Sen. Rob Yundt quietly withdraws support for tax on Hilcorp, but Sen. Cathy Giessel quickly adopts it


Sen. Rob Yundt of Wasilla on Friday withdrew his support for his own bill, Senate Bill 92, which would create a tax that targets one company: Hilcorp, an oil and gas company doing business on the North Slope and in Cook Inlet.

Although Yundt now is not sponsoring his own bill, Sen. Cathy Giessel quickly adopted it as a bill sponsored by the Senate Resources Committee, which she chairs. The vice chair of the committee is Sen. Bill Wielechowski, who is one of the persons believed to have convinced Yundt to file the controversial legislation.

Thus, the Yundt Tax will continue to be considered by the Senate, although Sen. Yundt will now disassociate himself from the bill, which has growing opposition from his district. Three Republican organizations in the Mat-Su have passed resolutions opposing his tax and the Mat-Su Borough Assembly, which was considering a resolution in support, has turned against it, sources have told Must Read Alaska.

Earlier this month, when Yundt was still defending his bill, he commented, “Poor Suzanne, I’m afraid if brains were dynamite she wouldn’t have enough to blow a fart,” as his description of this author.

Also earlier this month, legislators have said Yundt claimed to have enough votes for his bill to override a veto of the governor.


  1. Senator Yundt wrapped himself up with anchor chain and jumped off the ship with his SB 92. It seems he wanted to have cosmic impact as a brand new senator with this incomprehensible tax bill. But credit to him that he has had the common sense to withdraw his bill after his constituent’s heads exploded. Now Yundt gets to twist in the wind with great embarrassment while watching Senator Giessel rub salt in his self-inflicted wounds by championing his dumpster fire bill of a bill.

    Lesson to be learned: be better informed as to the consequences of tax hikes on Alaska’s economy and get a much better sense of what your constituents care about.

  2. Yunt—No Brainer. Please Resign so the Valley can get a Senator who truly represents US. We can’t wait 4 years to uneiect you. You Are Political Road Kill. Only Democrats want to use you to carry their legislation forward. You lied to us. Please RESIGN.

  3. Yundt is a complete rookie. Not qualified to be a thinking conservative. His incompetence and rush to seek misguided recognition backfired.
    And as a consequence the Weasel, Cathy Giessel, stole his thunder for the left-wing Democrats and Trojan Horse RINOs.
    Representative Yundt needs more training in logic and common sense before he is unleashed on his constituents and hard -working citizens of Alaska.

  4. Credit to him for withdrawing?
    Why, because he’s a great man of principle?
    Yundt is a fraud.
    He presented himself as a true conservative – a MAGA man.
    And the very first bill (his first bill!) he sponsors was to raise taxes on the largest oil and gas company Alaska?!?!
    He withdrew the bill because he FAAFO.
    Behind closed doors I bet he has a bad case of TDS.

  5. It appears the “Gentlemanly graces” of politics has arrived at the bleak Editor
    It is upsetting to read, hear, or be told, that the level of civility within the Legislative body dissolves to the point resembling uncouth barbaric neanderthals prior to discovery of fire.
    When the debate or situation dissolves to the point of nasty, the debate is won by the side remaining calm and quiet.
    You see in our National Congress, across State Legislatures pointedly at our own legislatures, when comments such as Yundt are made, in session or out.
    No matter the party, civil tones of adult upbringing are urged in the chambers.
    Cheers, Johnson-Ketchikan


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