It was a speech and it was a spectacle. The president was victorious and the Democrats were triggered and humiliated by the man they tried to impeach twice without success during his first term.
Democrats in Congress loudly booed and held signs up protesting President Donald Trump throughout his joint congressional address, and after Speaker Mike Johnson tried to restore order repeatedly, one lawmaker was finally ejected.
Rep. Al Green of Houston Texas was removed from the chamber for standing in the aisle and shouting over the president, and refusing to stop. He shook his cane at Trump, disagreeing with the president’s characterization of the November election as a mandate.

About 15 of the Democrats lawmaker women wore pink in solidarity with women, although the Democrats had just blocked a bill to protect girls’ and women’s sports from males. Four years ago during the Trump State of the Union, the women Democrats wore all white and then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore up the speech as soon as he had finished, on camera.
This speech was even more in-your-face to the Democrats. Trump did not yield an inch to them. Several Democrats got up and walked out halfway through it.
The Republicans, who hold the majority in both the House and Senate, drowned out the booing from the Democrats with chants of “USA! USA!”
The Democrats were so dour that many of them would not even sit and clap, much less stand, to recognize a 13-year-old boy who has survived brain cancer and was honored to be in the chamber as a guest of the president.
Trump said that his administration is ushering the golden era, which may be the greatest era in the country’s history. He went through a long inventory of his recent executive orders, getting raucous applause from the Republicans and grumbling from Democrats, who didn’t want to get thrown out like Rep. Green was.
Early in his speech to a joint session, Trump mentioned that he loves Alaska and is going to make the Alaska LNG pipeline a reality, with deals underway with Japan as a buyer.
Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy wrote, “On the global stage, President Trump just committed to our LNG pipeline.‘Beautiful Alaska, we love Alaska!’ President Trump’s support for AKLNG will ensure this massive LNG project is completed, and clean Alaska gas supplies our Asian allies and our Alaskan residents for decades to come! Thank you @realDonaldTrump.”
The speech, which went for over 100 minutes, was one for the ages and holds the record for the longest. It can be seen here:
The Democrats in the chamber, after having held auction paddles with opposition messages throughout the speech, immediately rushed out of the chamber as Trump uttered his final words, “God bless America.” He had triggered them repeatedly and with intention, even calling Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who sat playing with her phone during the entire speech, “Pocahantas.”

There were several Democrats who skipped attending, including:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY): She held a livestream on BlueSky social media.
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT): Confirmed he would skip the address to attend an event with MoveOn, calling it a “farce” and a “Maga pep rally.”
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA): Announced she would not attend, citing Trump’s actions against federal agencies and laws, and planned to meet with affected constituents instead.
Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA): Stated he would sit out the speech, emphasizing the unprecedented challenges to democracy and his prior perfect attendance record at such events.
Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM): Told ABC News he would not attend, saying he’d start attending when Trump “starts following the law.”
Rep. Becca Balint (D-VT): Announced via X that she would not attend, citing Trump’s lies and division.
Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA): Indicated he would skip the speech, frustrated by the prospect of colleagues cheering policies he views as harmful.
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR): Listed in X posts as planning not to attend.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA): Also named in X posts as intending to boycott, consistent with her past criticisms of Trump, though not explicitly confirmed in web reports.
Sen Bernie Sanders (D-VT): Named as boycotting and not spotted in the chamber.
Never seen a more sour-faced, disturbed group of people congregated in one spot. Democrats in Congress are ultra-infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Everyone noticed. TDS is like a contagious disease to these people. But all others appear to be immune.
If LNG is a priority for him, that’s good for us. But now, Mr. President, how much of the public’s money are you willing to spend to make an unprofitable project pay off for the shareholders?
He appears to want to simply make it possible for investors to get it built. What a concept.
“Investors” have had a good 40 years to get it built. Palin had a deal signed and her detractors stabbed it through the heart. The problem isn’t a lack of “investors”. The problem is, and always has been, WHICH investors are allowed to invest.
