Protest planned for Friday to show mayor that Anchorage has had it with crime


A car dealership on Tudor Blvd. near the site of one of the mayor’s chosen locations for vagrant services had five of its vehicles vandalized last night. The manager of the dealership had last week given impassioned testimony about the overwhelming amount of crime and vagrancy near the dealership.

And then the vandalism came, with hundreds of thousands of dollars of merchandise destroyed. A coincidence? Possibly.

Save Anchorage, a new community grassroots group, is a lead group on a protest against lawlessness and the lack of support for police officers in Anchorage. Actually, they’re protesting the general disintegration of the social fabric in Anchorage of late.

Citizens will gather at New Seward Highway at Benson Blvd., near where the new Carrs grocery store is located, from 4-6 pm.

Sources within the group said they’re standing up against the mayor of Anchorage and the municipality’s lack of support for law enforcement, the mayor’s attempt to force vagrants and drug abusers into centers to be located in family neighborhoods, and the new ordinance by Assembly member Meg Zalatel to tie the hands of police officers when it comes to their duties to keep people safe.

“People are just ‘over’ it with this administration,” the source told Must Read Alaska. “They want their community back.”


At Tuesday’s Anchorage Assembly meeting, the mayor’s vagrant plan will be up for public testimony.

So will Zalatel’s “use of force” ordinance, referenced above.

The Assembly will also consider Chair Felix Rivera’s proposed ban on counseling for those who have gender confusion issues. Rivera’s ordinance prohibits any sort of “sexuality conversion therapy” for those who want to attempt to overcome homosexuality or other sexual variations.

The Assembly will consider an ordinance prohibiting evictions of people who do not pay their rents, offered by Rivera.

The Assembly will hear Mayor Ethan Berkowitz’ proposal to establish an Office of Equity and Justice in his office.

But curiously, no one will be allowed in the Assembly Chambers to testify on these or myriad other controversial items coming before the Assembly.

The mayor has prohibited gatherings in the city and therefore all testimony will be done telephonically.

The entire agenda is at this link.


  1. Thank you for covering this! I saw the photo of the vandalized cars this morning and waited all day for someone to cover it. We can’t stay informed if our news outlets gloss over issues that they don’t like. I want to hear less about COVID and more about the other 99% of what’s going on.

  2. I would like to see our military come into town and remove these corrupt, power grabbing, left wing, marxists sympathizers who are purposefully tearing our municipalities and towns apart and ignoring the pleas of their citizens.

    These corrupt Democrat politicians are destroying the very people who pay their obnoxious salaries and who foot the welfare bills of the poor in their communities. As such, they have a right to demand their elected officials to represent all of the citizenry.

    The wicked have become more and more emboldened during this “plan-demic” and they are unhinged and dangerous to The People. If we don’t set them straight, it will only get worse.

  3. I sincerely hope that the actions of the Mayor and the other marxist radicals on the Anchorage Assembly trigger an overwhelming response from the voting public. What is needed is for a host of good candidates to stand for office and provide leadership in solving this mess.

  4. Want to go to a farmer’s market? Food-truck event? You’re fine! But testify in person at the Assembly meetings… Verboten!

    It seems like this would be infringement on the people’s right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government.

    But what can we do?

    • Suzy Homemaker – a group of us are waving signs Monday 07/27/2020 beginning at 5:00 PM at Loussac. We will be there when the Assembly arrives to discuss and vote on AO 2020-66 (purchasing 4 bldgs with CARES Act funds). We may not be inside but we will force them to look us in the eyes before, and after, their vote.

  5. What a time to be alive! Commit crimes and not be punished. Fail to pay rent and not be evicted. Resist arrest and not be detained. Allowed to riot but not able to gather in large, peaceful gatherings because of a boogey man disease. Yup, the world is a changing.

  6. I was born in Alaska . Please don’t go the way Governor Inslee. Has taken Washington state. Please use common sense and life is We the people ??Freedom .But justice needed to be served. People that commit crimes need to be dealt with even in government offices. The United States is losing the true meaning of freedom that many have paid with there lives. Alaska is a beautiful state but the beauty gets tarnish by greed and money. The constitution states by law WE THE PEOPLE ??. So people check out Loren Culp . He is for the people. You need some one that will do as he is doing for your state. Take a stand. I believe in freedom and God given rights and prayer. ?❤️??. The sad thing is my boyfriend John G Kellogg in Anchorage Alaska was murdered December 25, 2019 and yet nothing has been found or done at sad. So if you know any thing please let me know?

  7. Just to play devil’s advocate for a minute. What do we do with the homeless? Let them continue living in our forests and using it as a toilet among other things,pack them up and send them to another state? Let’s hear some constructive ideas not just complaints. If you think about it we are all just one or two paychecks away from being homeless.
    As for bringing in the military it is unconstitutional to use the military that way. Hythe fact that they are unmarked and unidentified and kidnapping people reminds me of the Gestapo. And let me remind you that under the type of government trump is creating does not allow citizens to own guns. Think about it please

  8. Does Berkowitz need a slightly used (damaged) personal car? Or, maybe all city workers should be required to buy one of these at fire sale prices.

  9. Not one homeless person has tested positive for Co Vid19. This after Berkie declared homelessness a civil emergency.

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