Sarah Vance: You can run for office, too



From homemaker to lawmaker. Just. Like. That?

On this day, 6 years ago, I submitted my declaration of candidacy to run for the Homer City Council. It was my first time ever running for office, and before that year, I didn’t even know the name of my mayor. I didn’t know the difference between a resolution or an ordinance, much less know how to write law. What I did know was that the people needed someone to speak up for them.

So, I ran. And lost. Bad.

But then I picked myself up and waited. I waited until I was asked to run for the Alaska State House.

Then I declined. Twice.

After the second time, my husband said to me “I think we can do this.” So, we did.

By the grace of God, I have now been serving in the Alaska Legislature as the people’s representative for five years.

Serving in public office is not for the faint of heart or the weak kneed. It takes guts. It takes grit. And lots of sacrifice. But it’s worth it.

My eldest daughter shared with me the quote by Thomas Paine that surely she reflects on in our life. “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, so my child may live in peace.”

So here we are in August when most people are thinking about fishing and getting children ready for school. I want to turn your attention to local government. You know, the guys who tax you and determine your children’s education? Yeah. Those guys. The same ones you ignore until you’re good and mad at something that went very wrong.

What if you — yes YOU — got involved today and shared your insight into the future of this town?  Could you make a difference? 

I think you can.

If a homemaker can become a lawmaker, surely you can too.

Now is the time. Between Aug. 1 and Aug. 14 at 4:30 pm is the window to run for local office in the City of Homer as well as the Kenai Peninsula Borough. You can do it. I believe in you!

Rep. Sarah Vance represents House District 6, the Southern Kenai Peninsula and several Kachemak Bay communities.


  1. There are more ways to serve than being a lawmaker. And Thomas Paine didn’t read Revelation. “These are The Days of Elijah,” it ain’t supposed to be getting more peaceful before we know peace. Serve where you are, doing what you currently are doing.

      • And so?

        Does his faith or lack thereof somehow lessen Paine’s desire to confront bad times so his kids didn’t have to?

  2. “You can run for office too.” Wrong. A very small percentage should run for office but the vast majority should never do so. Most holding office should not be doing so. Everyone cannot play in the NBA. Or be wealthy, or a genius, or a rock star. It does no good to talk nonsense. Hierarchies are a reality of life.

    • Anyone with a pulse could do a better job than most on our Anchorage Assembly. Anyone with a pulse could also be the President of theese united States of America. There are alot of folks on this forum who have the answers and solutions,,,,,,it ain’t me babe.

  3. We should have candidates take a mandatory class on the US Constitution taught by a Marine or a Veteran and candidates pass or fail a test regarding the US Constitution before running or he or she could be very injurious to the state of the republic locally and statewide. Just know our civics and American history is so lightly presented in Alaskan public school one can easily be an actual detriment to our form of government.

    • Full Illusion Authority comment there. Sorry to tell you that a persons status as a Marine or Veterans (which are the same thing) does not mean anything about their comprehension of the US constitution. Each time I took the oath it was said but in 10 years never was I given a class or training on the constitution. I was however given training twice a year on how not to sexually assault people or offend them.

      The fact Most of the people I served with couldn’t tell you how a law is made was stunning and many many lefties are in the military believe marshall law is a good thing and that rights like the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments should not matter. More than once I had supervisors who were senior Sgt’s (E7 & E8’s) who couldn’t tell me the difference between a Senator or a Congressman/woman.

      Cops largely don’t understand the constitution and they have the power of life and death. Don’t believe me ask them what type of crime “suspicious activity is” and “conducting an investigation” . I will agree that I think every student before they graduate should have a full year course on the US constitution and Civil Rights.

    • I’m down for a basic civics test, but the military has enough to do.

      One does not have to be a vet or active duty to understand the Constitution. Or be able to teach it effectively.

      The Marines need to be teaching how to kill people and break things with the most possible efficiency.

  4. Sure thing Sarah. We can also become used car salesmen and lawyers too! Those positions are at least held in higher esteem than politicians are and for good reason.
    Narcissistic people needing to rule over others hasn’t worked out real well for our citizenry so far. No thanks. There are far better ways to serve.

  5. Everyone can, but should they?

    Far too few of us understand the Constitution (state and federal), how capitalism works, or even how to parallel park.

    Look at the clown show we have now.
    I applaud the sentiment, truly, but we need people of character to run. Not just people who want power.

  6. Encouragement Add on: Suzanne Downing and the contributors at Must Read Alaska are probably influencing more Alaskans through their written work and dedicated everyday work service than being an elected official today serving in Alaska’s boroughs, municipalities, and legislature only making their name a footnote in an Alaska history document for their success. I’m sure there is a house wife of a good husband raising a boy or girl who be the next community influencer influencing millions or tens of thousands without even know the success her son or daughter will reach all because of their mother’s faithful service to her duties and their father’s commitment to providing and protecting his family.

    Furthermore to a comment to freedomak because of lately I been wondering why boomers, gen x, and millennials struggle with narcissism traits and where did we learn the qualities and why did we adopt them? Cause I work around gen z. I can tell you for how misunderstood this younger generation born after 2002 they aren’t narcissistic. They actually more sweeter and more thoughtful than those three generations preceding them. They more delightful to work around. but also they need to learn how to work well with efficiency and how to serve, and gen z needs to develop the perseverance to stay on the course and not quit when working or serving grows challenging and tiring.

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