Roger Holland, contending for Senate, resigns State job to focus on District N race


The man who filed a letter of intent to run against Sen. Cathy Giessel, District N, has resigned from his State of Alaska job as a metrologist (measurement scientist) so he can focus 100 percent of his efforts on his campaign.

Roger Holland said that he would have continued, but he already has District N meetings to attend and “this will open things up for me, and allow me to work on things that would languish on the campaign.”

Holland said he did not need to resign from his state job because he had only filed a letter of intent to run — that is different than filing an actual declaration of candidacy, something prohibited by the State Personnel Act. He would have had to resign by June 1, however.

But Holland’s early fundraising has been successful since he announced his intent on Tuesday to be a Republican candidate and challenge the current Senate president.

District N is the Anchorage hillside and covers House Districts 27 and 28. Holland said he would be attending his District 28 Republican convention and meeting on Feb. 8, from 8 am to 3 pm at Rabbit Creek Church.


  1. Looking forward to seeing his ideas and thoughts on current situations. If he has positive ideas and will represent his base properly he should be running. If a fiscally conservative candidate and a republican in more than label, I’ll donate even though he’s not in my district. We have got to do something about these individuals who like to spend money on bloated budgets.

    • Hey , Bob! I am a fiscal Conservative and more than a Republican label. We are in it to win it and to return the Alaska Senate Republican majority (that we already have) back to power! Then maybe we can show the Governor some support and help get him back on track.
      Roger Holland
      Please check out my website at

  2. Good for him…good for Alaska to get Giessel out of our pockets & out of representing tax & spend interests.

    • Amen to that! People ask me why I voted for Donald Trump. I knew he was a business man who did not like losing, and I thought he would work hard to fix DC. Already, just looking at his Supreme Court appointments, I am happy with my choice.
      Roger Holland

  3. In some ways this race could be more Important than the gov race. What this politician has done, and the betrayal it was, and the hubris and arrogance with which it was done, should test the absolute limit of what a constituency can bear. If she can do it, and they tolerate it? It will basically be a bell weather that the establishment has a lock and the citizens have no will to stand against them. On the other hand, if she is dispossessed of her seat, and rightly shamed for the betrayal it was and the insulting arrogance with which she held it is refuted, then it will send a message to the political class that is badly needed, should Alaska desire to be governed by its people, and not a political ruling class of “betters”.

    • Lawrence, SO TRUE! Politicians need to be held accountable for their broken promises. Cathy Giessel’s disrepect for the rule of law (ignoring special session in the valley) and her flip-flopping on the PFD pledge were just too much! Then the actions on Bloody Tuesday to strip the conservative Senators. I can only guess she feels invincible and unaccountable for her actions, and we need to show her otherwise!
      Roger Holland

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