I think he did say there were other countries investing in the project
Wlmleitch–Trump falsely claimed that Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan had already committed to “the deal” to finance Alaska’s LNG project. However, as of today, Japan had only agreed to consider joining a group to “study” the project, and South Korea has only agreed to join the work group.
How the f do you know what goes on behind closed doors?
And on what grounds do you have this information.?. I think you may be a false prophet, SA you don’t have enough nuts to use your name.
Fair enough..I’d rather have refineries in Alaska then some LNG project that cuts Alaska out completely in the supply chain.
Why do we pipeline our raw materials out, to get refined somewhere else, put on the market, and then we buy it back at a premium and lock in a price because of the ice factor?
How much longer should Alaskans give away crap in its raw form, let some other country refine it, then sell it back to us?
I would support a portion of Alaskas raw materials to be locally refined and distributed to our remote communities.
We have Alaska villages who have paid over $12 a gallon for fuel that originated in our own state.
But that fuel was transported out through pipelines, to ports like Valdez, then barged to other places, to be refined.
Now we are willing to build a longer pipeline to save oil and gas companies money within the supply chain logistical costs?
We get that refined fuel barged back to our communities after we negotiate insane prices for the logistical bs.
We are being bypassed every time we let our raw resources get pipelined out.
We have lost economic opportunity if we don’t build the parts and pieces necessary to participate in the supply chain.
I am not talking about taxes or government, I’m talking about real local jobs, opportunities for small businesses to provide wrap around services for the industry.
If there will be a LNG pipeline-then that pipeline’s off-load point better be at the Nome Port and refineries built at the Point Clarence decommissioned Coast Guard Base.
Or let the Port of Nome cater to tourism and Port Clarence for industry.
We need to stop cutting ourselves out of the supply chain.
We already have a company investing. This was announced a month ago? Maybe two?
W it’s a national security issue for sure. America needs Acess to our gas.
The Democrats made a very bad look for themselves and Pres. Trump triumphed as the leader of our country and the free world. Such a fabulous speech. So proud.
Those poor dems looked pretty grim and pathetic. Most were smug in their hypocrisy and even embarrassed because they knew they were just as responsible as Biden for the near-downfall of the USA. They just don’t get it and never will.
The Democrat Leadership showed that they hate Donald Trump more than they love America.
These are our top leaders of the United States of America. They are role models.
As role models, they could have taken this opportunity to demonstrate to youth that we are in fact a United States of America.
They did not need to stand for everything – but they lost an opportunity to demonstrate a significant teaching moment.
Leaders in Congress relinquished the luxury to be protestors when they took an Oath of Office.
Respect the issues that are jointly agreed upon, passed, and enacted.
Demonstrate leadership by acknowledging any small or large bi-partisan victory.
The Democratic Leadership had the global stage to “take the higher road” and they chose hate over leadership.
Trudy, you have spoken Truly! Great comment!🫡
Representatives, not leaders!
The Democrats are a disgrace! A Disgrace to their party! And a Disgrace to the people of the United States of America! Show some respect! Come on! Really! You Democrats act like a bunch of spoiled little children that have a tissy fit cause you didn’t get your way. Well, maybe the American people should by like a Mother and escort you out of office by the arm!
It looked like a colony of cockroaches on the Democrat side, who have just been informed that the trash was finally being taken out. Greatest speech ever, by Trump.
I had a good laugh watching fauxcahontas typing smoke signals, and watching Ds cry!
It was glorious.
Since the SOTU speech is mandated to be delivered by the President to Congress, how is it that any who choose are excused from attending? Impeach them for violating their oath of office.
The trick is to let the people posting grok AI text diarrhea that you don’t care. They know no one cares and they seethe after reading their carefully prompted ai response was useless.
100 wonderful pure Trump being Trump moments. So refreshing after years of O’Biden screaming and comparing Trump supporters to neo-nazi’s Hitler, and white supremacists. As someone posted on X, after the disgraceful display by the Dems, the 2026 mid-terms were won tonight.
