Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to step aside

Sen. Mitch McConnell freezes during a press conference on July 27, 2023. He did so again on Aug. 30, while in Kentucky.

In a speech on the U.S. Senate floor on Wednesday, Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he will step down from the role of leading the Senate Republicans in November. He has the record of the longest serving Senate party leader. McConnell gave a copy of his prepared remarks to AP, which first reported the news.

“One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter,” McConnell said. “So I stand before you today … to say that this will be my last term as Republican leader of the Senate.

“If you would have told me 40 years later that I would stand before you as the longest serving Senate leader in American history, frankly, I would have thought you’d lost your mind,” he said.

“I turned 82 last week and the end of my contributions are closer than I’d prefer,” he said.

McConnell will remain in office, he said, until his term ends in January of 2027.

McConnell has had a number of health challenges this past year, including small-but-visible seizures of some sort, while speaking to the media.


  1. Halle ffffing lujah!!!! Its time to party like it’s 1999!!!

    Good riddance Mitch, dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!!

    • He is still liable for the damage she has done to this country.
      Remember who he is and where he lives when the bill comes due.

      • He needs to step down now as well as McRomney. How is it we allow these public servants do things along their narrative? You are gonna quit, kick rocks and get out of the way.

  2. He should have stepped down a few years ago. Too bad he doesn’t have the “underappreciated talent to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter” he refers to, if he did he’d step down now out of all his congressional positions!

  3. After he sticks the US with massive debt, a swiss cheese border, and Lisa Murkowski, he steps aside?
    Two years too late, heck… decades too late. No loss.

  4. I still have a ton of respect for him after he refused to allow a vote in 2016 to put Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court.

    Imagine… Justice Garland…

    Thanks, Mitch!

    • Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And, eventually the blind squirrel will find a nut.
      No respect for him, even for that small victory. The man is a globalist, and might as well have been a democrat. There is nothing about his tenure that is anything but self aggrandizement and grift. That he did something right in the process is no reason for respect.

  5. If he loved America, he would resign and let fresh blood in for the good of his State and the Nation.

    Alaska has some old dinosaurs in Juneau that are due a boot out the door.

  6. “One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter,” 82 year old Mitch obviously does not have that talent.

  7. Long overdue.

    Either his health is worse than expected or he has read political yea leaves and knows his time is up.

  8. Step down now! Not in November. Do it now. You will create too much damage between now and then through bad decisions, inaction and poor leadership. Let a competent fire breathing god fearing conservative in now.

  9. McConnell is another big time RINO and Lisa Murkowski enabler. He’s an impediment to our republic. Married to a multi-billionaire named Elaine Chao, who served as both Secretary of Labor and Secretary of Transportation. Deep Staters, both Ciao and McConnell. Both Trump haters.

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