Ronna McDaniel reelected chair of Republican Party


At the Republican Party’s winter meeting in Jacksonville, Fla, Ronna McDaniel was reelected chair of the party. She was unopposed. Under normal circumstances, the head of the RNC would be blamed for the loss of the presidential election and two Georgia Senate runoffs. But in this case, there is strong party support for McDaniel.

Many Republicans feel that COVID-19 brought chaos to the elections, and that not enough fraud was proven that it would have changed the outcome.

“Being chair of the Republican National Committee has been an honor of the lifetime, and I’m so honored to be re-elected. We have a lot of work to do heading into 2022 and I’m ready to make sure Republicans up and down the ballot have the resources they need to win!” she wrote.

Co-chair Tommy Hicks was also re-elected.

Representing Alaska at the four-day meeting at Amelia Island was Alaska Republican National Committeewoman Cynthia Henry of Fairbanks and party Finance Chairman Craig Campbell of Anchorage.

One item of discussion at the end of the meeting was the sudden statement by Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who said unless President Donald Trump resigned she doesn’t know if she has a future in the Republican Party.


    • Lisa doesn’t have a future in the Republican party anyway. She’s gone. She’s just trying to make like it’s her decision instead of the voters of Alaska.

    • Karin, What was wrong with the protest? They are constitutional. Unless its because it went bad….in which case, you’ll never have a protest again because any protest can go bad.

      • Not against the protest, I feel that they were too open with their plans. It was hyped up so much that the Dems had time to hatch their evil plans. President Trump didn’t help either.

    • I cannot wait to vote Murkowski out with a conservative MAGA Republican. What happened was horrible but I believes was staged by the liberal dems who had time to plan a coup and infiltrate the Trump supporters. There are gates in front of the Capital to keep crowds away. These were missing (on purpose) which allowed the protesters to get to the Capitol. The swamp will do anything to push their agenda. I pray for all the families that were impacted by the death and injuries.

  1. Murkowski is no Republican she needs to go and us Alaskans will make sure come 2022 she is primary out.

    • I cannot wait to find a strong conservative MAGA Republican to support and vote Lisa Murkowski out of office. What happened Wednesday was horrible but the liberal dems had time to infiltrate a peaceful crowd with evil. Physical barriers that should have been in place were not there which allowed the demonstrators to get to the capitol. This was staged by the dems to make Trump look bad and humiliate him as they have been doing for the last 4 years. He exposed the evil swamp. I think there is much to be revealed.

  2. See ya, Lisa. Don’t let the door hit you in the *** on your way out.

    You will *NEVER* get another vote from me.

    • Her mommy and daddy, Nancy and Frank, are so embarrassed by Lisa. The Trojans were in the dresser drawer. Idiots! The DNA just dribbles on and on……

      • Rythm or withdrawal, would have worked as well as abstinance on THAT day. Nancy and Frank unleashed the Trojan Horse. We all ended up as victims.

  3. Nepotism. Murkowski has always been for abortion and the agenda of the left. In a speech quoted by the Clarion paper, she said she sould support whomever won the primary (another lie). Democrats abandoned their candidate and voted for her. Hopefully, even the democrats will know enough not to embrace a known traitor…..

  4. I will never vote for any of our so called Elected Senators or Young again. We need changes & not a Dem or Rep. Time for a new Party

  5. I will never vote for either of our Senators or Congressman again. In fact I’m done with Republicans & Democrats, time for a New Party

  6. Why?

    COVID or not, under her leadership they lost the senate, didn’t fight the election fraud before it got out of hand,
    and rode herd on a stampede of RINOs.

    The whole GOP needs to be burned down. It’s useless

  7. I see the state legislatures in the affected swing states where unlawful voting occured, the unwillingness of the courts, and the abdication of congressional responsibility to give a fair investigation into unlawful voting and irregularities, responsible for what she is claiming is Trump’s fault. Instead they ignore half the nation. Don’t recall her anger over blm antifa, were they in the capital on the January sixth or over this last summer?
    The entire republican party is in for for a surprise, Trumpism is only beginning, those in the party that don’t understand it or support it should get out or be voted out.

  8. Seriously, this lady coun’t even deliver her own state. Let alone allowing the libs to change the election laws illegally. Republican Party are afraid of their own shadow….

  9. RNC parties away in sunny Florida while deplorables freeze in D.C. Deplorables desperately trying to keep the presidency in Republican hands, with zero help from RNC. Trump has his second term stolen, while everything remains ‘business-as-usual’ with the RNC, and McDaniel gets reelected.

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