Ryan Redington, grandson of Iditarod race’s co-founder, is the winner of the 2023 race


Ryan Redington came across the finish line under the burled arch today in Nome at 12:15 pm, winning his first-ever Iditarod Sled Dog Race. The weather was sunny and 4 degrees, with blowing snow.

Redington is the son of racing legend Raymie Redington and the the grandson of Joe Redington Sr., who is considered a co-founder of the Iditarod. “Something he has dreamed about his entire mushing life. I’ve heard him say it countless times when meeting new people and talking about this race. ‘The winner gets a 50 pound bronze statue of my grandpa and that’s my dream- to take home that trophy.'” his Facebook page wrote on Monday evening. This is his 17th Iditarod race.

In his three previous races in the Iditarod, Ryan Redington has placed in the top 10 finishers.

The crowd in Nome as Ryan Redington wins the 2023 Iditarod.

Pete Kaiser was about 10 miles behind Redington, who has set the pace for much of the race.

Redington was born in Knik, Alaska into the legendary mushing family, a tradition he carries even as he trains in fall and winter in Brune, Wisconsin. In the summer, he and his dogs give tours in Girdwood, Alaska.

Joe Redington, Sr. co-founded the race in 1973, and helped establish the route as a National Historic Trail.

Like his father and grandfather, Ryan has been mushing ever since he “could hold onto the sled”, and has excelled at sprint and marathon sled dog races across the Midwest and Alaska. His daughter Eve and son TJ also carry on the family tradition of racing sled dogs, according to his website.

Ryan’s best time before 2023 was in 2021, when he placed seventh. He is also the winner of the 2019 and 2021 Kobuk 440 in Kotzebue.


  1. Congratulations it couldn’t have been a better musher. He deserves it. The Redington name will be in the history books again.

    • Thinking of the local Mushers Association members, Chugiak gets to claim once again ‘hometown pride’ with its association with these dog teams and mushing families. (A person doesn’t forget delivering the Knik Arm Courier at supper time to the Redingtons on Birchwood Loop, as well as to other racing families within walking distance, trudging along in the snow under moonlight, even if over half a century ago!)

  2. Good man.
    Was a little worried as he slowed down a lot after Safety.
    But he made it ….congratulations Ryan!

  3. I believe Ryan was THE only musher to finish the Kobuk 440 a couple years back, as the weather forced all other mushers to scratch.
    Congratulations to Ryan on winning this year’s Iditarod!

  4. What a awesome story, being a long time follower of this event from just a kid, i have always admired such a incredible of a accomplishment as even competing in such a event, I was able to attend my 2nd Cerimonial Start this year, and first official Start in Willow just 2 Sundays ago, I was privledged to Meet his Father Ramey in Willow and Jessy Holmes at the cerimonial start in Anchorage. If there was ever one single adventurous accomplishment I would have liked to done in my life , it would of been compete in this and finish this race, but to even spend the week following these incredible people on this journey,In my opinion. all the other accomplishments of adventure are dwarfed by this event , hopefully the younger ones can Keep it going and more Business’s will STOP being cowards and step up to the plate and Sponsor more of these people. These groups who love to attack this event are all do nothing losers in life, they know nothing! The State and Others need to relish this event and keep it alive, as for myself , i still hope to make the full trip someday when the opportunity is there, although it may be by snow machine or Plane lol! These people are incredible people in my Veiw!

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