Rep. Geran Tarr guilty of ethics violation



A legislative ethics committee issued a ruling against Rep. Geran Tarr, who used her legislative staff to perform organizing and fundraising activities for the Mountain View Street Fair Festival in 2017. In other words, she used government resources and government workers on her campaign.

However, the committee recommended no punishment for the Anchorage Democrat.

“Representative Geran Tarr violated the Legislative Ethics Act by instructing staff to perform organizing and fundraising activities for the Mountain View Street Fair Festival in 2017. Representative Tarr and staff performed these organizing and fundraising activities on government time with the use of government assets and resources for a nonlegislative purpose. These activities provided a private benefit to the legislator and the Mountain View Street Fair Festival.”

The House subcommittee offered a suggestion to the legislator that will help her prevent future violations, saying that “Representative Tarr [should] seek guidance of the Ethics Office before committing government resources to a project which would provide a clear private benefit in violation of the Legislative Ethics Act.”

One part-time aide to Tarr spent over 120 hours of government-paid time working on her campaign event. Other staff members of the government provided her similar services for this event.

[The decision can be found. here: Ethics decision on rep. Geran Tarr – H 17-04 Decision]



  1. If the ethics committee were doing their job, they would have to increase their staff 10 fold! To consider there are ethic in politics is to consider Mike Tyson is dating a unicorn.

    • Mike Tyson is an odd man. I know nothing about his romantic life. I do remember him declaring after a fight that “I will eat your children.” I wonder if Rep. Tarr likes unicorns?

  2. Oddly, there is no recommended punishment for Rep. Tarr. Why? Because she is a Democrat? Shouldn’t she at least have to pay back the State of Alaska for 120 hours of pay that she robbed from the state? Why is there no call from the “most ethical” Democrat controlled House leadership for Rep. Tarr to pay back the state from her campaign account?

  3. “I am a liberal, therefor I am good. If I am good, whatever I think or do is good. I have thought and done these things, which are good. Things that I think and do are good and therefor ethical. Thus, I am ethical and nothing I have done or will do is improper.”

    The thinking goes pretty much like that.

  4. The Mountain View Street Fair was a free, one day, event that focused on the diverse community of Mountain View. Mountain View Street Fair took place in the Clark Middle School parking lot and included food and entertainment as well as important access to information on health, social services, community projects, and local businesses.

    Attendees had access to free services such as vision, dental, and HIV/STD testing along with tons of kid friendly free activities.

    Looks to me like it was simply a matter of serving her constituents.

    What government is designed for.

  5. She just following suit with the rest of the DEMONcrats. That is not just ethics violation. It’s a crime. She stole money from the state of Alaska. Why are we not seeking criminal charges. Let’s just say for math sakes that the 1 employee even know there were multiple. 120 * $50.00 an hour after you take account for the benefits package.

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