Sunday, March 9, 2025

peltola - search results

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ActBlue update: Subpoenaed for likely foreign ‘gift card’ donations to Democratic Party, candidates

ActBlue, which is a funding application that all Democrats in Alaska use, is under investigation by Congress for its probable use of foreign donations...

Biden double-cross: Oil leases offer minimum required and put most of ANWR 1002 Area off limits

The Biden Administration announced it will hold a congressionally mandated lease sale in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge's 1002 Area, which was an area...

Fritz Pettyjohn: Our new congressman was elected on merit to serve in an exciting time

By FRITZ PETTYJOHN It's better to be lucky than good. It's best to be both. Our new congressman got elected on merit, and he's lucky...

Official Nov. 30 results from Division of Elections show Ballot Measure 2 losing by 737 votes

Ballot Measure 2 "no" votes increased slightly in the final and official count of ballots by the Alaska Division of Elections. Before the ...

A message to the Alaska House ‘majority’: The people have, indeed, spoken

By REP. JAMIE ALLARD “The people have spoken!” It’s always interesting to hear who shouts that first and loudest after an election. The statement implies a...

Paulette Simpson: Stronger tripod in D.C. bodes well for Alaska

By PAULETTE SIMPSON In politics, as in sports, bench strength matters. As players come and go, teams can shift from championship to obscurity in one season,...

Listicle: Fun facts about Alaska’s 2024 election

Number of legislative races that went into ranked-choice voting tabulation: 8 Number of legislators elected who are not with a formal party (but are undeclared...

Fritz Pettyjohn: Congratulations, Nick Begich!

By FRITZ PETTYJOHN Alaska has always been dependent on the federal government, so we like our congressional delegation to build up seniority, and power. It's...

Alaska’s ballot counting marathon ends: Nick Begich declared winner, repeal of ranked-choice fails, and David Nelson pulls upset in District 18

After 16 days of waiting, the final 5,800 ballots in the Nov. 5 election were counted on Wednesday. In all, there were 340,510 ...

Day 15 of Alaska’s ballot counting: RCV repeal tightens again, Begich and Trump gain ground

The Alaska Division of Elections released the results of 2,100 more ballots in the Nov. 5 general election. Tuesday marked the 15th day of...

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