Rasmussen Report: Americans driving less, reducing spending because of high prices


It’s not just in Alaska: Soaring fuel prices have caused a majority of Americans to drive less and reduce spending in other areas of their lives, according to a national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports.

The survey found 81 percent of American Adults say rising gasoline prices are a serious problem for their personal budget, including 56% who say higher gas prices are a very serious problem.

Only 18 percent don’t consider the rising cost of gasoline a serious problem for their budget.

The survey of 1,000 Americans was conducted March 9-10. Those who identify as Republicans are more likely to say that rising gas prices are a very serious problem for their personal budget (68%). Fewer Democrats (47%) said that rising prices are a serious problem for their budget.

Republicans and black adults also were more likely to say rising gas prices are a very serious problem, (68 and 63% respectively). Whites and Democrats were less concerned, (57 and 47% respectively).

Fifty-nine percent of those surveyed are driving less because of rising gasoline prices, while 39% haven’t cut back on driving.

Sixty-one percent say the rising price of gasoline has caused them to reduce spending on other purchases or activities, while 35% have not reduced other spending. Also, more private sector workers (59%) than government employees (48%) said rising gas prices are a very serious problem for their personal budget.

Among those who say rising gasoline prices are a very serious problem for their budget, 75% are driving less. Among those who are driving less, 84% have also reduced spending on other purchases or activities because of higher gas prices.

This story first appeared in Rasmussen Reports. To see survey question wording, click here.


  1. I cringe seeing how much gas the previous customers paid 80-190.00. We continue like this and soon my 20 only be enough a quarter tank. I don’t know how my city neighbors make it. I’d be out of my savings really fast if that was my bill. I wonder what excuses democrats and their media are using to not make this look as bad? You know what! Government aid gas snap is not the answar. Getting out and vote for leaders who’d restore election integrity is. I think quite
    clear where democrat leaders are leading america, to the emerald city-green new deal. Unfortunately! we are the only ones going. All other countries currently are increasing coal, oil and gas, and precious metals and minerals productions, while americans frustratingly watch their money evaporate questioning how much farther can each paycheck be stretched, and how much
    longer do we have as a nation.
    Get out and vote wisely not with your pride.

  2. Most democrats today do some sort of government work. They will eventually change their tune when government work declines and layoffs are inevitable due to running out of other peoples money on this yellow brick road of socialism to a make believe emerald city-green new deal.

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