Consistent with pre adolescent behaviour the Democrats exhibited a thorough disdain for Congress and legal citizens.
Reckon Murkowski was perched on the wrong side of the aisle as Pelosi was ‘over there’.
The LNG project is not economically viable or the producers would build it. Japan isn’t going to build it, neither is any other country. I have seen not one article that indicates ANY producer is willing to sell the natural gas they are using to push oil out of the ground.
Its not a bad thing to have the US president in support of developing Alaskan’s natural gas. But details matter.
This quote, from the above article, is wrong:
“Trump mentioned that he loves Alaska and is going to make the Alaska LNG pipeline a reality…”
It is not a LNG pipeline. It is a high pressure gas pipeline. The proposed project takes gas from the North Slope and ships it South, to an ice free port. At the port the gas is chilled to -260F. At that temp the gas turns into a liquid- or LNG. This reduces the volumn by about 600 to 1. From there the LNG must be kept cold until it is used.
The problem this project has is it is not economic. Russia has been sending LNG to market via ice breaking LNG tankers for many years from Yamal. Alaska should do the same, and avoid the massive cost of building an 802 mile long gas line that has multiple compressor stations. Once Alaska gets smart, we might have a project. But the overpaid people at AGDC are making too much money (over $400,000 per year for Richards) to have any incentive, in my opinion, to tell the truth. So our gas sits in the ground.
Getting our gas to market as cheaply as possible imporves the netback for Alaskans- and this means billons of dollars over time to Alaska’s benefit.
The Democrat party seems to have become the party of immaturity, dishonesty, deceit, and delusion.
How about a big beautiful Pebble Mine, where a PRIVATE company using NON GOVERNMENT money to actually create economic development in Alaska?
We are witnessing the 2nd American Revolution unfolding, in the historically rare event wherein reactionary interests are successful in peacefully taking power over a morbidly corrupt dictatorial regime.
Which is what our country has become. A powerful kleptocracy which has been using an all powerful bureaucratic class governance mechanism to perpetuate power and loot the national wealth for a handful of oligarchs.
The Green Deal and the Ukraine scams are prime examples of exfiltrating public wealth while impoverishing and destroying nations.
Most of our states replicate this model including Alaska. We need to clean out the festering swamp in Juneau to turn this state around. Work with the new regime in Washington to open access to our resources. LNG pipeline is just one of many prospects to becoming a productive society.
Instead of focusing on grant writing, shuffling benefit applications and increasing guaranteed benefits to state workers, create productive, wealth generating careers to support meaningful lives for our families.
This new leadership in Washington has sufficient vision to end the carnage in eastern Europe and work with Russia to re open Nordstream 2 and profit off the otherwise useless and parasitic Europeans and explore joint venture projects in the Arctic.
Odds are they would be supportive of projects for us in Alaska. Our best chance to end the dark age of locking up Alaska into decayed urban cesspools into a thriving, productive state is now.
After seeing how the Dems behave with our money, our country and our children, I am starting to see why Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein and Margaret Sanger of planned parenthood were pushing their eugenics onto the masses. One day the Dums will have taken so many vaccines that their bodies will not hold up to any viral attack at all and will soon go extinct. The transgender community will breed itself into such sick mutations that they will have no choice to visit PP. The left will solve all our problems all on their own through natural selection alone. All that will be left are the intelligent ones who did not fall for all those tricks. What a time to be alive!
Add to the two impeachment attempts two attempted assassinations.
So this is what “democracy” means to democrats, disrespect and pettiness, nothing productive. Thank you for the demonstration.
I remember the outcry when a lone member of congress yelled one sentence at Obama. You thought the system, as we knew it, had collapsed. The sea of placards and Mr. Green’s screaming fit where certainly a sight to behold. A most ungracious performance!
For the party screaming that our “democracy is threatened with the election of Donald Trump” now we know what they meant. It is apparently only democratic when their guy or gal wins, otherwise the message is clear; in their eyes the people are too stupid to make the right choice and need to be convinced by any and all means and screw democracy.
He deputized Webster