Robert Moffitt: Pardoning Fauci for perjury would be disservice to him and Americans

Dr. Anthony Fauci was the Covid advisor to President Joe Biden


It seems President Joe Biden won’t stop at letting his convicted son Hunter off the hook. The White House staff is reportedly pondering an unprecedented, preemptive set of presidential pardons for numerous officials who haven’t been formally charged or convicted of federal crimes but may be liable for indictment or conviction under the incoming Trump administration.

Prominent on that list is Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID).

Why Fauci? Team Biden is mum. But the most likely rationale is a possible perjury charge: Fauci testified under oath in congressional inquiries.

At issue: Fauci’s responses to the crucial question of whether American taxpayers’ dollars were used to fund viral “gain-of-function” experiments – research designed to enhance transmissibility or virulence of a pathogen – in a Chinese laboratory.

That issue just resurfaced in a meticulous 520-page report issued by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

“Dr. Fauci’s testimony was, at a minimum, misleading,” congressional investigators concluded. “As established, at the time of Dr. Fauci’s testimony senior NIH (National Institutes of Health) officials and the NIH website defined gain of function research as a ‘type of research that modifies a biological agent so that it confers a new or enhanced activity to that agent.’ Further witness testimony and a plain reading of Eco Health’s research conducted at the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) using U.S. taxpayers’ dollars confirm it facilitated an experiment that conveyed new or enhanced activity to a pathogen—thus, satisfying the definition of gain of function research.”

The Tangled Web

For over three years, congressional investigators have been trying to untangle a complex web of relationships, financial and otherwise, between NIH grantees and American scientists and subgrantees, including top scientists in China, particularly at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a center of coronavirus research. Congressional investigators have also struggled to get clarity on certain controversial lab experiments in China, especially those conducted under the auspices of the EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based recipient of substantial taxpayer funding courtesy of Fauci’s agency.

Over the period 2017 and 2018, researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a subgrantee of EcoHealth, experimented with genetically engineered bat coronaviruses that made them more pathogenic. In that experiment, “humanized mice” (mice engrafted with human cells) were infected with these coronaviruses, and a number of them were sickened and died.

There is no evidence that this particular Wuhan-EcoHealth experiment was, in itself, responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic. Several scientists examining the case concluded that the viruses used in this specific set of experiments were too far removed from SARS-CoV-2 to have originated it.

Nonetheless, in the EcoHealth case, the virulence of the coronavirus had clearly been enhanced. And, in his Jan. 5, 2024, testimony, as cited by the subcommittee report, Acting NIH Director Lawrence Tabak agreed that this case was clearly “generic” gain-of-function research.

Examining the evidence, including the testimony of top NIH officials, the subcommittee thus concluded that EcoHealth was, in fact, facilitating gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The Big Questions

The central questions are these:

  • Did the American taxpayers inadvertently fund dangerous gain-of-function research in China?
  • Did Dr. Fauci and his colleagues know that its grantee (the EcoHealth Alliance) and its subgrantee (the Wuhan Institute of Virology) were conducting such research?
  • Did they fully comprehend the grave dangers involved in such experiments?
  • Did Dr. Fauci truthfully respond to congressional investigators concerning these matters?

Complicating the problem is that the technical term “gain of function” has more than one meaning, and various viral gain-of-function experiments have very different levels of risk.

There is a difference between (a) the broader or generic NIH definition of gain-of-function research (cited by the subcommittee) that “modifies” a biological agent that confers “new or enhanced activity to that agent” and (b) the P3CO Framework (2017) that imposes funding restrictions on “potential pandemic pathogens.” The latter is a subset of pathogens that are highly transmissible, have the potential of an “uncontrollable spread, and are “highly virulent” and likely to cause “significant morbidity and mortality” in humans. This is a narrower category, or subset, of gain-of-function research. And that category is subject to funding restrictions.

Based on the record, these definitional differences are at the heart of the Fauci controversy. On May 11, 2021, Fauci told the Senate that his agency did not fund coronavirus gain-of-function research in China. His credibility came into sharp focus on July 20, 2021, during a contentious Senate hearing. Warning him that lying to Congress was a crime, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) again asked Fauci whether his agency funded viral gain-of-function research in China, and Fauci repeatedly denied it.

Following a bitter exchange and dissatisfied with Fauci’s responses, the next day, Sen. Paul requested Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate the truthfulness of Fauci’s sworn testimony. Garland ignored the request. On July 14, 2023, Sen. Paul renewed the request. Again, no response. Citing new circumstantial evidence, on Aug. 8, 2023, Sen. Paul then asked Matthew Graves, U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, to investigate the matter. Again, no response.

