Sen. Sullivan and others file formal challenge to Biden vaccine mandate for businesses


On Wednsday, the formal challenge against President Biden’s vaccine mandate under the Congressional Review Act has been filed by all 50 Republican senators, including Dan Sullivan, Mike Braun, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, Bill Hagerty, Roger Marshall, Mike Lee, James Lankford, Rick Scott, Marsha Blackburn, Rand Paul, Cynthia Lummis, Shelley Moore Capito, Marco Rubio, John Barrasso, Cindy Hyde-Smith, John Thune, Jerry Moran, Roger Wicker, Richard Burr, Mike Rounds, John Hoeven, Pat Toomey, Tommy Tuberville, James Risch, Mike Crapo, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Joni Ernst, Kevin Cramer, Josh Hawley, John Boozman, Jim Inhofe, Chuck Grassley, Todd Young, John Kennedy, Ron Johnson, Ben Sasse, Steve Daines, Deb Fischer, Lindsey Graham, Thom Tillis, John Cornyn, Tim Scott, Bill Cassidy, Roy Blunt, Richard Shelby, Rob Portman, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Mitt Romney.

Congressman Fred Keller (R-Penn.) and other members in the U.S. House of Representatives introduced the same bill.

The Congressional Review Act provides an expedited process for Congress to eliminate an executive branch rule. This move to overturn President Biden’s vaccine or test mandate for private employers is guaranteed a vote on the Senate floor. The rule was transmitted to the Senate on Nov. 16th, setting up a floor vote as soon as early December.

“I’ve been co-leading the effort with Senator Braun to ensure appropriate congressional review of President Biden’s overreach in implementing this unconstitutional mandate on private employees before it goes into effect. No employee of a private business should ever be forced to choose between getting vaccinated or putting food on the table for their families because of an unconstitutional mandate,” Sen. Sullivan said.

“In 2020, Congress and the President worked in a bipartisan way on an agreement that we would provide relief to American businesses on the condition they keep their employees. Now, Joe Biden is taking a sledge hammer to that employer-employee connection,” he said.

“Firing hard-working Americans who have made the personal choice not to get vaccinated not only undermines the significant work Congress and the Trump administration did to save millions of jobs during the pandemic, it also exacerbates the workforce shortages employers are already facing. This is just wrong. We all want to put this pandemic behind us for the benefit of our health, our families, and our economy, but we cannot lose sight of the massive, negative impacts that this unconstitutional mandate will have on hard-working Americans and their families.” – Sen. Dan Sullivan


  • On Sept. 8, President Joe Biden announced vaccine mandates that extend to 80 million private sector workers and additional mandates on millions of federal workers and contractors.
  • To implement this mandate, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) issued an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). Employers that fail to comply will be fined $13,653 for each offense and willful violations will result in a $136,532 penalty. This rule places unrealistic compliance burdens on employers—especially during a time where business and supply chains are already under duress. For example, 30 days after publication, all requirements other than testing for employees must be in place. In addition, 60 days after publication, all testing requirements must be in place.
  • The Congressional Review Act (CRA) can be used by Congress to overturn certain federal agency regulations and actions through a joint resolution of disapproval. If a CRA joint resolution of disapproval is approved by both houses of Congress and signed by the President, or if Congress successfully overrides a presidential veto, the rule at issue is invalidated.


  1. Good job Senator. While I think everyone should be vaccinated against Covid 19, I don’t think it should be required just to have a job. How about daily testing? That’s what they do for overpaid athletes and all the staff on sports teams. Let the government pay for that.

    • I dont want the vaccine or daily testing. and since the vaccine doesn’t stop transmitting the disease maybe all of the vaccinated should get daily testing since they have less symptoms and are more prone to spreading the illness.

  2. How about Sullivan fight to have Joe Biden and his cohorts in the democrat party arrested for high treason in the so-obviously-stolen presidential election? It is obvious, U.S. Government, that you stole the election. FBI. Insurrection, my ass. It was Americans knowing damn well what happened and fighting for their country. Stolen election. You are a wimp, Dan Sullivan. I recognized that from the beginning. Sorry I voted for you. Not a man. An embarrassment to the marines.

  3. Now he puts on a show for his perceived “Conservative Rubes”. Only after voting to confirm a stolen election and voting to allow the Green New Deal to got through. Well, Senator not all of us are Rubes! We know you are a Swamp Rat and a Traitor. You belong in Gitmo with Murkowski and Young.

