Republicans head into district convention and presidential preference season starting March 2

Alaska Committeewoman Cynthia Henry speaks at the Republican National Committee meeting in Austin, where the RNC decided that Charlotte, N.C. would be the host city for the 2020 National Convention.

Alaska Republicans are going into their local convention season, with the “organized” House district subdivisions of the party holding meetings to choose delegates to the Republican state convention. Some of the House districts are so heavily democrat-dominated or so spread out that they don’t have local Republican committees or officers (Districts 37-40).

The district convention is the process politically active Alaskans go through in order to be considered delegates to the Republican National Nominating Convention, which will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from July 15-18.

It’s grassroots in action: The district conventions elect delegates to the state convention, which is April 19-21 in Anchorage. That’s where the party members vote on who will be among the 26 of 29 delegates to Wisconsin. Three of the other delegate positions are reserved for the party chair, national committeewoman, and national committeeman, for a total of 29.

All delegates (and alternates) chosen go to Milwaukee must pay their own way to convention and cover all of their own hotel and most of their transportation, food, and other associated costs. Therefore, those who want to be delegates to the state convention need to be prepared to pay their own way, should they be chosen by their peers to go to the national convention.

Homer is the first to hold a district convention, on March 2. Not only will locals attend, but other Republicans may drop in — they just can’t vote unless they are in the district. Homer can expect to see Carmela Warfield in attendance; she is running for party chair and is heading to Homer for the district meeting.

After Homer comes Eagle River on March 4. The entire list is below:

Meanwhile, for all Republicans, even those not engaged in district grassroots meetings, the Republican Presidential Preference Poll is on March 5. Again, in those districts that have enough volunteers to run a caucus-by-ballot event, the day gives Alaska Republicans the opportunity to tell the party who they prefer for president among the three that are on the caucus ballot (having paid a fee to the party and being a registered federal candidate): Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy (who has dropped and endorsed Trump).

More about the Presidential Preference Poll and how to take part in these stories:


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