Murkowski World has far more financial resources to work with than Tshibaka World in this election season. Sen. Lisa Murkowski has her own campaign fundraising prowess, and at least two outside groups serving her up to voters and ready to define her opponent, Kelly Tshibaka.
Murkowski’s quarterly report with the Federal Election Commission shows she has raised a total of $7,527,972 for her reelection campaign, while her Republican challenger Kelly Tshibaka has raised $2,500,335.
Murkowski, who has served since 2002 in a seat that has been occupied by a Murkowski since 1981, has significantly more cash on hand — over $5 million, while Tshibaka has just under $1 million in cash on hand in her campaign, as the race heats up toward the Aug. 16 primary.
Murkowski also has backing from political action committee coordinated by people like Scott Kendall, the liberal lawyer who birthed Ballot Measure 2, a unique voting system with a jungle primary and a ranked choice voting general election, designed to ensure that Murkowski wins in 2022.
The political action committee “Alaskans for Lisa” raised $1.3 million since it formed in December. In addition to Kendall, through his law firm Cashion Gilmore & Lindemuth, longtime-Murkowski operative Jim Lottsfeldt, and lobbyists Jerry Mackie and Mike Pawlowski through their firm Strategies North are behind the group. But other than that, there aren’t any Alaskans who have put money in — only those who are billing the PAC.
The PAC’s biggest contributor by far is John Arnold of Houston, a former Enron trader and now a major player in progressive philanthropy. He gave the Alaskans for Lisa PAC $500,000. Arnold was also a major force to push Ballot Measure 2 on voters in 2020, which created a system that would allow Murkowski to win. Arnold gave Alaskans for Better Elections $3 million of its over $7 million campaign to convince Alaskans to toss out regular ballots and move to a hybrid system that has never been tried anywhere.
John Rowe, an energy investor who lives in Florida, gave the Murkowski PAC $250,000. The American Unity Fund, which advances LGBTQ causes, gave $150,000, and Jeffrey Hildebrand, the chair of Hilcorp Energy Co., also chipped in $75,000. The list of donors is at this link.
Tshibaka has raised more money from Alaskans than Murkowski, and has the support of the Alaska Republican Party, which Murkowski doesn’t have. The Alaska Republicans have censured her and have gone so far as to ask her to not run as a Republican.
Murkowski also has the support of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which has started raising money for her through the pot of money controlled by Sen. Mitch McConnell. The NRSC’s pitch in a recent letter is that Murkowski has been fighting the Democrats “EVERY SINGLE DAY,” which is actually opposite of her strategy of staying as close to them as humanly possible and still get reelected.
The letter, signed by Sen. Rick Scott, says that Alaska’s Senate race has been targeted by Democrats, which it has not. The only Democrat to file for the seat dropped out after a month.
“Right now, our primary objective is to support our Party’s efforts to capture control of the U.S. Senate. As you may know, Alaska has a nationally targeted Senate Race next year. With the national Democrats, their radical allies, and the liberal mainstream media desperate to keep total control of our government so they can force their Socialist agenda on all Americans, it is vital that we stand united in support of our candidates. And with Alaska’s seat currently held by a Republican, we want to make absolutely sure we have the resources to keep the seat it in the GOP column,” Scott wrote.

Elvi Gray-Jackson, who was the Democrat in the race for less than a month, reported raising $161,518. She has zeroed out her account. Libertarian Sean Thorne raised $3,566 and had spent all but $256.
Outside interest groups who have NO idea of how Alaskans feel about her. Democrats as well. She’s definitely is in step with the Democratic Party.
Democrats are so laser-focused, and so coalesced behind their chosen candidate, they have sidelined yet another candidate with a “D” behind their name, in order to get, or keep, a sympathetic False Flag Republican in a seat.
Where have we seen this before?
2010: Does anyone even remember the Democrat Nominee for US Senate? The Alaska Republican Party at that time abandoned the peoples’ nominee and instead got behind the write-in campaign staged by Lisa and Democrat operatives.
2014: The Alaska Democrat Party brazenly threw out tens of thousands of primary votes cast for who? They fired the nominated Lite Gov, and demoted the GOV nominee (a coveted minority) to the Lite GOV chair to install a liberal trial attorney in the big seat. The irony of that move is, today, we are continually lectured about how Republicans are suppressing the vote.
2016: Does anyone remember the Democrat Nominee for US Senate? Again, Democrat operatives supported Lisa over their very own party’s nominee.
2022: (so far) The Alaska Democrat Party forced the only Democrat to register for US Senate to drop out of the race before she had a chance to muck anything up for Lisa. Thanks to the fraud that is ranked choice voting, it is highly likely that there won’t even be a candidate with a “D” behind their name in the general, and Lisa will enjoy overwhelming support of the Alaska Democrat Party.
This is a no-brainer:
Democrats and Outsiders for Murkowski.
She can’t get the support of her own people in Alaska.
Let’s bounce this old hag!
Yes I second that.
She has been a RINO since daddy put her in, I think he put her in because she had paybacks for him. And now she has compromised herself so much she has paybacks of her own. She makes only her little daddy proud.
I put her into the Senate because my first choice, John Binkley, wasn’t giving me enough campaign money for my governors campaign. Honestly.
My bad. When I learned the Binkleys double-crossed us, I told Frankie to dump John Binkley and select Lisa instead. Now, I kind of wish we had chosen John Binkley.
You are kidding, right?!
Murkowski is a Democrat, she is truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I hope Alaskan’s can see what is going on here and not easily lured by a fraudster who is bent on cheating ( Ranked Choice ) and is Pro-Abortion. She is controlled by the Dems.
