PR nightmare – Student rep pushes anti-oil message during budget talks



Union of Students representative Alex Jorgensen’s computer was the unfortunate photo-bomb during Office of Management and Budget Mike Barnhill’s presentation to the University of Alaska Board of Regents.

Jorgensen’s laptop was decked out in anti-development stickers as he sat through the presentation with Dr. Daniel White, chancellor of University of Alaska Fairbanks, and Dr. Cathy Sandeen, both visibly stressed at the thought of losing 17 percent of the university’s system’s funding.

State funding for the university system comes from revenues from oil, which the Stand for Salmon voter initiative targeted in a failed ballot campaign in 2018. The sticker above the salmon has a clear anti-Pebble Mine message.

The ironic photo by staff photographer Marc Lester appeared in the July 30 online edition of the Anchorage Daily News.


    • 1. Alaska’s state government (including the U of A) is overwhelmingly paid for by the oil industry (via petroleum revenue). It’s not even close.

      2. UAF’s “genesis” in 1917 was a school of mines. A tradition that continues today.

      3. Most fishing and tourism jobs are “seasonal work.” How many of those jobs require a degree from a University?

      • Iceland,

        You need to remember kids like Adam

        1. Don’t understand economics, or respect economics.

        2. Don’t understand history, or respect history.

        3. See number 1.

        That isn’t to say that Adam doesn’t understand that the bills are paid by adults making adult decisions, just kids like Adam that do not understand these kinds of things. It’s easy to have high ideals when the oil companies you want to see go out of business pay the bills.

          • You’re right I should apologize for micro-aggressioning people who do not understand economics, that oil pays the bills in this state, that do not understand history, and that do not understand when adult decisions are being made bringing stickers that show you clearly do not understand what is happening is not a good idea.

            Tourism and commercial fishing do not pay the bills in this state, they also destroy the environment, just like the e-vile oil companies…probably worse in many ways. High ideals and limited understanding of what is happening doesn’t help pay the bills.

  1. Without the oil royalties, what specific Tax ‘scheme’ would support SOA Gov’t?
    Without the oil royalties, what specific Tax ‘rates’ would be imposed on ‘all’ residents?
    Without the O&G Industry, what would the specific cost of living be in AK, what industries could even come close to contributing the vast amount of immeasurable benefits as does the O&G Industry and Employees?
    Likely, none other!

  2. 1. Alaska’s state government (including the U of A) is overwhelmingly paid for by the oil industry (via petroleum revenue). It’s not even close.

    2. UAF’s “genesis” in 1917 was a school of mines. A tradition that continues today.

    3. Most fishing and tourism jobs are “seasonal work.” How many of those jobs require a degree from a University?

  3. A wise and discerning person can be against specific nightmare development without being against resource extraction in general. AND exactly how is this a P.R. nightmare? Do you believe your spin on a student’s laptop sticker somehow invalidates UA arguments for reasonable and appropriate funding? Is it all about PR to you? What about the meat of the issues and the real human Alaskans affected by this whole debacle?! Spin all you want; it won’t change what matters to the people of Alaska!?

    • Where are the wise and discerning people that are against Pebble? I have yet to meet one in person or read one in print or online in the decade plus since this project has been discussed. All of the wise and discerning people I’ve talked with understand that this project has many tradeoffs, just like any other…including commercial fishing. The project has answered most if not all of the wise and discerning questions about it, including changing the entire scope of the project to assuage some many without wise and discerning questions.

  4. Where are the wise and discerning people that are against Pebble? I have yet to meet one in person or read one in print or online in the decade plus since this project has been discussed. All of the wise and discerning people I’ve talked with understand that this project has many tradeoffs, just like any other…including commercial fishing. The project has answered most if not all of the wise and discerning questions about it, including changing the entire scope of the project to assuage some many without wise and discerning questions.

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