School board to outsource interviews for new superintendent to Leadership Anchorage


School Board President Margo Bellamy told a community council group that the board will probably settle on a new superintendent by April.

Bellamy told the South Addition Community Council that Leadership Anchorage is in charge of the search and interviews for those those apply to replace Superintendent Deena Bishop, who announced she is retiring at the end of June.  

That means George Martinez, program contact for Leadership Anchorage, is in charge of the initial screening of superintendent candidates. The final decision rests with the elected board itself.

Martinez is one of the plaintiffs filing a lawsuit against the new political redistricting maps. He has run for mayor of Anchorage as late as 2021, and was prominent in the Occupy Wall Street movement and as a community organizer, rapper, and former candidate for U.S. Congress in New York. He moved to Anchorage in 2007 and worked as an assistant to Mayor Ethan Berkowitz for several years. He is the vice president of Communications and Community Engagement at Alaska Humanities Forum, where he leads the Leadership Anchorage initiative.

Bellamy described the process for hiring a new superintendent:

“We do anticipate to have the process completed by early March. We don’t really know when we will have a new person because once we get through, you know, the board has to make a final decision, and then we’ve got to do the negotiations for the contract but it will really be more like early April before we have a superintendent. It is ambitious but we believe we can make that happen. and we also believe we can give the community as much input as it wants to have in the process. We have Leadership Anchorage is doing the canvassing and the interviewing, and the data collection externally, and then we have a third-party search firm that will be helping us with the internal component of the search process,” she told the community council.

It is unclear who besides Martinez in Leadership Anchorage is going to be part of the interviewing, canvassing, and data collection portion of the superintendent search. The current class of Leadership Anchorage is comprised of:

April Eide
Aurora Agee
Brennon Land
Camilla Hussein-Scott
Carmen Wenger
Nyabony Gat
Fadwa Edais
Heather Barbour
Jasmine Carter
Joni Earp Spiess
Kaila Pfister
Kevin McGee
Kima Hamilton
Kyle Stevens
Loreen Anderson
Megan Malcolm
Molly Cornish
Nyabony Gat
Traci Bunkers
Weston Eiler

Past projects of Leadership Anchorage are at this link.


  1. Just what is the job description for the school board and what will be the cost to outsource for superintendent? Isn’t it about $67 million the is short in their budget this year?

  2. Yeeeeeeaaaaaaayyy! No way we’ll get someone MORE progressive than intergender bathroom supporting, mask mandating, crt indoctrinating Deena Bishop. I hope they get someone from out of state, pay their relocating costs and give them a ton of money like they did for the guy from Florida that quit before 90 days. ASD is awesome.

    • Anytime I took a bonus and/or relocation reimbursement from an employer they made me sign an agreement to pay them back if I quit within a year. ASD doesn’t do that? Why am I not surprised….

  3. Obviously we don’t need Margo and the other liberal members of the school board. I’m curious as to what the ASD board bylaws say about a search for a Superintendent.

  4. US Constitutional authority is not delegatable to agencies and budwerds. That is repugnant to the US Constitution. They are I believe uneducated regarding delegatability of elected public servantship. It does not werk like that..

  5. They will hire some liberal freak from some Liberal state. They will probably be wearing a Mao/Stalin T shirt, wear big glasses, and have some shade of neon pink in their hair.

  6. “Leadership” reads like a who’s who of the Alaska communist party… This is how to hide behind an “independent” selection board while perpetuating the communist takeover of Anchorage, and eventually Alaska and the U.S. Anchorage, STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR YOUR KIDS.

  7. Enrollments will continue to decrease as people find they can spend their education dollars more wisely in other places without the left wing indoctrination and poor quality curriculum. In this one sense, covid has something positive it can have attributed to it: it opened parents eyes.

  8. How much will it cost the taxpayers to do the job we hired the School Board to do. ?
    Oh well more time for them to prepare their staff to teach Critical Race Theory or whatever they
    call it now.

  9. Our enrollments down? I never did see the numbers. Indoctrination centers as you put it can be a good thing. They teach students how to function in society. Can’t live in the Alaskan woods all of their life.

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