  4. I was quite surprised to read that Princess Lisa signed onto this resolution, but then again, I probably should not have been surprised, as it has no real chance of passing. Just as she voted multiple times to repeal Obamacare when those measures had no chance of passing — but then voted AGAINST repealing Obamacare when it DID have the chance to pass. Lisa is a self-serving, unprincipled, opportunistic snake of the worst sort.

  5. Nice touch, now that the damage is done and everyone is seeing proof of the vaccine’s ineffectiveness on the virus. Just as many people are getting infected, shot or not. Too bad that you are drinking the koolade with Lisa. Thought better of you. My foolishness. But never again my support.

    • Vaccine’s ineffectiveness on the virus???
      The « kool-aid » you may be drinking is in dire need of fact-checking. The people who are filling up ERs, on ventilators and who are dying are UNVACCINATED !
      Employers will certainly be empathetic toward those people with genuine health conditions or genuine religious grounds.
      The « I don’t wanna be ORDERED to do it » excuse just won’t cut it.
      This lawsuit is absolutely ridiculously political and has no relation to the well-being of American citizens!

      • If what you state is true, Catherine, than those ‘lesser than’ unvaccinated individuals shall no longer be of any consequence within due time, as they all have expired, no?

        As unto employers being ’empathetic’ towards those with ‘genuine’ grounds….who, or whom, determines what is ‘genuine’? And what if they do not?

        I would state that the lawsuit, as it were, is AGAINST the ridiculously political and has EVERY relation unto the well-being of American Citizens!!!

        You do you.

        Let the rest of us do ourselves.

      • Sorry but your vaccine doesn’t stop the spread or transmission of covid and that’s an undeniable fact. Your vaccine also has a shelf life of about six months which is why continued boosters will be required. It’s not that millions dont want a vaccine… they dont want to be on a vaccine protocol which is what this is. A mandate on a defective vaccine isnt going to stop an endemic, and it hasn’t even slowed it down in the most vaccinated cities and nations.

      • Nice try. The cranium on some are impenetrable. They’re never going to let you in there. Everybody talks about the survival rate of the virus and that’s a good thing but they forget to talk about all the people that died and then they justify it by saying yeah but..

        • Greg, you keep spouting this innumerate nonsense about “all those who have died”, but statistically that is just next to irrelevant. People die EVERY day, of all sorts of causes, and from many causes that kill far more than the Wuhan Virus every year. So are you going to equally demand that we strip ourselves of our rights, reorder society in numerous fundamental ways, and wage endless and economicy-crushing crusades against heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, falls, etc. etc.? And if not, why not?

      • You need to catch up. Hospitals are filling up with vaxed people. People would Not be dying if early treatment was not denied. Since when does the gov get to tell your Doctor how to treat you? Money maker for Big Pharma is all this scam is. Murky and Sullivan are both as crooked as any other long time Politician.

  6. To little, to late Little Danny.
    You sold “the people” out for a little bag of gold from SloJo.
    Oh, it’s time to act like you are a real conservative since it’s election time.
    Just like Romney, McStain, Chrney and the Bushies.
    You lost my vote.

  7. A little late to the party late Dan, the punch (jab) was spiked, and folks already got assaulted…….. yet here you are, finally, after the fact. #toolittletoolate

  8. Virtue signaling.
    If they had the power to pass it and override the veto…they would never do it.
    Remember all the votes they took to repeal Obama Care?

  9. Senator Sullivan should pay attention closer to home regarding the Alaska Municipal League’s vax requirement to attend their annual conference. A very public denouncing of AML’s divisive and discriminatory policy by Senator Sullivan would help his very tarnished conservative creds after his perplexing support of the Infrastructure Bill. Time to step up to the plate, Senator!

  10. Where was this awesome group 60 days ago? Where were they when nurses were making difficult choices?

    Their feckless voices and foot dragging demonstrates their lack of concern.

    More likely they agree with Biden “in principle ” therefore they waited to see the public outrage before acting for Freedom and Liberty.

    It’s time Alaska
    It’s time for a third party

  11. Congrats. Now what are you doing to protect our federal military members and federal employees from this insane, unnecessary, untested, EUA vax?

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