Competing Definitions

Today, Fauci claims that he and Sen. Paul were talking past each other in using different definitions of gain-of-function research. For example, in his Jan. 8, 2024, sworn testimony to House investigators, Fauci summarized his position:

“I said that the NIH subaward to the Wuhan Institute was not to do gain of function research. I was referring specifically to the operative definition of gain of function at the time, which is the P3CO framework. And the P3CO framework is a policy and a framework that came out of a policy guidance from 3 years of discussions led by OSTP (the Office of Science and Technology Policy), the National Academies of Sciences, and multiple scientific working groups that came out with a very precise definition. And the precise definition was any experiment that is reasonably anticipated to result in the enhancement of a – and by enhancement it is meant an increase in the transmissibility and or pathogenesis of a PPP. And what a PPP is, is a potential pandemic pathogen. So, if you enhance it, it’s referred to as an ‘ePPP.’ …So, when I was asked the question, did the grant that was a subaward to Wuhan fund experiments that enhanced PPP, that was what I was referring to when I said we do not fund gain of function – gain of function according to the strict definition, which I refer to as the operative definition of gain of function. So, when someone asks me, as a scientist, are you doing gain of function, is that gain of function, I always apply it to the operative definition of gain of function.”

Artificial Distinction

Former Centers for Disease Control Director Dr. Robert Redfield considers this entire episode an exercise in semantic hair-splitting:

“Under the P3CO Framework, the target category is a set of pathogens found in nature that are already dangerous to human beings, and enhancing them through gain-of-function experimentation, federally funded or not, would simply make them more dangerous. Under the Framework’s definition, there would not be a funding restriction, for example, on gain of function research on viruses found in nature that are not yet dangerous to humans. So, under the P3CO Framework, you could conceivably conduct a gain of function experiment on viruses not yet dangerous to humans, but deliberately designed to make those viruses dangerous to humans by enhancing their transmissibility and pathogenicity, and that research still would not be considered “gain of function” for the regulatory purpose of restricting federal funding.”

As Redfield further explains, “From the standpoint of public health and safety, this distinction is artificial. If you take a virus in the wild, enhance its transmissibility and pathogenicity to humans, through gain-of-function experimentation, you are endangering humanity. Period. In short, by leaning on this regulatory distinction between the generic definition and the Framework, you are insisting on a technical distinction that does not make a real difference in terms of public safety.”

Congressional investigators had, and have, every reason to be suspicious. Note that as of Oct. 19, 2021, the NIH defined “gain of function” research as “a type of research that modifies a biological agent so that it confers a new or enhanced activity to that agent.” That clear and concise definition disappeared from the NIH website “on or about” Oct. 20, 2021, following an inquiry on EcoHealth funding and coronavirus research in Wuhan from Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chair of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.

With the incoming Trump administration, congressional investigators should have unrestricted access to unredacted documents, reports, memos, and emails, as well as more unfiltered testimony than even the impressive House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has been able to extract from the uncooperative Biden administration. That flood of evidence will shed more light on the unresolved Covid-19 controversies.

A Disservice

In the meantime, President Biden should not offer any type of blanket pardon to Dr. Fauci for what he may or may not have done. A preemptive pardon, without indictment or conviction, presumes that Fauci may have done something wrong. His testimony has been consistent, even though it may have been “misleading,” as the House subcommittee report contends. By granting some sort of blanket pardon, Biden would only be further clouding his reputation.

The inept Biden administration’s repeated failures to do the right thing and respond fully and respectfully to legitimate congressional requests has created another problem that a preemptive pardon cannot resolve.

If Fauci’s responses to Sen. Paul were truthful, Attorney General Merrick Garland could have quickly complied with Sen. Paul’s initial request, reexamined Fauci’s testimony, determined that a perjury charge was unwarranted, and dismissed the entire controversy. Having refused that simple expedient, Garland did a disservice to Dr. Fauci and the public. By reexamining the case, with full access to any documentary evidence, perhaps the new attorney general can put this matter to rest.

More work for Pam Bondi.

This article was originally published by RealClearPolitics and made available via RealClearWire. Robert E. Moffit, Ph.D., is a senior research fellow in the Center for Health and Welfare Policy at The Heritage Foundation.


