible for most people of the State due to the remote area of Juneau.
    Change! Make that a reality.

    Let’s all get together, to work to clean up our government.
    Let’s make it: ‘By the PEOPLE, and FOR THE PEOPLE.’

  6. I am truly glad to see the Republicans stick together even if they are not all of the same mind with respect to Alaska’s financial problems. At least they are willing to work together without Democrats constantly trying to run the Senate off the rails from the inside.

  7. Watch out for Click and Bert! There’ll be shenanigans behind the scenes that will impede anything that remotely resembles conservative legislature designed to help ALL Alaskans! Click’s a snake in the grass …

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