Recall petition filed against Forrest Dunbar


A petition to recall Anchorage Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar was filed today with the Municipal Clerk’s office in Anchorage.

The petition cites a strong-arming campaign that Dunbar admitted to in an email to Assemblyman Chris Constant last year. Political coercion is illegal under Alaska Statute.

Petitioner Marie Boyd turned the petition in this afternoon, but there are 20 other signatures on the application.

The application must be approved by the City Clerk, who would then issue petition booklets.

In the case of the recall effort for Assemblyman Felix Rivera, it took a court fight to get the Municipality to release the petition booklets. That recall will be on the April 6 municipal ballot, but the petitioners have spent tens of thousands of dollars to overcome Rivera’s legal objections.

In addition to the recall effort against Rivera, Dunbar’s name will be on the April ballot as one of 14 candidates for mayor. He is widely believed to be the Democrats’ favorite.

Dunbar represents East Anchorage, with a term ending in April of 2022.

This story is unfolding and will be updated.


    • The only two worth their salt are Allard and Kennedy. The rest need to be given a swift kick in the behunkus as they’re shown the exit.

  1. I will happily sign that Recall petition when it’s available. Dunbar is a hypocrite and a disgrace to the military uniform he wears and the oath that accompanies it. The man is a prime example of the word deplorable.

    • An unfortunate fact. There are many “Dunbar’s” within the military, and another unfortunate fact, many are “lifers” too.

    • I contacted the Alaska Adjutant General immediately after the emails were released and we could read all about the coercive tactics he (and Constant) used against a local religious leader. Most disgusting was his delight at the his realization that his tactics worked. The commanding general’s aide told me that they were “already looking into the matter”. Now can somebody explain to me why Dunbar used the “Vote Vets” logo, apparently without authorization, on the envelop of recent mailing? Dunbar is a total disgrace to the Alaska Army National Guard, joined only to pad his resume, AND is no veteran.

      • I heard that Dunbar is really disliked in the Guard too; what a surprise, not. The bad part is officers take care of officers, so don’t expect anything to happen. I am 22yr Air Force veteran and rarely seen any officer get in trouble, as it is usually swept under rug.

  2. Thee Old Wise saying goes ,,,,,, To judge a man’s true character ,, give him some authority . Sad part is the people did and will vote for him. That you can see in the Muni leaders that are in office. Get what you voted for.

  3. Best of luck! East Anchorage deserves better representation from its two Assembly Members who actually return phone calls and emails to all its residents not just to those residents who agree with the way Forrest sees the world and wants to improve it according to his standards.

  4. He’s not in my district but Felix Rivera is so I was able to at least sign that recall petition. Now I’m just waiting for Meg Zaletel to have her turn in the recalls.

  5. That’s going to make for a heck of a campaign slogan! You can vote for me to be thrown from office, or to be your mayor…recall Forrest. If you are walking through the woods and all you see is trees, recall Forrest!

  6. Good to see, maybe this will send a message to all of Alaska. Government is by the people for the people. Not Government by Liberal Democrats and if you don’t like it take a hike (or be subject to their lap dog mainstream media). Keep going and as Barack Obama would say, “Always stay on the offensive and never stop.”

  7. Why wouldn’t the Muni release the petition booklets in the Rivera case? Who ordered the booklets to be withheld, and why hasn’t this person been identified??

    Accountability! It’s pretty important in a free society.

  8. The communist will continue to steal the elections as long as we allow the use of electronic voting machines

  9. Keep it coming Alaska we need to take our state back and make even succeed from the union we have everything the rest of the world needs

  10. It’s always interesting to give anyone power the greatest judge of character. Most get to cocky and hang themselves but the ones that don’t prove to be great leaders. Dunbar is a complete communist idiot.

    Remember Jake spoon in lonesome dove. He rode with them and he got hung with them.

  11. I don’t see how the recall can be denied as what he did was illegal and if the clerk doesn’t allow it, have her thrown out too. It’s time to show them that we the people are their bosses, not vice versa.

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