Rose Dunleavy waiting out Covid positive test in Japan


The Office of Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy on Saturday announced that First Lady Rose Dunleavy tested positive for Covid-19 while the couple was in Japan, and will stay in isolation until after weekend. Her symptoms are mild.

The Dunleavys were on a trade mission to Japan and were returning home when Rose tested positive at the Narita International Airport in Tokyo, and went into isolation. 

Rose had tested negative prior to flying to Japan early this week, along with Gov. Dunleavy and members of the state delegation. The first lady is fully vaccinated for Covid. All other members of the delegation have subsequently tested negative. 

The journey marks the second trip to Japan by the governor and the first lady; in 2019, they went to Japan at the invitation of dignitaries there to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Alaska LNG exports from Nikiski, on the Kenai Peninsula, to Tokyo.

Following Japanese government protocols, Rose Dunleavy will complete quarantine before flying home to Alaska.


  1. I thought covid was a hoax and the vaccine was a government plot to chip America’s citizens

  2. …while hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, untested for China flu, are encouraged to pour over America’s southern border.
    While Americans bow in awe of following Japanese government protocols, a few might wonder out loud if Japanese government protocols are applied to every American, including say, a President’s wife.

  3. I want Rose back in Alaska immediately regardless of dirty swabs in other countries. She has had boosters. OF COURSE booster residue will likely be detectable. Get her back in her nation immediately!!!

  4. We have wonderful military transport to assist dignitaries. Perhaps they could accommodate since they are in and out of Japan frequently and UK folks simil!rly situated are assisted when necessary. Commercial airline regulations are not the US Constitution or end all be all. What a rotten play.

  5. Covid is nothing but a scam. Just because someone has an itchy nose(alergies) hair out of place(the wind) negative taste for bs(liberalism/etc…) No matter the truth, it is changed due to whatever “identity” politics wants to call something then control the narrative and force their perspective as if it was the truth.
    Oh, by the way Sweeny, the microchip can be detected via Bluetooth. I know where you are.

  6. My prayers are with you, Rose! Get negative soon and hurry home! Thankful the symptoms are mild.

  7. The shot is not for covid or for health. What is it for?
    Guess it would have been worse had she not had the shot.LOL

  8. Japan is a different nation and culture. They are acutely sensitive to foreigness of any type. They are insular in the extreme. They enforce grouping behaviors. A foreign woman alone without a group is at unusual risk. Japan encourages any foreignors to buy covid insurance whatever in the hell that is. Japan has not opened to lone non-tour visitors post covid. Mrs. Dunleavey has inadvertantly been left behind in a very different non-christian country and does not speak the language. Please pray for her immediate and safe return.

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