Sen. Sullivan: President should see what we saw on the southern border


On ABC News on Sunday, Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan said that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris should go to the border between Texas and Mexico “to see what we saw.”

In response to a question from ABC’s Jon Karl, Sullivan said, “It’s heartbreaking, what you see. And it’s shocking. And what I’ve been calling for, in a respectful way, I try to work in a bipartisan way, is for the president, for the vice president to come down and to see what we saw, to hear what we heard from officials who are on the front lines. But I would disagree with Kate [White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield] on a number of things. There is an open border policy. There is a catch and release policy. And these were changes that the Biden administration instituted.

“And here’s the thing, they were warned. We talked to the officials who briefed the Biden team during the transition. They were warned that if they undertook these major policy changes, getting rid of, for example, the remain in Mexico policy, and making sure that exceptions to Title 42 for families bringing 6-year-olds or under, and for unaccompanied minors, if they made those changes, which they did, that they would see this surge.

“So to me it was shocking. I think the president and the vice president need to go down there, see what I saw, see what the other Republicans and Democrat congressmen are coming down there. There are things that we can do immediately to address the challenges there. But right now it is open borders. It’s a humanitarian and also health crisis that we need to address.”


  1. It’s an invasion. An illegal alien invasion. They’ll all be voting Democrat in a few short years. Adios, America !

  2. Biden doesn’t care. He probably isn’t aware of the border. But Harris/Obama, they are happy as clams.

    This is what you voted for America (allegedly). A man who said come on in, the welfare’s fine. A man more concerned with illegal immigrants than US citizens.

    Orange man may be icky, but he worked to secure the border, not erase it.

  3. He means that Chinese Communist Puppet who stole the election and Traitor Sullivan voted to install……….the Vichy President of a Traitorous Imperial Federal Government.

  4. Careful Dan, you might lose that new found favor you’ve found with the Democratic overlords……..take it easy….. don’t use too strong of language…….

    • Um, yeah what has happened to the Republican Party? We used to be so much better and now… weird stuff

  5. Dan, this is as bad as AOC’s crying photo op. You couldn’t care less Dan. It’s all political theater to you people. You are not fooling anybody.

  6. Some days I feel like I should get busy on finishing my little boat with two spruce trees for oars, to get it sea worthy, for when I play Cuban and row across the bearing sea to take refuge in Miami Russia. This whole place is burning down around us, and the current administration feels as though gasoline is a way better solution than water.

  7. “There are things that we can do immediately to address the challenges there. But right now it is open borders. It’s a humanitarian and also health crisis that we need to address.”
    So, Senator Sullivan, what are the things you are working for that immediately will address the challenges? So far, all I’ve seen from Republican Senators is talking heads working on dismissing any attempts by the Biden administration to alleviate the problem.
    This looks more like a political stunt than a real effort to make a difference for the people at the border. Sure, it’s a difficult problem, made worse by the backlog of immigrants, legal and illegal, who bumped up against Trump’s closed border, which didn’t stop some of them from climbing over the walls that Trump built and that Sullivan champions as making a real difference. Sure it’s a humanitarian problem. That makes fixing it more urgent.
    I’d like to hear some realistic, workable solutions coming from their mouths instead of recriminations for a problem that was dumped into Biden’s lap by their clueless leader..
    I’m listening…

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