RNC forms election integrity committee to push for more secure elections


Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel announced today the formation of the new Committee on Election Integrity, which will focus on election transparency and ensuring voters have confidence in future election processes. 
“Election integrity is one of the most critical issues we face as a Party and as a country. What we saw this past election – states undoing important safeguards, bypassing the proper legislative processes, and changing election laws in the eleventh hour – was deeply troubling and brought chaos and uncertainty to our sacred democratic processes. As RNC Chair, I will not sit idly by and the Party will respond. The RNC will play a crucial role in restoring confidence in our elections, promoting election integrity, and recommending best practices to ensure that future elections are free, fair, and transparent,” McDaniel said in a statement.

The Committee on Election Integrity will be chaired by Florida Republican Party Chairman Joe Gruters, with Ashley MacLeay, National Committeewoman from the District of Columbia, serving as Co-Chair. The full members include:

  • Jonelle Fulmer, State Chairman, AR
  • Lori Klein Corbin, National Committeewoman, AZ
  • Jane Brady, State Chairman, DE
  • Kathleen King, National Committeewoman, FL
  • Jason Thompson, National Committeeman, GA
  • Mike Kuckelman, State Chairman, KS
  • Mark Kahrs, National Committeeman, KS
  • KC Crosbie, National Committeewoman, KY
  • Lenar Whitney, National Committeewoman, LA
  • Josh Tardy, National Committeeman, ME
  • Nicolee Ambrose, National Committeewoman, MD
  • Barb Sutter, National Committeewoman, MN
  • Art Wittich, National Committeeman, MT
  • Debra Lamm, National Committeewoman, MT
  • Chris Ager, National Committeeman, NH
  • Tina Dziuk, National Committeewoman, NM
  • Lori Hinz, National Committeewoman, ND
  • Steve Curry, National Committeeman, OK
  • Andy Reilly, National Committeeman, PA
  • Drew McKissick, State Chairman, SC
  • Tom Schreibel, National Committeeman , WI
  • Frank Eathorne, State Chairman, WY

 This past cycle, the RNC ran its most comprehensive legal strategy to date, spending more than $30 million on election protection efforts in battleground states across the country.

The Committee on Election Integrity will continue the work of fighting Democrats’ attempts to change election laws, as they did with dark money in Alaska in 2020.  The committee will work closely with state parties and other stakeholders in elections across the country on voting policies and best practices, such as ensuring poll watchers are allowed to properly observe counting processes, and meaningful voter ID laws are codified.


    • It is just more smoke and mirrors. They always claim to make the next election more credible with better integrity, and never hold those accountable for existing election fraud. So the criminal acts by government election officials are never held accountable, thus allowing them to continue committing their crimes with impunity.

      The RNC know this, and they are complicit with the massive election fraud. Which is why they always say “we will fix it – next time” and never do.

  1. And for $30 million we got a lot of handwringing, empty promises and positioning, and fretting over the things Stacey Abrams and her ilk accomplished nationwide. And Lance Pruitt is still out of office. More empty promises, send them more money! It is better spent on quality beer.

  2. The Democrats are going to fight fair elections tooth and nail. They would lose badly if Americans were each allowed to cast 1 vote and they know it. That is why the stuffed the ballot boxes to push Ranked Choice Voting through. What we need is in person voting, government photo IDs, paper ballots, genuine bipartisan ballet counting and stiff penalties for voter fraud and election fraud. Do not use Dominion software or their machines.

        • I can Only hope The residents inside Rural Alaska get tired watching their grown young adult children dying because of addictions, abuse, crime and self inflicted crime, and mediocrity and illiteracy for them to get serious and start changing who they support governing over them even going agianst establishment rural family members who are current community leaders but are only are building their own bank accounts to only give into childrens pockets as an inheritance, while families are dying.

  3. I’m all for that and more, such as prison sentences for elected officials that interfere and encourage, i.e, Nancy Pelosi; C. Schumer; Lisa Murkowski; Mitt Romney; S. Collins; ACO; and any other that fits the actions and spoken profile of these crime-thinking persons in elections.

  4. The Kenai Peninsula Borough is going to discuss purchasing more Dominion machines in the next Assembly meeting March 2nd. People need to get involved. If you don’t participate in politics you end up getting ruled by your inferiors.

  5. Substitute the word “suppression” for the words “integrity” and “protection” in the above article, and you will have the real world version of what it going on. The GOP, as its base becomes more and more hardened and unhinged from reality, has decided it cannot win elections legitimately (Trump said as much), so now they have resorted to trying various ways to keep voters from voting.
    There is no legit reason for this. Trump and his minions tried around 100 times to play the voter fraud card in various courts throughout the country, and failed, due to lack of evidence, in every case except one. Voter fraud cases over the years in all of Alaska amount to 3. Voter fraud is not an issue; voter suppression is.
    Changes to election laws that reform primary and general elections by using a ranking based system are long overdue. The archaic system of having a party centric scheme, where candidates are chosen by party officials, is anathema to democracy. Closed primaries are anathema to democracy. If the people truly are to choose who they want to run the country, rank based elections are the way to override the tyranny of party based elections.

