Rep. Laddie Shaw comes in for a landing


Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Rep. Laddie Shaw!

You’ve heard of the U.S. Army’s Golden Knights parachute demonstration team landing on the field in advance of an NFL game.

But today, coming off of Mount Roberts and landing on the field of the Senate vs. House softball game at Savikko Park, was none other than Rep. Shaw. He landed his paraglider close to 4 pm, in the middle of the annual nonpartisan ball game.

Such adventures are not uncommon for Rep. Shaw, who has been spotted gliding above Juneau several times this winter. After hours sitting in the House of Representatives, he’ll often be found running to the top of Mount Roberts. His last posted Mount Roberts run was 33 minutes 50 seconds to the tram platform on March 30.

Shaw, a retired Navy Seal, turned 70 on April 8.

(The House team beat the Senate team, 14-10.)


  1. Nice bait and switch, Laddie. Next time you might want to explain why you were the only Republican minority vote on the Walker budget the House majority passed last week. So much for fiscal conservatism. Cheers –

  2. Aw-w, how cute.
    Non-partisan ball games, hang gliding…
    Ain’t per diem grand?
    They haven’t done anything since Day 1, but they do have time to play…
    Can’t wait to see what fun things are planned for the special session!
    With this much time (and money) to waste, maybe shutting government down for a while and going to biennial legislative sessions would be a good thing..

    • Dang Morrigan! Lighten up! They gotta take a pee break once in a while. Take a day off before they kill someone and have a little fun. I think at night some go home or to their rentals and go to bed too! (although a few might still sleep in their offices). Cut them a little slack 🙂

      • Aw heck, you’re right… (gag!)
        Hard to write happy things when your blood type’s B Negative…
        You’d think if St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland, he’d get the rest of them out of Juneau…
        That whole ball-game thing, they don’t realize the difference between baseball and politics which is in baseball you’re out if you’re caught stealing.
        And us, we don’t realize that stopping repeat offenders means not re-electing them.

        • Oh Morrigan, you’re such a dear… I have so many responses and legislative jokes…. but I know Suzanne won’t print them. And you must admit, Laddie is a stud and it would be super awesome if he would strap on Zack Fields and Johnathan Kreiss-Tompkins and dangle them over Gastineau channel for a little wake-up call. Carry on!

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