Rep. Laddie Shaw files for reelection


Rep. Laddie Shaw, one of a handful of lawmakers who had not filed for reelection, made it official today: He’s a candidate for District 9, which includes south Hillside and Girdwood, all the way to Whittier.

His previous district was called District 26 and was lower Hillside.

Shaw was born in Landshut, Germany, because his family was in the U.S. military there, and graduated from high school in Flint, Michigan. Shaw is a retired Navy SEAL, with two tours of Vietnam, and he served as the state’s Director of the Office of Veterans Affairs.

Shaw, a Republican, has served since 2018. His website is, and anyone can contribute until the legislative session starts, Jan. 18.


  1. NOT good … we deserve somebody who will stand up against the “good ol’ boys network”. And, sports fans, it is not Shaw.
    When I asked him why he isn’t more representative of constituents’ stated concerns, he told me, “nobody wants to talk about that”. So, “why bother”.

  2. Not a chance. I remember, clearly, when he “stood tall” for 28 year old state workers over the rest of us during the state budget battles.
    He’s a hypocrite and no better than the rest of them.
    At least Von Imhof has the honesty of disrespecting us to our faces.

    • He’s worked hard, taken the slings and arrows of the less-budget conscious and a patriot. Can’t beat that, can you? Thank you for stepping up for him.

  3. Laddie is a great guy with an admirable backstory. He doesn’t scream, bang his fist on the table or do things just to get attention, so some might call him a RINO, but it’s the way he votes that counts, and his record is good. I’d vote for him I lived in the district.

  4. He is a good legislator. If not for three Republicans negotiating their own deals at the expense of all other House Republicans he would be a great committee chair. Voters in Kodiak, Eagle River and Anchorage need to vote out the traitors!

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