Popcorn and memes: Watch the debate with Must Read Alaska


The first of three presidential debates is Tuesday, Sept. 29, on Fox and C-SPAN, and other channels and websites. While MRAK readers will be watching from all over the state and the nation, they can talk to each other on Must Read Alaska’s Facebook page, which will have a debate discussion starting at about 5 pm Alaska time.

The debate features President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden facing off at Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio.

Biden, who is 77 years old, has been scarcely seen in public this month and is said to have been preparing for the debate, which will be moderated by Chris Wallace of Fox. During his preparation drills, former Obama White House counsel Bob Bauer has been playing the role of Donald Trump in mock debate sessions.

Biden reportedly asked the debate commission that there be a break every 30 minutes during the 90-minute debate, but the Trump camp has refused that request, saying the president doesn’t need breaks.

President Donald Trump, 74, has been out on the campaign trail and holding rallies across the country. He doesn’t appear to have spent much time preparing for the debate.

The six topics for the event are: The Trump and Biden records, the Supreme Court, Covid-19, the economy, race and violence in our cities, and the integrity of the election, according to the Commission of Presidential Debates.

Pollsters say most voters have already decided who they are voting for in the presidential election, but as many as 11 percent have not made up their minds, according to a NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Depending on where those voters are, they could be pivotal to the success of the candidates.

Tune into the debate at 5 pm Alaska time and then check the Must Read Alaska Facebook page, where there will be a discussion and a meme war going on during the 90-minute debate, moderated by Suzanne Downing from an undisclosed location in District 28, and John Quick, who will be monitoring and responding from District 29, Nikiski.


  1. Since President Trump has explained often that Biden has dementia or some other mental problem, I predict that Trump will be brilliant in comparison. Plus, paying $750 in federal income taxes in 2017 proves he’s a stable genius. The best way to end government interference is to stop paying taxes, or just $750. MAGA.

      • It is not unreasonable for someone in Trump’s position to pay millions in taxes every year. The $750 total everyone is talking about is only the final payment. He submitted (if I remember correctly) two extensions for that tax year, each with estimated payments. (Something everyone has to do if they request an extension from the IRS). The NYT focused on the final payment for the last little bit.

        He can still be a stable genius, and obey the law. Whether he likes it or not, taxes are legally required.

      • The man doesn’t even take a salary and gives it all to charity. Yes that’s a tax write-off. Stop being so negative because you’re poor. The tax laws are there because Obama and Biden put them there and don’t blame Trump for taking advantage of them.

      • What an absolutely revolting mental image. You win the internet today.

        …and I’m glad I didn’t tune into the debate. I assume Sleepy Joe and everyone’s favorite Fox News knob were spoon feeding each other. Not for me.

  2. Matanuska Brewing, Midtown is hosting a debate party. Debate starts at 5pm. Mayoral candidate Bill Evans is sponsoring pizza!

  3. I turned it off after Biden told the President to shut up. The disrespect and disdain from the ex-VP and the moderator was palpable. I clearly remember the Clinton and Obama years, when one was repeatedly told that you may not like the man, but you had to respect the office.
    After 4 years of constant attacks the frustration the President feels must be immense. It is like you work very hard at the office and accomplish a great deal. The guy in the next cubicle, who has been there forever collecting a paycheck, but hasn’t manage to produce much truly worthwhile, takes every opportunity to run to the boss and malign and lie about you. Like the President, I sense many conservatives are tired of the double standard, tired of watching law-abiding citizen being threatened by government, tired of watching rioters burn and loot and then get bailed out or not charged, tired of the likes of Pelosi, Shumer, AOC, Galvin, Gross and others twisting or omitting the facts to manipulate public opinion.
    When politician let the thugs run through the streets, while locking you down, attack our institutions and apply the laws to only one side of the debate, this nations seems more like Germany 1933 than Philadelphia 1776.

  4. Appalling experience! I’m stunned by the mendacity, shallowness, and viciousness of the debaters.
    I shouldn’t be – they were both accurate reflections of their most loyal supporters.

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