Sen. Joe Manchin officially drops from Democrat party; will Murkowski follow suit and lose the GOP?

Democrat West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin registers as an independent on May 31, 2024.

West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, retiring from the Senate this year, has reregistered as having no party affiliation.

The lifelong Democrat has hinted this day would come for him. The Democrat party has become far too radical for him, but he’s not a fit for the Republican Party either.

“Today, our national politics are broken and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground,” Manchin said. “To stay true to myself and remain committed to put country before party, I have decided to register as an independent with no party affiliation and continue to fight for America’s sensible majority.”

Manchin, an ally of Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, has long been a centrist. He was West Virginia governor before he ran and won for Senate in 2010.

In 2022, he endorsed Murkowski for Senate, crossing party lines to do so. Two years earlier, he endorsed Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. Earlier this year, the “No Labels Party” entertained the idea of running Manchin as its candidate for president.

Sen. Murkowski has also hinted that she might not have a home in the Republican Party, especially if Donald Trump wins the party’s nomination during the Republican National Convention in July, which she has said she will not be attending.


  1. Lisa left the GOP when she lost the primary to Joe Miller years ago. To insure the permanent reign of the Murkowski dynasty, our election system in Alaska continues to be modified to insure she will never again be removed by voters. A reliable candidate will be groomed and replace her at some distant time in the future. It is all narrative manipulation, there is ultimately only one party that represents the American ruling caste.

  2. Mostly, Joe has voted his mind his entire career. Sometimes blue, sometimes red. He comes from a time when Congress could work across the aisle. Sadly, those days are numbered. How did we get here? Remember when shooting happened on the floor, or duels? It’s been coming, and it’s here now. Get in line for a ticket.

  3. Ok–so now we know we will ‘officially’ lose a Senate seat this year. Her re-election was gamed by RCV. So this election we must vote on the ballot to rid RCV. Hear that? EVERYBODY must vote. And look for replacement for M. sooner than later.

  4. Murkowski dumped the GOP long ago. Might not have a home in the GOP? Good guess so go join your Liberal buddies, lots of money in it for you.

  5. “Today, our national politics are broken and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground”. Except that they’ve compromised us into 49 trillion in debt.

  6. If she did, it would probably guarantee her re-election. Anchorage is pretty much blue, due to the non-voting of people.

  7. Democracy is right up there with goodness, truth, and justice–fantasies! Manchin is joke.

  8. They are all as phony as men/boys identifying as women /girls just to win a phony trophy and title claiming to be the best at “Winning”.
    One would have to lift their tail to find the truth.

  9. I don’t know why people keep wondering whether or not Murkowski will leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party ALREADY evicted her. She is no longer officially in the GOP, even if she identifies as one.

  10. Murkowski will wait until after the 2024 election because if she drops the “R” and Republicans regain the Senate she will be out of most Committee assignments. But then again she is no Republican just a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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