  1. Perjury is the least of Fauci’s, a modern Josef Mengele, crimes against humanity. Going back to his criminal behavior in his experimenting with painful meds on defenseless AIDS orphans, to his vile and disgusting, inhumane animal experiments, to his current development and dissemination of the murderous Covid-19 virus and equally criminal fake vaccines.. He deserves, along with his cronies in our government and big Pharma, to be tried and convicted, followed by an expedient trip to the gallows. Nothing less will suffice. You can quote me on this!

  2. What about the so called vaccine that doesn’t work, but compromises immune systems and causes many, many deaths via heart problems, strokes, turbo cancers etc ?
    A lady in Rural Alaska stated “ Since the shots first hit the village, many people have died or are dying, yet no one says anything about it ! “
    B. Gates calls it ‘ gene therapy’ , he is a depopulation advocate and more concerning is WHY is president elect Trump inviting him to meet with him ??
    Pray for Alaska folks, seems we are hit with a biological weapon of mass destruction , ( the so cay ‘ vac ‘ … genocide by lethal injection, followed by “ Replacement Immigration ! )
    Pray for Alaskans especially our defenseless children who are needlessly being given the non-vac.
    Friends, fellow patriots, we in Alaska as in the whole world are victims of ‘ Unrestricted Global Warfare ‘ including
    ‘ Elite Capture ‘ of our elected , selected, political leaders to be used as tools to do harm against citizens by weaponization of State and Federal agencies.
    Pray that Almighty God who cares for us, in the name of His beloved, sacrificial Son, Christ Jesus our Savior to hear our prayers of mercy and deploy His mighty Angels to protect us from this great evil overcoming the whole wide world, with spiritual wickedness in high places !
    Pray in the Spirit of the Lord to indeed be our helper, comfort and guide and see us through these horrific troubling times.
    Amen and amen !
    Christ Jesus we need you now .

  3. They will just spend millions of tax dollars and nothing will happen except a slap on the hand.
    Government is a joke.

    • I tend to agree. I have watched almost all the major Congressional hearings, where Dr. Fauci testified.
      “His credibility came into sharp focus on July 20, 2021, during a contentious Senate hearing. Warning him that lying to Congress was a crime, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) again asked Fauci whether his agency funded viral gain-of-function research in China, and Fauci repeatedly denied it.”
      Not quite- instead, Fauci just deflected his answer, loudly screeching“Senator, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
      At about the same time, he was sending out frantic email exchanges with other NIH scientists and policymakers, trying to get them to “self censor” any thoughts about the possibility of a lab origin of the COVID virus.
      We know about this, only because those emails were obtained only after a long court battle that the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) finally won.
      One other thought- Trump was poised to launch a major investigation and inquiry into the history of many childhood vaccines (led by RFK Jr), early in his first term as President. Bill Gates visited him shortly thereafter, and literally talked Trump out of pursuing that plan.
      I surely hope that Gates’ most recent visit to Mar-A-Lago doesn’t produce that same result. Time will tell.
      Happy new year, everyone!????

  4. Under the upcoming Trump administration I would expect him to use the full power of the US Government to go after people both criminally and civilly. He has a long history of suing people to shut them up. Now he will have the full resources of the US Government to fund his lawyers claiming it is their duty to him as the POTUS. He won’t foot the bill the US Taxpayers will as he tries to discredit anybody who dares challenge him. Hold on its going to be an interesting 4 years as he seeks revenge.

    • The left has long been expressing fear that Trump will retaliate. Why is that? Perhaps because there is so much precedent during the administrations of Obama and Biden? Are you admitting that there are grounds for retaliation? Do you think that Trump will behave as they have done?

      • Show me the retaliation towards the GOP? Evidence led them down the road to filing of charges. When will Matt Gaetz be charged for lying on his gun owner application for failing to disclose his marijuana and cocaine use? Trump is very obvious in his statements that he wants to prosecute his perceived enemies. If he has the evidence please bring the charges across the board not just against the Democrats. Don’t worry the only thing Trump 2.0 will accomplish is lowering taxes for the wealthy, and giving away a bunch of money. Then he will go golfing and over charge the US Tax payers for his excursions. He will then let President Musk run the show!

        • I had not received a refund for years until the trump tax cut. It definitely helped me so quit talking about tax cuts for the rich. Democrat tax bills always hurt the middle class working man/woman most. We need a flat tax of some kind.

