Radio host Mike Porcaro gets surprise call from Trump


Mike Porcaro, host of the popular 650 KENI afternoon radio show, was surprised this morning by a phone call from former President Donald Trump.

Trump asked, “Is Mike there?” Porcaro recalled. The two talked for several minutes about Alaska’s resource opportunities, the damaged done by the Biden Administration, and the negative impact Sen. Lisa Murkowski has had on the state of Alaska.

Porcaro said he will play the interview during the drive-time show on Friday afternoon, which can be heard live at this link in the 5 pm hour of the show.

Trump will be flying to Alaska on Saturday to headline a Save America rally that will also be a fundraiser for Kelly Tshibaka, who is running against Sen. Murkowski, and Sarah Palin, who is running for the open seat left when Congressman Don Young died in office in March. The rally, at the Alaska Airlines Center on the University of Alaska campus, is attracting international media attention. The stadium will be one of Trump’s smallest venues, holding only 5,000 people. Usually his rallies are at stadiums that hold tens of thousands of Trump fans.


  1. I doubt Trump knows Porcaro’s ad agency helped dupe Alaskans into voting in the rank choice voting scam.

  2. Large convoy of cars and trucks left Fairbanks at 8:00 am this morning heading for the Trump Rally in Anchorage. Save us some seats!!!

  3. Thank you Suzanne tune in at 5:00 ma’am. 5000 only I know the dems built it it looks big bad and beautiful, but it coast to much to maintain and is to small and shallow on the inside dems. Well a tiny amount of us get to see. Trump rally eve.

    • Someone has to since no one wants to talk about it.
      I get it, it’s much easier to believe you won than to face reality.
      The truth is stranger than fiction with you folks these days.

      • Ha ha JMARK thinks that the most inept Democrat candidate of the debates somehow garnered more votes than even Obama had and that all the voting was legit and aboveboard. Keep pretending Mark, but this “election” will someday be exposed, as Biden himself put it, “we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,”.

        • Wrong. Election integrity is critical. The problem with the former President is that he simply does not like the results. Mail-in elections should be eliminated. In the end there is little certainty that a ballot cast in a mail-in election was cast by a registered voter. Judges should not have the power to rewrite election laws. Period. Ballot “harvesting” should be a felony. All of those things should be debated without dividing into “Trump” and “Biden” tribes and throwing rocks.

  4. Wasn’t Porcaro the guy who was touting the “vaccine” & had an Anchorage doctor on who categorically stated that off label Covid drugs were hogwash? None of that aged well. Trump got some bad advice to call him.

  5. Mike has been a strong supporter of conservative values for years. I can’t think of a better , more honest person in Alaska Media for Trump to reach out to.

    • I stopped listening to Mike two years ago because of his belittling Trump, Guliani, and all the Doctors and people who were coming out about the scamdemic and the Biden steal/fake election. A conservative ability, but the way he would joke about the truth that has come out, I hope he has learned to choose his comedy better for it was in poor taste

    • You can be a conservative and still be stupid! Trump should distance himself from Porcaro.

  6. Palin will soon join the likes of other Trump picks like Herschel Walker in Georgia (a serial liar down 10 points) and Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania (down by 9 points). Trump makes his picks fame. You can thank Trump when Republicans lose the Senate like we did in 2020 after Georgia Republicans stayed home.

  7. Did they discuss Gov. Palin raising taxes on our oil companies to kill jobs & give private sector money to the libs in Juno? Just like the “progressives” wanted her to.

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