SB 91 Poster Child: Charles Sadler


On Oct. 26, 2017 Anchorage police started getting calls from Mountain View in Anchorage about shots being fired. People hunkered down in their homes, held their children close.

By 1 am, there was a patrol car trolling the area. The officer was flagged down by a man at the 100 block of Ridgeline Loop, who reported someone had just tried to rob him and had shot at him.

The victim told police he had ridden his bike home from the Shell gas station nearby. As he was opening his garage door with the key pad, a man got out of the driver’s side of a car parked in front of his home.

The robber produced a gun, followed the victim into his garage, and tried to force his way into the house. The robber then ordered the victim to empty his pockets, at which point the victim tried to knock the gun out of the man’s hand.

That’s when the suspect fired, shooting at the victim from both inside and outside the garage. Luckily, he was a bad shot and the victim wasn’t hit. Police recovered bullet casings.

The suspect was 18-year-old Charles Sadler. He was located about a half hour later based on the description given to the officer, and he was stopped at the corner of Thompson and North Flower. He had two guns in his car. One was reported as stolen.

Sadler was charged with Robbery 1, Misconduct Involving a Weapon II, Assault II, and Theft II.

He pled guilty on the robbery charge (armed with a deadly weapon) and other charges were dismissed.

On Jan.5 he was sentenced to serve time. But then he was placed in a halfway house.

By Feb. 15, he had left the Cordova Center, the halfway house, with permission only to never return to the facility that is on contract with the Department of Corrections to help prisoners re-enter society.

It’s been less than three months since the armed robbery to the conviction, to the incarceration in a low-supervision facility, to the inevitable escape.

Sadler is 19 now and has been on the run for a week. He doesn’t have a long list of priors, at least in his short adulthood. But rather than his June, 2018 release date, when he could turn over a new page in his life, he’ll be looking at prison when the law catches up with him.

Anchorage is hoping that’s sooner, rather than later, considering his history with stolen guns and his willingness to use them.


  1. SHOOTING AT A GUY IN HIS OWN GARAGE AFTER TRYING TO ROB HIM? STOLEN GUN IN HIS POSSESSION? NO PRISON TIME JUST A HALFWAY HOUSE? WHAT THE F**K IS WRONG WITH THE COURTS? Shoot the SOB on sight. Sue the state and the court system for failing in it’s basic function….keeping the people safe. What good is a income tax or anything else if you are not safe anywhere? Why work for anything if it all get stolen and you get dead? Berkie had all the answers during the election now……..?

  2. It’s too late to blame the courts. We are the fools. We need legislation that requires the LEO to award the law-abiding citizen (the good guy – or woman – with a gun) the ears as a trophy whenever we end the career of one of these vermin. How much has this low-life cost the taxpayer since birth? Bail, no. Bullet, yes.

  3. When walking incessantly door to door in a campaign, result in alegislature we deserve which results in the laws we deserve. People do not get informed and are beguiled by a politician showing up at their door. Gabriel LeDoux is a prime example. She walks and walks and walks. That is how she wins the election.

    She was unable to win as a Democrat so she became a Republican. Why? In her own words: “I became a Republican because I couldn’t win as a Democrat”.

    She has no other qualifications other than as a “Walking Fool”, but she is there and probably will be for life. It’s the best job she’ll ever have.

  4. Good call on this prediction. He was just arrested again for robbing someone at gunpoint, punching them in the face hard enough to break their glasses, and stealing his phone and bike and riding off. This is a bad kid! He managed to run away from the halfway house, get another gun, and rob someone again in just a short amount of time. The kid is a lost cause and needs some serious jail time for his actions. He sounds like a bully, entitled, and an irresponsible child that acts big with a gun in his hand.

  5. Good call on this prediction. He was just arrested again for robbing someone at gunpoint, punching them in the face hard enough to break their glasses, and stealing his phone and bike and riding off. This is a bad kid! He managed to run away from the halfway house, get another gun, and rob someone again in just a short amount of time. The kid is a lost cause and needs some serious jail time for his actions. He sounds like a bully, entitled, and an irresponsible child that acts big with a gun in his hand.

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