Romneybucks: The details



U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney on Monday called for $1,000 checks for each American from the government, as part of urgent action on economic relief for working Americans and families during the coronavirus pandemic. President Donald Trump has said he is warm to the idea and that the checks could go out in the next two weeks.
Romney’s proposals would:

  • Immediately Send $1,000 Checks to Each American: Every American adult should immediately receive a one-time check for $1,000 to help ensure families and workers can meet their short-term obligations and increase spending in the economy, he said. Congress took similar action during the 2001 and 2008 recessions. While expansions of paid leave, unemployment insurance, and SNAP benefits are crucial, the check will help fill the gaps for Americans that may not quickly navigate different government options.
  • Provide Grants to Impacted Small Businesses: Provide bridge grants from the SBA to qualified small businesses that apply but don’t receive Economic Injury Disaster Loans. This program would ensure small businesses can meet short-term obligations, such as payroll and rent, without forcing them into future bankruptcies. An eligible small businesses must exhibit a revenue loss greater than 50% from the same month in the prior year. The program will also include criminal penalties for fraud and an audit by the SBA’s Inspector General to ensure compliance.                       
  • Allow “Unexpected Costs Due to COVID-19” as Factor for Pell Grant Amount: To ease the burden on some students who had to make unexpected travel, housing, and storage purchases due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we should amend the Higher Education Act’s “Cost of Attendance” to take into account such costs. Doing this will impact the Pell Grant award amounts and more accurately reflect the current reality for students.
  • Loan Deferment for Recent Graduates Impacted by COVID-19: Defer the payment of student loans for a period of time to ease the burden of those who are just graduating now, in an economy suffering because of the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • Require Insurance Plans to Temporarily Cover Telehealth: To protect the health workforce and connect patients with providers, require all private insurance companies (individual, small- and large-group, and self-insured market) to cover telehealth services, if the reason for using telehealth services is related to COVID-19. The federal government would reimburse private plans for the full cost of services. Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy signed legislation this week that requires health insurance companies to cover telemedicine.                                


  1. Now the PFD with-holders will have extra ammo–look, you don’t need it, the feds are giving you money!

  2. If those federal checks do materialize, Alaskans should “cash and stash” them immediately. If we don’t the Alaska legislature will surely claim the checks belong to them, just like the PFD. No telling what drastic action would face Alaskan citizens then.

    • Thanks but no thanks!! Don’t think I’m in that bad of shape. I made it they the eighties in Alaska I’m sure I’ll survive this crisis.

  3. Governor Dunleavy:. Send PFD checks early……in two weeks. People will need the money NOW rather than October.

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