      • Excellent point. Maybe if they hadn’t started something, there wouldn’t be anything to worry about……

      • Biden has never sought retaliation against his political opponents, he let the DOJ do their job without his interference. If you can show me one statement from Biden where he said he would prosecute his political opponents I would love to see it. Trump has said it repeatedly. The difference between the allegations against those in the GOP and the Democrats is that the Democrats have the evidence, and the GOP has a bunch of allegations.

        • CNN has all the good stuff.
          You can take their info to the court system and use it to hang whoever they target because its “gospel”.

        • you mean like White House visits, on invite, for all the people prosecuting DJT in the last few years. Something like that??? Where the White House stonewalled the turnover of visitor logs to congressional investigators? Like the daily intel briefings in the Obama admin where they were spying on DJT after having lied to the FISA Court to obtain a warrant? Perhaps the fact that a week before J6 DJT specifically instructed his Secretary of Defense to have thousands of National Guardsmen or active-duty military in DC to keep the peace, an order we now know was intentionally ignored twice by the Sec Def and his underlings, which allowed the riot on J6 to occur for the political expediency of the new Administration. Something like that. Your willful ignorance/denial doesn’t mean the facts just go away.

        • Please provide quotes of “Trump has said it repeatedly.”
          Everything I have heard from Trump on this front is exactly what you are saying Biden is doing. Letting the investigative agencies do their jobs, and the justice department do theirs. Just because there are a lot of folks on the left that played a bit loose with their interpretation of the law does not make Trump some kind of tyrant.

  5. If ever there was a Deep State weasel who deserved prison time, Fauci would be at the top of the list. Should also be stripped of his government pension.

  6. This is a nice article and should be read in detail.

    For me, based on the evidence regarding G-O-F research and particularly Dr. Fauci’s behavior, it seems very likely that he KNEW, from the first whisper of a coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, that the virus had leaked from the lab. Yet he obfuscated and deflected and denied rather than admit to what he had enabled. This is the greatest crime of all and for which he will forever be linked.

  7. Failing to prosecute all of those people is just as damaging as pardoning them before or after the fact of conviction.

  8. Garland (Garfinkle) family and his wife’s family (Rosenman) are extremely anti American, anti Christian. They are the definition of deep red commie swamp, the kind that has caused a systemic necrosis of our nation. If Justice was ever served they would simply flee to their other nation.

  9. Bring back the Nuremberg trials and put that POS in GITMO and bring Ann Zink up on charges too, the whole thing was over the top authoritarianism by a drunk with power WHO under BIDEN/harris. We lost so many good people in our schools,hospitals and military over this!

    • Didn’t the whole pandemic start under Trump? You’re telling me the whole thing was orchestrated by the Biden/Harris team? They got the whole world launched and covered up the origins of Covid-19, and 7 Million people lost their lives around the world all to defeat DJT? Did they meet in the basement of Comet Ping Pong Pizza?

      • The panicdemic did start under the Trump administration.
        Curiously, just in time to destroy the 2020 economy, allow massive “emergency” changes to State’s election laws, and encourage massive mail in voting.
        As to any cover up… the Trump administration made the mistake of actually believing Fauci and Birx when they said the virus was of natural origin. When you trust your advisors (both Fauci and Birx were Trump advisors, and he trusted them), you will believe what they say.
        Turns out both Fauci and Birx knew full well the virus was the product of GoF research they were funding. They knowingly lied to Trump, and the American people. Whether it was to ensure Trump did not get re-elected, or to benefit Biden, or just to save their backsides, they still lied.

  10. This is just an old senile human pardoning as many criminals as he can before leaving office, the level of unjust-ice in America today is beyond obscene. The FBI has the laptop yet nothing is done about it. It really is one big club that we are not in! Not one person will be held responsible for any of the lives ruined during the plan de-mic.

    • He doesnt need locked up here.
      He will be in a appropriate place soon enough when He has to answer for the victimization of innocent Americans his actions caused.
      He has lots of blood on his hands.

  11. Missing information in this article is that the plans for this viral outbreak was in the prior administration of Obama. Obama himself, bought four patents on this virus during his 8 years in the White House. The outcome looks quite different when you put all the players into the equation of ownership for the pandemic and why so many different issues. Obama and Fauci were friends.

  12. None of the Criminals in the Biden admin will ever pay for their crimes however if they are pardoned they no longer have 5th amendment protection for those crimes so they will have to testify. The truth will come out.

  13. Fauci is truly one of the most vile and despicable lowlife SOB’s of recent history. He deserves nothing less than a one way trip to Gitmo and a swing from the gallows. just prior to his well deserved eternity in hell.

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