More like an elephant dressed as a jackass.
Maybe it’s too early to do mental math… but it sure seems like Lisa’s money comes 20% from 3 individuals and the rest is outside liberal dark money. This is not a good look for Alaska.
Just how much of that money came from supporting Alaskans, most probably came from left wing Biden people . In repayment for her votes. She is corrupt, and must go!
Weird for me to defend murkowski, but I don’t think she is corrupt. You evidence?
Lucinda, do you pay attention to how she votes? She is a Republican, when you look at her record is whishy-washy at best. Every time push comes to shove she votes Democrat.
If you aren’t paying attention to how your representative’s vote, I would like to suggest you please do. It’s always great knowing what kind of job they are really doing.
It’s just a suggestion, you are obviously welcome to take it or leave it. Either way, I hope you have a wonderful week.
Hi Sonya. Yes I follow politics and I think it’s not corruption if a Republican occasionally votes with democrats and vice versa. That’s also known as compromise which used to be a virtue.
Joe Miller kicked her *ss in the 2010 Republican Primary. She wouldn’t accept defeat, so she got Democrats to fund her write-in campaign and used state workers to teach the Bush Natives how to spell her name. Lisa Murkowski is a dishonest, greedy rat with no scruples or loyalty to anybody. Not even her parents.
Indeed. Does any sane, rational person really believe Murky actually won a write-in campaign based primarily on a population that can’t spell her name?
That picture, Feinstein & M.Ski, should be plastered everywhere in this coming election. A true representation and emblematic of Daddy’s Little Princess depicting her true character and, the common denominator of what’s wrong with our current political leadership. She deserves to be replaced. The best choice is Kelly-T.
I love that picture, that picture is the definition of: a picture is worth a thousand words.
I am calling in all Lisa’s supporters to triple their contributions today!
Every dollar spent on Lisa is a dollar not going to a liberal that actually has a chance at winning.
Lisa could literally buy every newspaper and tv station in the state and still won’t win. The more she takes in, the better the whole country will be.
Exactly why our country is going down the tubes!! Stop just voting for the lesser of the two evils because Lisa Is a Democrat!! Where do you think all that dark money came from that flooded her account??
This is why conservatives are losing… Because of stupid moves like this. Vote for who is BEST FOR ALASKA!!! Murkowski is not!
Don’t bet on it, Scott. Democrats use Dark Money from billionaire commies.
Part of why the left wins. Nothing stops conservatives from doing the same thing except conservatives.
It is imperative that Senator Murkowski terminate all members of her constituent affairs staff and hire new ones who will be responsive to constituents concerns. That is, IF she is re-elected. I am not convinced that she wants the job anymore. Her staff does not appear to give a damn.
I asked for her help with two federal agencies (SBA since August 2021 and the IRS since November 2021) after I was unable to resolve the problems myself. Both federal agencies were non-responsive to me and the Murkowski staff has treated me similarly. I have received nothing in response to either of the two issues despite my many followup voicemail requests for information. Sherry, who appears to be in charge of constituent affairs and refuses to provide me with her office email address, refuses to call me despite my repeated requests. I would feel somewhat better if she had told me from the beginning to “get lost” as this is the message she has conveyed after a lot of my wasted effort.
In conclusion, Lisa Murkowski does not deserve to represent Alaska and Alaskans in the U.S. Senate. Vote for somebody else!
Money talks, Tshibaka walks.
Walks right into the US Senate.
That George Soros money
You may not like everything Murkowski says or does, but at least she is genuine and says and does what she thinks. And she has always supported Alaska’s industries and businesses. Tsibaka has no moral compass and is not from Alaska. She moved here 3 years ago after working as a D.C. insider for her entire adult life. Her move cost the State $81,000 because she badly mismanaged the move of her household furniture. She made the political calculation that she could get Trump to endorse her over Murkowski, because Murkowski had the spine and the integrity to vote to impeach Trump, and the wisdom and common sense to vote against repealing the Affordable Care Act. And what did Tsibaka have to do to gain the Donald’s blessing? She kissed the ring and proclaimed her belief in his preposterous lie that he won the 2020 election. She also thinks he did nothing wrong when he tried to stage a coup to remain in power. I’ll vote for Murkowski over a calculating spineless dishonest politician who will say and do anything she has to to get elected.
Wah, wah, wah…Kelly didn’t get her seat handed to her with no effort. She was schooled in DC scoping out deception in multiple agencies through hard work and the DESIRE TO SCOPE OUT TRUTH. Truth, honor and knowing what constituents really want is what Kelly Tshibaka has on her side. She has God as her moral compass—something Lisa also lacks. Lisa Murkowski continues to back killing babies instead of truly creating solutions for sex trafficking-rampant with Alaskan Natives, a vulnerable population.
No thank you! We want a represententive not beholding to the invisible enemy that wants to kill jobs, kill oil drilling, kill medical freedoms, kill our state’s options for the future. We want a representative with BACKBONE-NOT WISHY-WASHY. We want a true dyed in the wool Alaskan that is not afraid of telling us which way she will vote and why!
KT has about three times the intellectual horsepower of Lisa Murkowski. Lisa is a rank idiot like her daddy. Alaska Democrats seem to like idiots. Why?
How could you tel the two apart??
Spoken like a true RINO. lol
Murkowski wasn’t elected to think for the Citizens of Alaska, she was Elected to vote the way we tell her to. She is not a leader and she is not in a leadership role. She is a representative and that means there may be times went she must vote against her personal wishes and vote the will of the people whom trusted her to represent them. These elected representatives are not leaders and they are not there to lord over us. They are servants! Let us and them remember that!
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