Round 1: Homer election challengers denied in court


The group that is challenging the election of Homer City Councilwoman Storm Hansen-Cavasos was denied a preliminary injunction or temporary restraining order that would have prevented her from serving until the case is decided.

The group, led by former council member Tom Stroozas, wanted to make sure Hansen-Cavasos wasn’t able to vote on matters important to Homer while the question of her residency is being argued in court.

Judge Josie Garton favored the City Council of Homer in her decision, but said her rationale for allowing Hansen-Cavasos to serve, for now, would be provided on Tuesday. Courtroom observers said she had appeared to have already made up her mind about the case.

The plaintiff is alleging that Hansen-Cavasos didn’t live within city limits during the year leading up to the Oct. 1 municipal election and, in fact, had renewed her lease outside the city limits, and was registered to vote outside the city limits.

Stroozas and a group of conservatives in Homer believe the City Council erred in giving Hansen-Cavasos the benefit of the doubt when she said she was moving into town and it just took awhile, due to a pending divorce.

The judge did not decide the case itself, but rather she chose to allow Hansen-Cavasos to continue in her official capacity. No date has been set for the actual argument over the case.


  1. So in the (unlikely?) event it is found her holding this elected position is bogus, would that invalidate any votes or official actions she may participate in in the meantime?

  2. Sounds & looks like ‘shopping around’ for the right judge worked, putting an alleged non-qualifying resident on the city council. Now it’ll be ten times as difficult to remove her. They will do whatever it takes, legal, ethical or not. That’s what you’re looking at, conservatives. Across America.
    Comin’ at ya, Homer citizens.

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