    • Sorry Greg, but I saw and participated in the shenanigans as a democrat (and I am not a republican). All I want is one person, one legal vote. That means not taking the nursing home resident list and filing an absentee for every person who can’t remember their own name; not listing hundreds of absentees out of a run down trailer or empty lot; not going into a processor and having non-english speaking green card workers fill out ballots; and need I go on? If you don’t look you will never see a crime, and few elected officials want to look too hard for fear of finding themselves. TDS runs deep in you. Kim Jong Un and Maduro don’t have voter fraud either.

      • AK, I suggest you present your evidence to the authorities. These do sound suspicious, but I am also suspicious that they may be anecdotal. Virtually all of the evidence that alleged Trump was cheated in the last election was dismissed because there was nothing to back it up.

        • Actually, family members were called to testify before the legislature under oath concerning the allegations (my sister-in-law said that they feared for their lives) and changes were made to the law in Ohio based on evidence and the testimony of many people who observed and participated in the practices. In spite of that, my mother remained a democrat.

    • How exactly is demonstrating you have a legal right to voter suppression?
      Why, in your opinion, is requiring a government issued photo ID voter suppression?
      How does having a bipartisan inspection of votes cast suppression?
      How does cleaning up the voter registration rolls and removing those no longer living in the state (or dead) suppressing anyone’s voter rights?
      Under what basis do you think a Political party should allow those who are not members of the party to chose their nominee?
      What if the Republicans decided they would vote enmasse to force the Democrats to nominate someone they did not want to nominate? Not tough to do under an open primary scheme.
      There are plenty of legit reasons for ensuring the election system is hardened against potential fraud. Just because Trump was not successful in any of his cases does not mean there is not an opportunity to commit fraud, and those opportunities will not exist in the future. Your logic of “Trump could not prove it” is no different that leaving your doors unlocked because you have not been robbed in the past.

      • It is important to note that Trump was not successful in most of the suits because they didn’t allow evidence – most being kicked out for standing or other nonsense. It’s also important to note that he did win a number of them and there are still some outstanding.

        • The fact that President Trump filed suits at all is nothing but a red herring tossed into the debate from the leftists.
          Election integrity is vital, even if there is no prior evidence of fraud. Not remaining vigilant is an open invitation for fraud.
          There is a reason sports has officials on the field.

      • Trump was not successful in his cases because he presented no evidence to support allegations of fraud. You have presented a speculative list of possible ways to commit fraud, but that does not constitute evidence that fraud occurred.
        Election officials in all the states confirmed that the election results in their states were correct and accurate. That included all Republican run states as well as Democratically run states.
        Your analogy of leaving my door unlocked is false. I have left my door unlocked, accidentally, several times, and I was not robbed. This is equivalent to claiming that there are no election laws at all in the various states, the equivalent of the unlocked door, which is not the case. All states have election laws and requirements, the equivalent of a locked door. When these become onerous, they suppress the vote. When they are imposed without evidence that voter fraud is taking place, they are, ipso facto, voter suppression. That was the basis for denying the vote to blacks, known as Jim Crow, until it was legislated away by the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

    • Finally, a comment that addresses the reality of the situation. The only threat to the integrity of elections and the perception of integrity is the GOP falsehood firehose. No evidence of illegal or fraudulent votes and still people have bought into the GOP lies. More people voting means a more representative democracy. This last election held the most participation and thus a government that is far more representative of the people being governed.

      • Wow! the Kool Aid is strong in this one! North Korea has very high participation too. I’ll bet that you want us to be just like them.

        • Very weak comparison. A common tactic to make it analogous to authoritarian governments to perpetuate fear. Funny to use the kool aid jab while avoiding looking in the mirror while saying it.

  6. Why are the Soros funded organizations allowed to operate freely, when he has been kicked out of numerous countries for interfering in elections? He got us some real questionable AG’s for example.

    • Because every politician keeps a hand out for money no matter how dirty it might be nor what ideology they beholden themselves to. That’s why they so feared Trump, because he didn’t need their money and (theoretically) couldn’t be bought. Sadly, he proved too naïve for the deep state and Soros (and others) linked money carried the day. One eligible vote, one legal vote is all I want.

  7. About a half dozen or so districts in Alaska should be investigated for election irregularities and fraud. All Democrats……..of course.

  8. Election integrity is the most important and blatant issue in America today and frankly the most important issue in all the 50 states. Why would ANY American not want to insure that votes are legal and counted Properly? There WAS massive fraud in our last Presidential election and your difference of opinion should not be any reason that YOUR opinion is more important or worthy of publication that one who disagrees completely with you-the loss of our first amendment rights would completely destroy our country.

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