Sen. Sullivan reports breakthrough case of Covid


U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan reported today that, in spite of being vaccinated, he has Covid-19.

His office released a statement:

“This morning, Senator Sullivan tested positive with a breakthrough case of COVID-19 while in Florida with family. He is experiencing very mild symptoms and will be isolating and following CDC recommendations.”


  1. I wish him the best. I hope he takes the curative meds and gets better. You know, the ones that seem to be hard to find, but actually work.

    • Caterina
      It works but not as it was sold. The shot was in the works since 2013, the cures act.
      It is the first of its kind to cross the blood brain barrier for a reason. Hint: not for health. Friday on the stew Peter’s show.

    • Remember those old Volvo advertisements/stories:

      “I was so lucky to have been driving a Volvo, the worlds safest car, if I’d have been driving any other car, I wouldn’t have survived the crash.”

      That’s how they’ve sold/pushed the therapeutics from Pfizer, it’s a great way to do it, its that wonderful circular logic sales technique that can’t be proved one way or another.

  2. OMG the humanity
    …. Just like the flu vaccines of the past
    Get the vaccine and still get the flu
    “ But it would have been worse w/o the vaccine”. Oh really? Prove it!!
    Get well soon senator. It’s just a cold
    Sorry but I’m not sorry

    • Yeah, that “it would have been worse” line. My brother-in-law works in a hospital and took the stupid shot. My sister has not taken it. All three main strains have passed through their household. He has gotten sicker than her EVERY time. She gets the cold while he gets the flu with a fever. Another friend never caught it on the first wave but then took the shot so he could “travel more easily”. After taking the injection, he got knocked down good. The people who drive the narrative, and the dollars to their pharma buddies, keep playing on people’s fears and ignorance.

  3. Wow. Imagine that, despite being jabbed he got Covid. Kind of like millions of Irishmen did. Pretty weird how the most jabbed countries have the highest rate of infection. Maybe Danny should talk to Senators Johnson or Paul , I bet they could provide him with information in regards.
    I wish the Senator a speedy recovery and health going forward with his life.

  4. Vaccinated and he still got COVID? How can that be? Where’s Dr. Fauci? Don’t worry Dan, I’m unvaccinated and recovered from the Omicron in 2 days. Robitussin and cough drops for the sore throat.

  5. Can we just stop with Covid nonsense?

    1-It’s here to stay
    2-It’s like the flu, but less dangerous
    3-It’s time to live our lives

  6. How stupid are all of the people who fall/fell for the scam of covid? Stupidity does not limit itself to any class, race or gender, it comes down to those who follow the pseudo-science of the propagandist’s “science.”
    I did not follow the herd by being vaccinated, face diaper or was I scammed by the fake science narrative. I did not get or have covid.
    If you believe the crap that was touted, you probably had or will still get covid because you are guilty by blind conformity. No wonder the world is participating in its own downfall, it follows the narrative and swallows it hook, line and sinker.
    I wonder how many more times will the sheeple get covid or should we all expect it to be a lifelong re-occurrence?
    I just have to keep laughing at the people who are so gullible.

  7. Why would contracting “Covid” be described as a “breakthrough” case for a patient who received any number of genetic therapy injections. The pharma companies do not describe these experimental genetic therapies (better described as genetic manipulation experiments) as “vaccines” on their patents.
    The loosely used term of “vaccine” to describe the products with proprietary contents, is due to gullible members of the public being less likely to resist the massive marketing, mass hysteria tactics and government mandates encouraging or mandating the injections when using the term “vaccine” and associating beneficial effects for a lab created variant of a virus. These products do not prevent either contracting, nor shedding the contagion to others.
    Effective pre existing medicinal treatments exist, where not banned by government agencies, that have been proven overall safe and effective for decades.

  8. So now that you have taken the genome therapy called “The Covid-19 Vax” and your T-cells are producing the spike protean with a genetic code sequence written in china, are you surprised? Any chance this is the Fourth Horseman spoken of in Revelations? Choose your master carefully

  9. The vaccine doesn’t work, but it sure has an impressive list of side effects. Nine pages worth according to the FDA & Phizer. Has anyone else noticed an unusual amount of heart attacks in the fully vaccinated?

  10. Shouldn’t be surprised Dan. It’s not a vaccine, it is however a gene therapy as it reprograms your DNA to produce cells with the spike protein that creates a high viral load in your body. You are producing COVID-19 and if you don’t believe me, I would go to a doctor and have your feces and urine checked for the spike protein. You are mass producing them. Also, it doesn’t stay in your arm like they told people. Only 25% stays in your muscle, the rest goes to your organs. Especially the reproductive organs and liver. Checkout the 5500 pages of Pfizer trial documents ordered released by a Federal Judge. There is a reason Pfizer wanted to hide these documents from the public for 75 years. Go to Dr. Naomi Wolf’s website to read through the 9 pages of documented adverse reactions to the so called “vaccine”.

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