Public unions love these incumbents



Looking at the amount of money spent on Anchorage Assembly races by unions’ political action committees leads to only one conclusion: They really, really like the five incumbents standing for re-election in Tuesday’s municipal election.

With six of the Assembly’s 11 seats up for grabs, it is easy to understand the unions’ – including public employees unions and trade unions with city labor contracts – interest in this election. The liberal makeup of the Assembly could be changed by voters in this election.

The organizations’ political action committees have spent more than $75,000 on the six races, with one race, in Chugiak/Eagle River, where there is no incumbent in the contest – receiving only $2,000 of that amount.

Unions poured a lot of money into Tuesday’s election to keep the status quo.

Gee, we wonder why.

Read more of The Anchorage Daily Planet at this link.


  1. If conservatives relinquish these assembly seats and allow the liberals to retain them, the conservatives more or less deserve what they get. Damn shame. If little Ethan and cohorts keep control of Anchorage and surrounding area, the onus is on the conservative “non-voters”. One thing can be counted on. The wingnuts/liberals stick together. Like glue. If conservatives observed the same voting discipline, there wouldn’t be a liberal/democrat in any office, period. Conservatives outnumber them about three to one in Alaska. If everyone voted, it would be “nolo contendre”(no contest). The wingnuts wouldn’t stand a chance. Come on folks. Vote these parasites out. Retake what’s been given away by not voting. Alaska belongs to us, not them.

  2. Ballots? What ballots? Do you mean all those votes for union reps? Mail in ballots are ridiculous. So many ways to defraud the system. If I were to be a wing nut, I would cheer the “mail in” ballot scam. The only way they can “win”. If that happens in the general, we’re in for a rougher time ahead.

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